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40 Cards in this Set

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Major function of urinary system?

has a high filtration rate
What percent of filtrate is excreted and reabsorbed?
1% excreted
99% resorbed
Other important functions of the urinary system:
retain water and salt
ADH is what?
Anti Diuretic Hormone

Makes your body keep fluid
Where does filtration and resorbtion occur?
In the kidneys
What structure takes urine from the kidney to the bladder?
Where is urine stored?

Muscle-lined, stretches as it fills
What structure is between the bladder and outside body?

Has two sphincters:
voluntary (internal, smooth muscle)
involuntary (external, skeletal)
What is the purpose of perirenal fat?
Protection of the kidney. Cushions
Cortex of kidney
Outer area
Renal columns
In the cortex of kidney. Hypoosmotic
Inner area of kidney
Renal pyramids
In the medulla. Hyperosmotic (more water so more solutes dissolve)
Major- converge to form pelvis

Minor- papillae extend
Smallest functional unit of kidney.

Put a bunch together and it gives the kidney it's function.
Where is the filtrate?
Inside kidney
A renal corpuscle includes which two major structures?
Bowman's capsule & Glomerulus
Bowman's capsule is what?
It's in the nephron
Has a parietal layer and a visceral layer. Visceral layer is where filtration takes place. Only small substances (salts or ions) and fluid (H2O) can pass
Network of capillaries

Part of cardiovascular system
Afferent arterioles
Take blood TO glomerulus
Efferent arterioles
Drains blood. Blood that doesn't leave glomerulus is taken to bowman's capsule for filtration.
Tubules (nephron)
Proximal tubule
Loops of Henle (Asc. & Desc. Limb)
Distal tubule
What composes filtrate?
Water and small ions
How much of renal filtrate is reabsorbed?
Passive transport is what
moves water; requires no energy
Active transport is what?
requires energy

Active transport moves Na+ across the nephron wall.
Proximal tubules
most water is reaborbed here (65%), Na+ is actively reabsorbed.

In the renal cortex
Descending limb of Henle
(35% of starting volume)

Water exits passively

In the medulla
Have hyperosomotic medulla in the descending limb of Henle
Ascending limb of Henle
Na+, Cl-, K+ transported out of filtrate (Na+ actively absorbed)

Limb is impermeable, s water can't leave

In the medulla
Collecting ducts
Water movement out regulated by ADH. If ADH absent, water not reabsorbed and dilute urine produced.

If ADH present, water moves out, concentrated urine produced.

ADH creates large # of pores in collecting duct to body can reabsorb

In Medulla
When large volume of water consumed:
Response is kidneys produce large volume of dilute urine, won't lose large amounts of electrolytes

Decrease ADH, fewer pores in collecting ducts
When drinking water not available:
Kidneys produce small volume of concentrated urine

Prevents waste and prevents rapid dehydration

Increase ADH, more H2O channels, more H2O resorbption.
Function of ADH
to increase H2O resorption
Function of Renin
to increase H2O resorption
Function of Aldosterone
to increase H2O resorption
Function of Atrial natriuretic hormone (peptide)- ANH or ANP
to decrease water resorption
Tubular load
How much of a substance is being filtered
Tubular maximum
limit to how much of a substance can be resorbed back into the body
Internal sphincters or urethra are ______ muscle and are __________ controlled
smooth muscle
involuntarily controlled
External sphincters or urethra are ______ muscle and are __________ controlled
skeletal muscle
voluntarily controlled