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36 Cards in this Set

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Ho Chi Minh
Communist leader of Vietnam, lead anti-colonial war against French. He consolidated his regime in Northern Vietnam
formal relaxation of tension between two rivals (USSR and US)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
US president, Truman's successor, continued policies of Communist containment
First artificial satellite to orbit outer space - launched by Soviets
Charles De Gaulle
Viewed Cold War as bipolar, wanted a reunified Europe, did not follow American lead, eventually withdrew France form NATO
John F. Kennedy
US president, supported US space research and aided developing countries against Soviet takeover
Fidel Castro
Communist leader of Cuba, developed close relations w/USSR
Bay of Pigs
US-supported invasion by Cuban exiles with the intent to overthrow Fidel Castro
Berlin Wall
28-mile wall of concrete, barbed wire, and guarded stations. Build by Soviets to stop exodus from East Berlin
Cuban Missile Crisis
USSR plan to protect Cuba against 2nd US invasion involving nuclear missiles
Vietnam War
Seen as apart of the global struggle between Communism and democracy- undeclared war
Ngo Dinh Diem
Governed South Vietnam under western backed regime, overthrow by Kennedy administration
Lyndon B. Johnson
Obsessed with winning war and containing Communism
Richard Nixon
Continued/intensified Vietnam war, but later made containment policies flexible and pursued detente in Cold War
Henry Kissinger
Secretary of State in Nixon administration, negotiated a cease fire w/North Vietnam. He valued diplomacy and balance- similar to De Gaulle
Khmer Rouge
Cambodian Communist regime under Pol Pot- supported by Vietnam and later overthrown for being pro-Chinese.
"Brezhnev Doctrine"
Soviet right to intervene in the name of "proletarian internationalism" in any Communist country in protection of socialism
People's Republic of China
China under the Communists, US withdrew objections in 1971 for UN admittance
(Strategic Arms Limitation)- US/USSR agreement to reduce its antimissile defense system. Negotiations reduced fears on both sides.
Helsinki Accords
Not formal treaty, ratified European boundaries established after WWII and founded surveillance on human rights.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries: established in 1960 by 14 countries in Middle East, Africa, and Latin America to curb the monopoly controlled by foreign companies on oil
(1970-80s) Combination of stagnation and inflation- slow economic growth coupled with a high rate of inflation and unemployment.
Margaret Thatcher
British Conservative party leader and prime minister against the welfare state, promoted production through supply side economics
Supply Side Economics
Idea that production is stimulated through tax reductions, deregulation, and restraints on unions. The results were then expected to "trickle down"
Francois Mitterrand and "changer la vie"
Moderate socialist party leader- revitalized party with presidential campaign "change life for everyone". He introduced labor reforms and nationalized industries
Mutual Interdependence
World powers realized economic success depended on prosperity of world economy
European Community/European Union
Started as European Community with 6 nations and developed into the EU with 25 members
"third industrial revolution"
Industrialism marked by production of computers, advanced technology.
Single European Act
Agreement between 12 nations to establish common production standards, remove impediments to flow of capital, seek uniform tax rates, reorganize licensing, and honor common labor rights.
Jimmy Carter
US president focused on human rights and pressured Soviets on issue, saw Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as threat to world peace, could not negotiate Iran hostage situation.
Ronald Regan
US president called the USSR "evil", aided Muslim guerrillas in Afghanistan, supported repressive authoritarian regimes as long as they were anti-communist.
Mutually assured destruction: (essential to the doctrine of nuclear deterrence) unavoidable damages to both sides as a result of nuclear war
refers to the large stockpiles of weapons capable of destroying the enemy many times over
Deng Xiaoping
Moderate Chinese leader: focused on economic growth and modernization, "marriage between planned and market economy", opened China to west.
Tiananmen Square
Demonstrations of Chinese students took place here in Beijing for the democracy movement
Jiang Zemin
Xiaoping's successor, pursued goals of modernization and emergence into the global economy