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47 Cards in this Set

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League of Nations

Early 1900s

An attempt to keep the peace created by Woodrow Wilson; the u.s. never joined which undermined it; very ineffective; u.s. was determined not to get involved in European affairs; it's only weapon was the imposition of economic sanctions which did not work well; failed to reprimand its members for acts of military aggression; was idealism

Occupation of the Ruhr


Francis choice to occupy the Ruhr which lies between France and Germany; France did it to make Germany more motivated to pay their reparations; France took money by operating and using the mines and factories; the German government adopted a policy of passive resistance that largely relied on printing more paper money which increased inflation; the passive protesting eventually ended; the Dawes plan was created for a new plan for German reparations

The Spirit of Locarno


The spirit of international cooperation fostered by the foreign Ministers of Germany and France and concluded the Treaty of locarno which guaranteed Germany's new Western borders with France and Belgium but Germany did not accept those borders as permanent; the day after the treaty was signed the New York Times declared "France and Germany ban War forever"; Germany's entry into the League of Nations rainforest the spirit as did The kellogg-briand Pact which pledged to renounce War as an instrument of national policy; based on little real substance

The Great Depression


A financial crisis in the United States and in Europe; was not caused by the stock market crash!!!!!; causes were strong inflationary pressures Kama disrupted Market Kama agricultural pressure common economic nationalism , credit financing , and the stock market crash in America; hits the United States and Germany the hardest; industrial production plummeted the most in the United States and nearly as much in Germany; increased government activity in the economy; communism took on a new popularity; increased the attractiveness of simplistic dictorial Solutions; Keynesian economics were adopted by the US; population declined, there was high unemployment, investment and World Trade plummeted, and bank failures were very common

Ramsay MacDonald

1866 - 1937

The first Labour prime minister of Britain; enabled by a labor-liberal government; dependent upon a liberal support; rejected any extreme social economic experimentation to keep liberals support; his government only lasted 10 months because of the conservative party's charge that his administration was friendly towards communism

Stanley Baldwin

1867 - 1947

A conservative prime minister of Britain; guided Britain during a superficial era of recovery; British exports never compensated for overseas Investments; unemployment remains very high

John Maynard Keynes

1883 - 1946

A Cambridge economist who was largely ignored by British politicians; published his General Theory of Employment, Interests, and Money in 1936; condemned the traditional view that depression should be left to work themselves out in a free economy; argued that unemployment didn't stem from overproduction, but from a decline in demand and that demand could be increased by Public Works financed through deficit spending to stimulate production

Popular front

Mid 1930s

A government formed in France; a coalition of socialists and radicals; Leon Blum comedy socialist leader , served as prime minister; succeeded in initiating a program for workers that was called the French New Deal; established the right of collective bargaining, a 40 Hour Work Week, 2 weeks paid vacation, and minimum wages; wages increased, Farm subsidies were granted , and they left the gold standard; failed to solve the problems of the depression

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

1881 - 1938

Turkish generals that led Turkish forces in creating a new Republic of Turkey; wanted to modernize turkey by introducing a state-run Industrial Systems and by Western and Turkish culture; the Turkish language was made to write in the Latin alphabet; popular education was introduced, aristocratic titles were abolished , and all Turkish citizens were forced to adopt family names; made turkey a secular Republic and broke the power of the Islamic religion; new laws gave women equal rights as men

Mohandas Gandhi

1869 - 1948

India's "great soul"; set up a movement based on non violent resistance whose aim was to force the British to improve the life of the poor and grant India independence; called on his followers to follow a peaceful policy of civil disobedience by refusing to obey British regulations; manufactured his own clothing and adopted the spinning wheel as a symbol of India's resistance to import of British textiles; overall succeeded as Britain granted internal self-government to India



A form of dictatorship that extended the functions and powers of the central state; best examples were found in Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany; used as propaganda to gain active loyalty and commitment of citizens to the regime's goals and to conquer the minds and hearts of its subjects; aimed to control all aspects of life; totalitarian state was to be led by a single leader and a single party; fervently rejected the liberal ideal of limited government power and constitutional guarantees of individual freedoms; individual Freedom was subordinate to the collective will of the masses which was organised and determined by the leader; based on rabid nationalism nationalism, anarchism's glorification of violence, political anti-Semitism, darwinian Evolution, propaganda, and mass communication

Benito Mussolini

1883 - 1945

The fascist leader of Italy; was expelled from the Socialist Party when he said he wanted it early to get involved in World War 1; the ideological founding father and Foundation layer for a new political party that came to be known as fascism after the name of his group, the Fascio di Combattimento; an opportunist, journalist, and World War 1 veteran


Early 1900s

A kind of form of totalitarianism; focused on violence; used anti-communism, anti-strike activity, and nationalistic rhetoric combined with Brute Force; bands of armed fascists called squadristi were formed and turned loose in attacks on socialist; believe that these terrorist tactics would eventually achieve political victory; deliberately created disorder doing that fascism would flourish; supported mostly by the middle and upper classes; didn't believe in the possibility or utility of peace; said that war is noble and everything else is a substitute and that war brings humans to their Highest Potential; glorified violence; the opposite of marxian socialism; fervently anti-communism; hates democracy; the state is absolute and all are equal in service to the state; imperialism my to the spread of fascism and the fascists wanted to make everybody else fascist


Early 1900s

Mussolini's fascist military squads; used violence to suppress socialists; the military wing of the fascist party; became aregular feature of Italian life; mostly attracted World War 1 veterans and students

Communism compared to fascism

Communism's goal was no government but in fascism the state is everything; in communism communism's goal is international while fascism is intensely nationalistic; communism's goal is to promote equality while fascism states that inequality is natural and that some are better than others; communism go in peace and prosperity or a classless stateless society but fascism says that war is good in slavery is for The Losers of War; both have a single-party state, a secret police, propaganda and censorship , Cult of the leader, World Conquest, and planned economy; both of them when taken to the extreme right or left result in crazy

Weimar Republic

Early 1900s

The Democratic German state after World War 1; songs by Coalition of social Democrats, the Catholic Center party, and German Democrats even though the Social Democratic party dominated; very unstable; Paul Von Hindenburg was president; suffered from uprisings in attacks from the left and right such as the Kapp Putsch; unable to change Germany's basic governmental structure an imperial conservative bureaucracy; didn't control the army and face economic difficulties such as inflation and unemployment

Adolf Hitler

1889 to 1945

The dictator of Nazi Germany; he was a World War 1 veteran; established the basic idea of an ideology from which he never deviated from for the rest of his life; racism was at the core of his ideas especially anti-semitism; became an extreme German nationalist; new how political parties could effectively use propaganda and Terror; believed in a need for struggle; how did the National Socialist German Workers Party also known as Nazis

Mein Kampf

Early 1900s

Hitler's autobiography; how to basic things race and space; the Aryan race was the master race; anti sematic and anti-marxist; biological Darwinism taken to its extreme; really really hated the Russians; 4 space for lebensraum he said he would 1. unite all Germans and take over Central and Eastern Europe 2. defeat France for Payback 3. Conquer Russia because he hates Russia because they are Slavic and communist

National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis)


Hitler's new name for the German Workers' Party; Hitler had total control over it and used his speaking skills to gain members; he developed it into a mass political movement; what support from working-class and nationalist circles; try to take over the government with the Beer Hall Putsch but failed; fascism + biological racism + anti-semitism


Early 1900s

Living space needed by Superior Nations and the superior Nations had a right to it according to Hitler; was obtained through expansion and the right of superior individuals to secure authoritarian leadership over the masses; introduced in Mein Kampf; had 3 goals: 1. unite all Germans and take over Central and Eastern Europe 2. defeat France for Payback 3. conquer Russia because they hate Russia because they are Slavic and communist

Beer Hall Putsch


Hitler's first attempt to overthrow the government; once their fellow conspirators left them Hitler and the Nazis decided to act on their own with their plan for overthrowing the government; Hitler was sent to prison after being arrested and put on trial for treason but only for 5 years; failed epically; made Hitler realized that they could not take the government over by force, he needed a constitutional way to gain power


Early 1900s

The leadership principle of the Nazis which all of them had to follow; entailed nothing less than a single-minded party under one leader in which there was no discussion of any new ideas


Early 1900s

The coordination of all institutions under Nazi control; response to a new source of power; the civil service was purged of Jews and Democratic elements; concentration camps NOT death camps were established for opponents of the new regime; trade unions were dissolved and swallowed up by the huge labor front; all political parties except the Nazis were abolished; helped establish the foundations for a totalitarian state; Allstate of Governors chosen by Hitler, the secret police was formed, and the Nazi party was created as the only legal party


Early 1900s

The early Nazi police force; used to defend the Nazi party and break up the meetings of other parties; a potential source of danger to Hitler; openly criticized Hitler under the leadership of Ernst Rohm and wanted the SA to replace the regular army which both Hitler and the Army was against; Ernst Rohm and his followers in the SA were killed by Hitler in return for the Army's loyalty; this purge was called The Night of the Long Knives


Early 1900s

Replaces the SA; protection squads originally created as Hitler's personal bodyguards; under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler; functions on the basis of Terror and ideology; Terror included instruments of repression and murder; for Himmler the SS was a crusading order whose primary goal was to further the Aryan Master race



The night of shattered glass; Anansi LED destructive Rampage against the Jews; a pogrom; synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed, at least 100 Jews were killed, and 30000 male Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps; much more anti-semitic policies being put in place such as Jews being forced to wear the Star of David

New Economic Policy (NEP)


A mixture of communist and capitalist economic features; established by Lenin; saved the Soviet Union from complete economic disaster; only intended to be temporary; major industries were put under State Control in small industries were privatized

Joseph Stalin

1878 - 1953

The totalitarian dictator of Russia; used his post as party General Secretary to gain complete control of the Communist Party; five year plans; industrialize Russia; created fear and effectively use Terror to keep his position in power; very popular because he was making Russia powerful; paranoid and vulgar

Five- year plans

Early nineteen-hundreds

Put in place by Stalin with the goal to transform the Soviet Union from agricultural country to an industrial state; final goal was industrialization, self-sufficiency, and modernization; Hughes the centrally planned economy also known as a command economy which was basically State Control; very much worked

Liquidation of the kulaks

Early 1900s

Kulaks word moderately wealthy peasant who resisted Stalin's collectivization of agriculture so he confiscated all of their property and they were sent to gulags or killed; eliminated private property and put people on to Collective Farms; achieved the Communist ideal of no private property

Stalin's Great Purges


Stalin's way of using Terror to stay in power; he was paranoid and a whole bunch of people died because of it; targeted the old Bolsheviks first; killed Nikolai Bukharin because Lenin who's going to replace Stalin with him; targeted the Soviet High command which was made up of military commanders which weakend his Army and the state as a whole



Stalin's way of organizing agriculture through government control; agricultural modernization; Cooperative ownership was established; there was a family from 1930 to 1933 in which five to 10 million ukrainians died which hurts agricultural growing business

Marshal Joseph Pilsudski

1867 - 1935

The dictator of Poland; created a military dictatorship in Poland and established an authoritarian regime; went from the Parliamentary review to the plumbing under examples of authoritarian governments

Spanish Civil War

1936 - 1939

a war between Spanish Republicans and nationalists; Republicans supported the popular front in favor of modernization, the expansion of manufacturing, workers rights, and a civilian Army, and secularization; nationalist supported Franco's military coup , the monarchy , an agrarian economy , and the Catholic Church; got Complicated by Foreign intervention; Germany and Italy sent troops, weapons, and Military advisers to Franco on the side of the Nationalist; Hitler used the war to test the new weapons of his revived Air Force which initiated a new level of brutally destructive Warfare; the Soviet Union helped the Republicans sending tanks, planes, and Pilots; was the war between fascism and communism; a preview of World War II

Francisco Franco

1892 - 1975

Eventually becomes the fascist dictator of Spain; the leader of revolting Spanish military forces during the Spanish Civil War; fought against the popular front; supported by the Republicans


Early 1900s

A way of communication and propaganda; wireless radio waves were discovered by Guglielmo Marconi and were first used to broadcast a concert in 1920 from London; permanent broadcasting facilities were constructed in the US, Europe, and Japan; mass production of radios begin

Joseph Goebbels

1897 - 1945

The propaganda minister of Nazi Germany; believed that film was the most modern and scientific means of influencing the masses; created a film section in his propaganda Ministry and encouraged the production of documentaries and popular feature films that carried the Nazi message; Triumph of the will was a documentary of the 1934 Nuremberg party rally that forcefully conveyed the power of National Socialist socialism to viewers

Mass leisure

1920s - 1930s

New time for leisure activities due to change in work hours was created; new work patterns dramatically expanded the amount of free time available; sporting events especially important such as soccer and the Olympics; travel increased along with tourism; military use of planes spurred improvements that made civilian air travel possible; Mussolini's Italy created the Dopolavoro (Afterwork) which was a vast National Recreation agency which provided supervised recreational activities such as clubhouses and vacations; the Nazi regime adopted the Kraft durch freude ( Strength through Joy) which coordinated free time of the working classes by offering a variety of Leisure Time activities


Early 1900s

A movement based on the word dada which means everything is irrational; try to give life Expressions by created anti-art because they were revolted by the insanity of life; the expression of their Great Rebellion of artistic movements; based on absurdity and distortion


Early 1900s

Movement that focused on the unconsciousness; sought a reality Beyond material, sensible world and found it in the world of the unconscious through the portrayal of fantasies, dreams, or nightmares; employed logic to portray the illogical and created disturbing images; forced us to question the rationale

Salvador Dali

1904 - 1989

A Spanish surrealist artist that became the high priest of the realism and, in his mature phase, a master of representational surrealism; portrayed recognizable objects divorced from their normal context and place them in unrecognizable relationships; created a distributed World in which the irrational had become tangible


Early 1900s

Architectural movement that meant that building, like the products of machines, should be useful and fulfill the purpose for which it was constructed; modernist architecture; no ornateness whatsoever; all unnecessary ornamentation was Stripped Away; based on a belief that art had a social function and could help create a new civilization

Arnold Schoenberg

1874 - 1951

A Viennese composer who experimented with a radically new style by creating musical pieces and which tonality is completely abandon, a system he called atonal music; created a new system of composition called me 12 tone composition in which used a scale of 12 notes independent of any tonal key

"Stream of Consciousness"


A new literary technique that emerged in the 19 twenties in which the writer presented an interior monologue, or a report of the innermost thoughts of each character

James Joyce

Early 1900s

An author who used the stream-of-consciousness method; an Irish exile; in his book Ulysses, he told the story of one day in the life of ordinary people in Dublin by following the flow of their inner dialogue; use disconnected ramblings and veiled illusions

Carl Jung

1856 - 1961

A disciple of Sigmund Freud who came to believe that Freud's theories were too narrow and reflected his own biases; Jung's study of Dreams lef him to diverge sharply from Freud; for him the unconscious was an opening to deep spiritual need an ever-greater vistas for humans; Beauty unconscious as two fold: personal unconscious and, at a deeper level, a collective unconscious; Collective unconscious was the repository of memories that all human beings share and consisted of archetypes, mental forms or images, that appear in dreams that are common to all people and have a special energy that creates myths, religion, and philosophy; archetypes proved that the mind was only in part individuals because their origin was buried so far in the past and their function was to bring the original mind of humans to a higher state of consciousness

Heisenberg uncertainty principle


Heisenberg with a German physicist who argued that no one could determine the mass of an electron because the very Act of observing it with light affected its location; shattered confidence in predictability and dared to propose that uncertainty was the root of all physical laws