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29 Cards in this Set

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1. During fetal life, the synthesized hemoglobin is

composed of two alpha and two beta chains.


2. Although a frequent problem, ABO incompatibility

seldom results in significant disease.


3. Sequestration crisis is a serious complication of

sickle cell disease that is unique to childhood.


4. Rh incompatibility is a problem only for an

Rh-positive woman bearing an Rh-negative fetus

during a second pregnancy.


5. Because hemostasis in the newborn is chiefly

attained through the extrinsic pathway, serious

bleeding in the newborn period usually is not a

problem in hemophiliacs.


6. ITP is a genetically transmitted disease.


7. Leukemias are multifactorial diseases, with genetic

disposition, environment, and bacterial infections

playing a role in their etiologies.


8. Which is the most common blood disorder of

infancy and childhood?

a. iron deficiency anemia

b. pernicious anemia

c. folate deficiency anemia

d. sideroblastic anemia

a. iron deficiency anemia

9. Maternal-fetal blood incompatibility may exist in

which condition?

a. Rh-positive mother, Rh-negative fetus

b. Rh-negative mother, Rh-positive fetus

c. Rh-negative father, Rh-positive mother

d. Rh-negative father, Rh-positive mother

b. Rh-negative mother, Rh-positive fetus

10. Beta-thalassemia is:

a. common among Italians.

b. an X-linked recessive disorder.

c. an autosomal recessive disorder.

d. Both a and b are correct.

e. Both a and c are correct.

e. Both a and c are correct.

11. Which statement is correct?

a. Sickle cell disease is an autosomal dominant


b. Sickle cell disease is an X-linked recessive


c. Sickle cell disease is an X-linked dominant


d. Sickle cell disease is an autosomal recessive


d. Sickle cell disease is an autosomal recessive


12. ITP involves antibodies against:

a. neutrophils.

b. eosinophils.

c. platelets.

d. basophils.

c. platelets.

13. Which are factors associated with iron deficiency


a. rapid growth

b. low socioeconomic status

c. cow’s milk for infants

d. Both a and c are correct.

e. a, b, and c are correct.

e. a, b, and c are correct.

14. What is the most likely cause of ITP?

a. stress and fatigue

b. genetic predisposition

c. prolonged occult bleeding

d. viral sensitization

e. Both b and c are correct.

d. viral sensitization

15. Hodgkin lymphoma has:

a. extensive extranodal involvement.

b. rare extranodal involvement.

c. painless cervical lymphadenopathy.

d. Both a and c are correct.

e. Both b and c are correct.

e. Both b and c are correct.

16. In sickle cell disease, vasoocclusive crisis is the

result of:

a. damage to platelets caused by IgG.

b. “plugging” of microcirculation by “stiff” sickled


c. ingestion of sulfa drugs.

d. sequestration of large numbers of erythrocytes in

the spleen.

b. “plugging” of microcirculation by “stiff” sickled


17. Which factor may play a part in the development of

childhood leukemia?

a. genetic predisposition

b. environmental factors

c. viral infections

d. radiation

e. All of the above are correct.

e. All of the above are correct.

18. Which statement is true about acute lymphocytic


a. It is the most common childhood leukemia.

b. It usually occurs between 2 and 6 years

of age.

c. It is uniformly fatal.

d. It is easily predicted through genetic


e. Both a and b are correct.

e. Both a and b are correct.

19. Leukocyte counts approaching


a. leukemia

20. Low platelet counts

b. ITP

21. Lack of coagulation factors VIII, IX,

and XI

e. hemophilia

22. May manifest early as symmetric, painful

swelling of hands and feet

c. sickle cell disease

23. May cause severe hemolysis in the

newborn period

d. Rh incompatibility

24. May result in aplastic crises

c. sickle cell disease

25. May result in fetal death

d. Rh incompatibility

Hemophilia A

Factor VIII deficiency, inherited as a X-linked recessive disorder

Hemophilia B (Christmas disease)

Factor IX deficiency, inherited as a X-linked recessive disorder (less severe than

hemophilia A)

Hemophilia C

Factor XI deficiency, inherited as an autosomal recessive disease (less severe

than either A or B)

von Willebrand disease

Factor VIII deficiency, inherited as an autosomal dominant disease