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17 Cards in this Set

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List the prerequisites (characteristics) of the Second Industrial Revolution

1. There is a dramatic increase in industrial productivity: lower prices and higher income. Causes:

1. Improvements in technology electric motors and electricity

2. A number of improvements in continuous movements of assembly lines

3. Rise or increase in consumer goods industries

4. Dramatic rise in per capita income

5. Continuing legal frame work in the country that is appropriate to industrial growth

Discuss why the automobile industry grew in the 1920's

1. People wanted cars

2. Freedom to buy cars

3. Car makers had the freedom the produce and sell them

4. Advertising goes up

5. Annual model change comes into being

6. Cars became very inexpensive

7. Had the necessary income to buy cars

Discuss characteristics of US economic growth in the 1920s

1. Some industries were growing very fast

a. Radio broadcasting is growing fast

b. Movies industry is growing fast

c. Chemical engineering

2. Corporations continued to dominate the economic unit

3. Corporate mergers: make businesses much larger cause you can spread costs over more and more products

4. Huge emphasis on marketing, advertising...

5. Huge growth in chain stores

Describe the areas of economic weakness in the 1920's

1. Declining industries: due to competition (railroad industry, coal industry, cotton textile industry

2. Union membership declines

3. Dramatic drop in farm exports and prices: Consumer price index dropped by 11% but farm products was down over 50%, net income per farm dropped over 75%

Explain the major economic trends of the 1920's

1. Growth in the continuing use of electricity as a power source

2. Continued growth of the use of an assembly line

3. Extensive rise in grows domestic product and per capital grows domestic product

4. Unequal distribution of wealth

5. Growth in debt

6. Continuing drop in farm products and prices7. Speculation in the stock market

8. Saturation in the market for cars and appliances

Describe the changes for women and children in the 1920's

1. Women gain the right to vote

2. Increase in divorces

3. Lower birth rates

4. Smaller families

5. Increase in married women working outside the home

6. Increased rebellion against traditional morality

a. provocative dancing

b. smoking, drinking

Describe the primary themes or attitudes expressed in the Literary Flowering of the 1920's

1. Alienation from and a disillusionment from American society

2. Disillusionment from WWI

3. Appalled by the materialism from society and the lack of concern for others in society

4. Focus on industrialism and commercialism

5. Pessimism being expressed about American society: focused on the bad of society

6. Among black writers:

a. Pride in blackness

b. Pride in racial heritage

c. Resentment toward racial injustice

Describe the primary characteristics of the Harlem Renaissance

1. Occurring in Harlem NY

2. Concentration of political and intellectual leadership

3. Flourishing of African American literature

4. Flourishing of art and music

5. A general rise in cultural awareness among the African American residence of Harlem

Explain the events of the Red Scare
1. Number of labor strikes
2. There is a mayday celebration in Cleveland that turns into a number of riots
3. A series of bombings: mail and letter bombs
4. Palmer raids: search and seizures on communists and anarchists
Evaluate the support for and the results of Prohibition

1. The Anti-Saloon League

2. Urban Progressives

3. Some ethnic groups: some Germans and Irish• Ignored by upper class Urbanites Results:

1. Decline in drinking

2. Fashionable drinking appears amongst the upper class

3. Crime becomes rampant: connected with alcohol, smuggling

4. Create a profound disrespect for the law

5. Repealed

Describe the membership and ideology of the Second KKK


1. Native born white Protestant men

2. Axillaries for women and children: they aren't excluded

3. Grows rapidlyIdeology

1. Hatred of blacks, aliens, Jew, and Catholics

Describe the major changes in US immigration laws from 1916-1924

1. A quota is established for European immigrants and for each country

2. Asian immigration was generally banned

3. Mexican laborers were exempt

Describe the participants and results of the Scopes Trail


Defendant: John Thomas Scopeso American civil liberties union

Clarence Darrel: defense lawyer o

Prosecutors: state prosecuting attorneys, William Jennings BrianResultso

Scopes is found guiltyo

Overturned on appealo

Nothing was resolved

Describe the scandals of the Harding administration

1. Didn't know anything about these bad things2.Teapot Dome Scandal: salt dome, oil underneath, part of the US petroleum reserve, Secretary of the interior leased a number of oil reserved lands to private and received a number of bribes with the leasing

3. Number of other scandals that involved politicians

4. Veterans burro scandal

5. Harry Dwardy was accused of taking bribes

Detail the Republicans' legislative accomplishments of the 1920s

1. Higher tariffs

2. Dramatic reduction in government spending3. Dramatic reduction in taxes

Describe the factions within the Democratic party in the 1920s

1. The Rural South and West faction

2. Democrats in the city in the North and Midwest factions: Jewish, Catholic, oppose prohibition...

Evaluate the candidates and their supporters in the election of 1928

Herbert Hoover (Republican): Protestant, prohibitionists, city dwellers that opposed city machine politics WINNER!Al Smith (Democrat): Many immigrants, Jews, Wets, Catholics, city dwellers