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61 Cards in this Set

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Dartos Muscle

smooth muscle that wrinkles scrotal skin

Cremaster Muscle

band of skeletal muscles that elevate the testes.

- keep testes 3 degrees celsius lower than body temp

Seminiferous Tubules

- each ball has this

- they uncoil leading to straight tubules

Rete Testis

these form by the straight tubules interconnecting


rete testis connect to efferent ductules which lead to here

Interstitial cells

produce/release testosterone


- process of sperm maturing

- while maturing, they embed in nurse cells

- upon maturation, they enter the lumen of the seminiferous tubules

Head of Spermatozoon

- contains chromosomes

- acrosomal cap w/ enzymes

- enzymes that are responsible for fertilizing eggs

Middle Piece of Spermatozoon

contains mitochondria

Tail of Spermatozoon

- tail called flagella

- mobility

Vas Deferens

- tail of epididymis

- goes thru abdominal cavity via inguinal canal

- before going into prostate, it expands & becomes the ejaculatory gland

Ejaculatory Duct

- within prostate gland

Prostatic Urethra

part of urethra going thru the prostate

Membranous Urethra

merging of prostatic urethra & ejaculatory duct & run through pelvic floor

Spongy Urethra

passes through penis

- also known as penile urethra

Seminal Vesicles

- 60% of semen volume

- lots of fructose, prostaglandins, clotting factors

- contents empty into vas deferens

Prostate Gland

- contents empty into prostatic urethra

- 20-30% urine volume

- weakly acidic

Bulbourethral Glands

- paired glands in base of penis

- 5% of semen volume

- contents empty in penile urethra

- secretes cum

Root of Penis

attached to ischial ramus

Body of Penis

has erectile tissue

Glans of Penis

- expanded distal end of penis

- surrounds external urethral orifice

FSH in Males

- stimulates testicular growth

- enhances production of something that helps sperm cells mature

LH in males

stimulates cell production of testosterone


decreases sperm count when it's too high


sex hormone in males


cell produced at an early stage in the formation of spermatozoa, formed in the wall of a seminiferous tubule and giving rise by mitosis to spermatocytes.

Primary Spermatocyte

gives rise by meiosis to two haploid cells

Secondary Spermatocyte

gives rise to spermatids


immature male sex cell formed from a spermatocyte that can develop into a spermatozoon without further division.

Spermatic Cord

-suspends to testis and scrotum and contains structures running to and from the testis.

- begins at the deep inguinal ring to the inferior epigastric vessels

- passes through the inguinal canal

- exits at superficial inguinal ring

- ends in scrotum at posterior border of the testis


- Cortex: gamete production

- Medulla

Uterine Tubes

- Infundibulum: numerous fimbriae, inner lining contains cilia

- ampulla

- Isthmus

- smooth muscle

Uterosacral Ligament

extend from lateral edge of the uterus to the anterior surface of sacrum

Round Ligaments

extend from lateral edge of uterus just inferior to base of uterine tubes, pass thru inguinal canal to connective tissue of external genitalia

Cardinal Ligaments

extend from base of uterus & vagina to lateral walls of pelvis


entire genitalia area


opening into vagina


erectile tissue

Labia Majores & Mons Pubis

forms lateral and superior edges of vestiuble

Lobes of Mammary Glands

milk leaves the lobes

Lactiferous Ducts

ducts that lead to the nipple


an immature female reproductive cell that gives rise to primary oocytes by mitosis

Primary Oocyte

During oogenesis, the oogonia become primary oocytes

Secondary Oocyte

an oocyte in which the first meiotic division is completed. The second meiotic division usually stops short of completion unless fertilization occurs


a mature female reproductive cell, especially of a human that can divide to give rise to an embryo usually only after fertilization by a male cell

Polar Body

each of the small cells that bud off from an oocyte at the two meiotic divisions and do not develop into ova

Primordial Follicle

these turn into follicles that enter the menstrual cycle

Primary Follicle

immature ovarian follicle in which the developing oocyte is surrounded by a layer or layers of cuboidal or columnar follicular cells

Secondary Follicle

a maturing ovarian follicle consisting of an oocyte surrounded by two or more layers of tall, supporting granulosa cells

Graafian Follicle

a fluid-filled structure in the mammalian ovary within which an ovum develops before ovulation

Corpus Luteum

is a temporary endocrine structure involved in ovulation and early pregnancy


the portion of an ovarian follicle filled with follicular fluid.

- Appearance of the antrum during follicular maturation is the first sign that a follicle has reached the next stage of maturation. It has changed from a primary follicle to a secondary follicle.

Proliferative Phase

stage of the menstrual cycle in which ovarian follicles, structures in the ovary that each contain a single egg, mature and prime themselves for ovulation

Menstruation Phase

Menstruation is triggered when the corpus luteum of last cycle’s unfertilized egg ceases to produce progesterone, usually occurring about two weeks after ovulation, and encourages the uterine lining to shed along with a bit of blood

Secretory Phase

- progesterone is produced

- when progesterone is secreted, it tries to prevent the endometrium from breaking down

FSH in Females

Follicle stimulating hormone:

this hormone stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles in the ovary before the release of an egg from one follicle at ovulation. It also increases oestradiol production.

LH in Females

triggers ovulation & development of corpus luteum


female sex hormone produced mainly in the ovaries following ovulation each month.

- It's a crucial part of the menstrual cycle and maintenance of pregnancy


enables females to produce milk


The release of oxytocin by the pituitary gland acts to regulate two female reproductive functions: Childbirth & Breast-feeding.

Mammary Gland

alveoli lined with milk-secreting cuboidal cells and surrounded by myoepithelial cells.

- alveoli join to form groups known as lobules

- each lobule has a lactiferous duct that drains into openings in the nipple