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33 Cards in this Set

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activities of daily living (ADLs):
the activities of daily living needed for independent living
adventitious breath sounds:
abnormal breath sound heard over the lungs
listening for sounds within the body
body mass index (BMI):
ratio of height to weight
bronchial sounds:
those heard over the trachea; high in pitch and intensity, with expiration being longer than inspiration
bronchovesicular sounds:
normal breath sounds heard over the upper anterior chest and intercostal area
unusual sound, usually abnormal, heard in auscultation
comprehensive assessment:
health history and complete physical examination, usually conducted when a patient first enters a health care setting; provides a baseline for comparing later assessment
bluish coloring of the skin and mucous membranes
an excessive amount of perspiration, such as when the entire skin is moist
collection of blood in subcutaneous tissues that causes a purplish discoloration
accumulation of fluid in extracellular spaces
emergency assessment:
rapid focused assessment conducted to determine potentially fatal situations
redness of the skin
focused assessment:
assessment conducted to assess a specific problem; focuses on pertinent history and body regions
health history:
a collection of subjective information that provides information about the patient’s health status
purposeful and systematic observation
instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs):
the activities of daily living needed for independent living
yellow appearance of the skin
ongoing partial assessment:
assessment that is conducted at regular intervals during care of the patient; concentrates on identified health problems to monitor positive or negative changes and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions
paleness of the skin
method of examining by feeling a part of the body with the fingers or hand
act of striking one object against another for the purpose of producing a sound; used to assess the location, shape, size, and density of body tissues
small, purplish hemorrhagic spots on the skin that do not blanch with applied pressure
physical assessment:
systematic examination of the patient for objective data to better define the patient’s condition and to help the nurse in planning care, usually performed in a head-to-toe format; a collection of objective data about changes in the patient’s body systems
anterior surface of the chest wall overlying the heart and its related structures
review of systems:
physical examination of all body systems in a systematic manner as part of the nursing assessment
tension of the skin determined by its hydration
vesicular breath sounds:
normal sound of respirations heard on auscultation over peripheral lung areas
waist circumference:
a numerical measurement of the waist, used to assess an individual’s abdominal fat and establish ideal body weight