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37 Cards in this Set

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Successor to the Austrian crown; his assassination sparked World War 1 and his death gave us an excuse to declare war on Serbia and Croatia Serbian nationalism was Germany responded to with its "blank check" which ensured their support; the immediate cause of the war was his assassination; assassinated by Gavrilo Princep a member of the Black Hand

Schlieffen Plan


The German military plan based on the assumption that they will be going to war with France and Russia on two fronts; created by Alfred Von Schlieffen and the German general staff; makes too many assumptions and fails; assumes that Russia will be slow to mobilize and send all troops against France and is thinking that all French troops will be on the border; over 40 day period they would take out France; country Belgium speak up on those transcripts and knock them out then go fight Russia; predicated on the idea that Belgium will let Germany March through; has to be able to take French ports to be able to take Britain if they get involved

Joseph Joffre

Early 1900s

Commander in the French army; led an attack on German forces at the first battle of the Marne; forced the Germans to fall back, but was unable to pursue them further which caused the stalemate and trench warfare

Trench warfare

Early 1900s

The characteristic of World War 1 that initially started in the first battle of the Marne; trenches became an elaborate system of defense and were protected by barbed wire, concrete machine gun nests, and mortar batteries; trenches were separated by no man's land; the plan for the war was it to be mobile and fast but they ended up getting stuck in the trenches; they were dehumanizing and futile

T. E. Lawrence

A British officer who became known as Lawrence of Arabia; fought in the Ottoman Empire particularly Arabia; incited Arab princes to revolt against their ottoman overlords

The Lusitania


A British ship that was sunk by a German U-boat; the Lusitania was a passenger liner and more than 100 Americans died; the British government forced the German government to modify its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare and Germany complied because they did not want the u.s. to enter the war


Early 1900s

First used to spot the enemy's position when were used to attack ground targets especially enemy Communications; fight for control of the air increased and eventually machine guns mounted on the noses of planes; German Zeppelins were used to bomb cities


Early 1900s

The first was a British model that used caterpillar tracks which enabled it to move across rough terrain more easily; they could attack machine gun positions and enemy Infantry; the first ones weren't very effective, but new British tanks in 1918 had more powerful engines in Greater maneuverability and were used for pushing back the retreating German army; was not a big enough invention that changed the outcome of the war

Total War


Working with all of the nation's resources are mobilized; what is unrestricted in the terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued; affected the lives of all citizens no matter how remote they were from the battlefield; middle thought had been given to economic problems and long-term wartime needs since the war was expected to be short; the government extended power in response to these needs; Germany had the most success in shifting to a total war; ended unemployment and created new roles for women; abandoned lassez-faire practices, bureaucratic centralization , planned economy, nationalization of Industries, rationing of food and supplies, conscription, and large businesses and labor unions benefited


Early 1900s

Converting a business from private ownership to government control; came in response to Total War; free market capitalism systems were pushed aside; government experiment with the nationalization of Transportation Systems and Industries; some governments moved towards compulsory employment

Walter Rathenau

Early 1900s

The head of the German General Electric Company he was asked by the government to use his business methods to organize the war raw materials board which would allocate strategic raw materials; made it possible for the Germans to be supplied; war socialism, demobilization of all materials for war effort, was used

Hindenburg and Ludendorff

Early 1900s

The chief and deputy chief of the general staff in Germany; two popular military heroes of the war; they virtually became the military dictator of Germany; decreed a system of complete mobilization for total war; created the Auxiliary Service Law of 1916 that said all non conscripted males had to work in a job that promoted the war effort

Easter rebellion


Irish rebellion against the government; members of the Irish republican brotherhood and citizens army occupied government buildings in Dublin on Easter Sunday; British forces crushed the rebellion and condemned its leaders to death; really made the British angry

Defence of the realm Act


Censorship of the government in Britain; allowed public authorities to arrest dissenters as traitors; was later extended to authorize public officials to censor newspapers and suspend newspaper publication; cast at the beginning of the war to stifle internal dissent; anything that spoke out against the war was destroyed


Creepy dude McGee! ; East Siberian peasant who gained power in the Russian government by getting close to the Royal Family; seen as a holy man by Nicholas the second's wife Alexandra because he was the only one that can stop the bleeding of her hemophiliac son; his influence on Alexandra made him a power behind the throne and he didn't hesitate to interfere in government affairs; he was assassinated in December 1916; known as The Mad Monk

March Revolution of 1917

A strike in Russia led by woman on International women's day that turned into a revolution; thousands of women marched through Petrograd shouting "peace and bread" and "down with the autocracy" which caused a general strike that shut down all the factories in the city; Nicholas II ordered his commanders to stop the disorders on request of his wife but a significant number of soldiers joined the demonstrators instead of fighting them putting the situation out of the czar's control; the Duma declared that it was assuming governmental Authority and the Tsar abdicated causing the czarist regime to fall apart


Early 1900s

Reflection of the Marxist Social Democratic party in Russia that wanted the social Democrats could be a mass electoral Socialist Party based on a western model; willing to cooperate temporarily in a parliamentary democracy while working towards the ultimate achievement of a socialist state; forms the Petrograd Soviet which undermines the provisional government that the Duma had created


Early 1900s

A faction of the Marxist Social Democratic party in Russia; a small faction of Russian social Democrats who had come under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin; became a party dedicated to violent revolution that would destroy the capitalist system

Vladimir Lenin

1870 - 1924

The leader of the Bolsheviks in Russia who became a dedicated enemy of the czarist Russia when his brother was executed and helps form the illegal group called The Union for the liberation of the working class and was shipped to Siberia and Exile afterwards he went to Switzerland and assumed leadership of the Bolsheviks; returned to Russia after he was smuggled in by Germany and posted his April theses

"April Theses"


London's blueprint for revolutionary action ; No cooperation with the provisional government; " all power to the Soviets"; " peace, land, and bread"; based on Lenin's own version of Marxist theory; said it was not necessary for Russia to experience a bird while resolution before it could move toward socialism, but could instead move directly toward socialism; maintained that the Soviets of soldiers, workers, and present for ready-made instruments of power, and the Bolsheviks gain control of these groups and use them to overthrow the provisional government

Bolshevik Revolution of 1917

The beginning of the road to Bolsheviks taking over the Russian government; Alexander kerensky released the Bolsheviks from prison; Bolsheviks reached a slight majority in the petrograd and Moscow Soviet; Lenin teams with Trotsky; Bolsheviks take the constituent assembly and broke it; a bloodless coup

Alexander Kerensky

Early 1900s

The moderate socialists and prime minister of the provisional government in Russia; he released the Bolsheviks from prison and turned to the Petrograd Soviet for help when General Lavr Kornilov attempted to march to Petrograd and seize power; his actions strengthened the Petrograd Soviet and had shown Lenin how weak the provisional government was

Leon Trotsky

1877 - 1940

Naperville Russian revolutionary and chairman of petrograd Soviet; partnered with Lenin; helped the pro-soviet and Pro-Bolsheviks forces take over Petrograd under the slogan "all power to the Soviets"

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk


The treaty signed between Russia and Germany to make peace; GameStop Eastern Poland, Ukraine, Finland and the Baltic provinces; Lenin argued that the laws make no difference because the spread of socialist Revolution throughout you have would make it largely irrelevant; did not work to create peace

Russian Civil War


1918 - 1921Bolsheviks we're opposed by groups loyal to the czar, the Bourgeois , aristocratic liberals, and anti-Leninist socialists; the red, or Bolshevik, Army fought their first serious threat in Siberia where a White, or anti-bolshevik, Force Under Admiral Alexander Kolchak got almost to the Volga River for being stopped; the Red Army was also attacked through Ukraine and the Baltic regions; at one point, three separate white armies are closing in on the Bolsheviks, but they were pushed back; the royal family was a victim of the war; the Red Army was a well-disciplined and formidable fighting force thanks to Trotsky who insisted on Rigid discipline

War communism

Early 1900s

A practical instrument of power used by the communists; used to ensure regular supplies for the Red Army; included the nationalization of Banks and most Industries, the forcible requisition of grain from peasants, and the centralization of State Administration under Bolshevik control


Early 1900s

The new Red secret police; replace the old czarist secret police promulgated Terror against members of all classes, especially bourgeoisie; helped rid the state of all government dissidents

Red Terror

Early 1900s

An Institute of the cheka; seems that nothing less than the destruction of all opponents of the new regime; the bourgeoisie was especially singled out; added an element of fear to the Bolshevik regime

Armenian Genocide


The systematic killing of the Armenian minority done by the Turkish government; used a tiny Rebellion of the Armenians to justify their actions; killed Armenian men and expelled Armenian women and children at least 1 million were killed

Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg

Early 1900s

radical German left-wing socialists; did not approve of the war; leaders of the independent Social Democratic Party; favored an immediate social Revolution carried out by the council's of soldiers, Sailors, and workers; failed to achieve control of the government and were destroyed when they tried to

Wilson's "fourteen points"


Points that Wilson justified the war as being fought for moral cause; stand-out additional steps for a truly just and Lasting peace; his proposals included open covenants of Peace, openly arrived at instead of Secret diplomacy, and reduction of national armaments, and the self-determination of peoples; absolutism and militarism could only be eliminated by creating democratic governments

David Lloyd George

Early 1900s

The British prime minister who won a decisive electoral victory in December 1918 on a platform of making the Germans pay for the war

Georges Clemenceau

Early 1900s

The premier of France who believed that the French people have borne the brunt of German aggression and deserved revenge and security against future German aggression; wanted to demilitarize Germany, make Germany pay for the cost of the war, and separate a Rhineland as a buffer State between France and Germany

Paris peace conference


A representation of 27 Nations to make peace; the most important decisions were made by Wilson, Lake George, and Clemenceau; Germany was not invited; Merced did not attend because of Civil War; Wilson was determined to create the League of Nations and succeeded; Boy George in Clemenceau were determined to punish Germany

Treaty of Versailles


The most important final peace settlement of Paris Peace conference; considered a harsh Peace by Germanyy, and they were particularly unhappy with the war guilt clause; Germany had to reduce its Army to 100,000 men, cut back its Navy, and eliminate is Air Force; Germany lost Alsace and Lorraine to France, sections of pressure to the new Polish state, and land west of the Rhine was established as a demilitarized zone; outraged France because they felt Germany wasn't punished enough

War guilt clause


A portion of the Treaty of Versailles called article 231; declared Germany responsible for starting the war and ordered Germany to pay reparations for all the damage to which the Allied governments and their people were subjected to but did not determine the amount Germany had to pay



The legal annexation of countries; Sprint Scott Lebanon and Syria comma in Britain got Iraq and Palestine; created by the peace settlement since Wilson opposed outright annexation; given officially on behalf of the League of Nations