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22 Cards in this Set

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Who invented the skyscraper?

Louis Sullivan. He helped cities grow up and out.

How did cities attract farmers?

1) Jobs

2) Advancements like lights, plumbing, telephones, etc (Brooklyn Bridge)

3) Shops like Sears, Macy's opened.

What were the negative effects of the rapid growth of cities?

Sanitation problems. Many slums popped up. There was a trash issue.

Dumbbell tenement

A kind of apartment where there would be an air shaft for clean air to get in.

Old Immigration

- Northern and Western Europe

- Protestant

- Better educated

New immigration

- Southern and eastern Europe. Little democratic traditions.

- Catholic

- Dumb

Who weirdly ran the immigrants lives?

Boss Tweed of the Tammany Hall district

Social gospel

Churches should address social issues and problems.

Jane Addams

Founded the Hull House in Chicago

Lilian Wald

Started the Henry Street Settlement in NYC

What is the American Protective Association?

The APA was a nativist organization that urged voting against Catholics.

Chautauqua Movement

Series of lectures to teach adults. Literacy rates were dropping.

Booker T. Washinton

Developed the Tuskegee Institute for teachers.

George Washington Carver

Studied natural ways to make stuff. Felt that the way for blacks to advance in the South was through bettering themselves economically.

W.E.B. DuBois

Started the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

Horatio Alger

Wrote rags-to-riches stories. They all championed that the virtues of honesty and hard work would lead to honor.

What was the difference between Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Carrie Chapman Pratt?

Charlotte said there's no difference between men and women. Pratt changed the argument to women deserve the right to vote in order to carry out their traditional roles as homemakers and mothers."

Did the new argument work?

Yeah. Western states began to give women the right to vote- Wyoming becoming the first.

Ida Wells
Led a nationwide push against lynching and helped start the National Association of Colored Women (1896).
Woman'sChristian Temperance Union (1874)

Led by Francis E. Willard and Carrie A. Nation whose trademark was to literally walk into a bar and chop it up with a hatchet

"Buffalo Bill" Cody

This former pony express rider and Indian fighter and hero of popular dime novels for children traveled around the U.S. and Europe and put on popular Wild West shows. The shows included re-enactments of Indian battles and displays of horsemanship and riflery

Barnum and Bailey

Circus people. American entertainment went to the national level.