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80 Cards in this Set

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Kate Chopin
The Awakening- adultery, suicide, women's ambitions
Mark Twain
Huckleberry Finn, Roughing it, Tom Sawyer
Bret Harte
California gold rush stories
William Dean Howells
Editor in chief of Atlantic Monthly, wrote about ordinary people and sometimes controversial social themes
Stephen Crane
Maggie: Girl of the Street, seamy underside of lie in urban, industrial America
Henry James
Daisy Miller and Portrait of a Lady, making women his central characters
Jack London
wild unexplored wilderness, Call of the Wild, White Fang
Frank Norris
The Octopus, exposed the corruption of the railroads
Paul Laurence Dunbar and Charles W. Chesnutt
two writers that used Black dialect and folklore in their poems and stories
Mary Cassatt
Painted sensitive portraits of women and children
George Inness
America's leading landscapist
Thomas Eakins
Great realist painter
Winslow Homer
Famous and great, painted scenes of typical New England life
Augustus Saint-Gaudens
Great sculptor who made the Robert Gould Shaw memorial in 1897
Music's growth
Erection of opera houses and the emergence of jazz
Thomas Edison
Invented the phonograph
Henry H. Richardson
Fine architect whose architecture was famed around the country
Phineas T. Barnum and James A. Bailey
1881- made the "Greatest Show on Earth"
"Buffalo Bill" Cody and Annie Oakley
stars of ever-popular Wild West shows
James Naismith
1891- invented basketball
Walter Rauschenbusch and Washington Gladden
preached the "Social Gospel"
Jane Addams
Founded Hull House in 1889
Louis Sullivan
worked on and perfected skyscrapers (first appearing in Chicago in 1885)
Macy's and Marshall Fields
Department stores that provided urban working-class jobs and attracted middle-class shoppers
New Immigration
Baltic and Slavic people of Southeastern Europe in the 1880s and 1890s
Social Gospel
Insisting that churches tackle the burning social issues of the day
Significance of settlement houses
centers for women's activism and reform
Florence Kelly
fought for protection of women workers and against child labor
American Protective Association
anti-foreign organization to go against new immigrants
Reasons people hated immigrants
ruin race and produce inferior offspring, degradation of the urban government, willingness to work for super low wages, bringing in doctrines like socialism and communism
Chinese Exclusion Act
1882 law that barred Chinese from coming
Literacy tests for immigrants
proposed, but resisted until they were finally passed in 1917
First restrictive law against immigration
1882- banned paupers, criminals, and convicts from coming to US
Charles Darwin
published On the Origin of Species in 1859- set forth doctrine of evolution and attracted the ire and fury of fundamentalists
W.E.B. DuBois
first black to get Ph.D from Harvard, wanted complete equality for blacks and immediate action
Founded in 1910 by W.E.B. DuBois
George Washington Carver
student of Washington who discovered new uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans
Booker T. Washington
believed in blacks helping themselves first before gaining more rights; heading industrial school in Alabama
Schools by 1900
6,000 high schools in America, kindergartens multiplied, creation of more public schools, provision of free textbooks funded by taxpayers
Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll
denounced creationism, had been widely persuaded by theory of evolution
Higher education
colleges for women and both genders grew, public grants for support of education (Morrill and Hatch) private donations (Rockefeller)
William James
helped establish discipline of behavioral psychology
Pasteur and Lister
discoveries that improved medical science and health
Pulitzer and Hearst
Two new journalistic tycoons (New York World and San Fran Examiner, respectively)
Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's Monthly, most influential- New York Nation
Edwin L. Godkin
merciless critic for New York World (1865)
Henry George
wrote Progress and Poverty, undertook to solve association of poverty with progress. Came up with graduated income tax
Horatio Alger
wrote rags-to-riches books (Ragged Dick)
Harland F. Hasley
king of dime novelists
General Lewis Wallace
wrote Ben-Hur, which combated Darwinism and reaffirmed traditional Christian faith
Walt Whitman
old writer that remained active, published revisions of Leaves of Grass
Emily Dickinson
famed hermit poet, poems published after death
Sidney Lanier
poet oppressed by poverty and ill health
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
1898- published Women and Economics, called for women to abandon dependent status and contribute to larger life of the community
National American Woman Suffrage Association
1890- led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
New generation of feminists
Led by Carrie Chapman Catt- 1900. stressed giving women right to vote if they were to continue to discharge traditional duties as homemakers
Wyoming territory
1869- first to offer women unrestricted suffrage
Ida B. Wells
rallied toward better treatment for blacks and founded National Association of Colored Women- 1896
National Prohibition Party, Women's Christian Temperance Union
1869- reflected concern over popularity and dangers of alcohol
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
formed in 1866 to discourage the treatment of livestock
American Red Cross
founded by Clara Barton in 1881
New features of cities
population increasing, cities grow up and out with skyscrapers, electric trolleys, electricity, indoor plumbing, telephones, department stores
Bad features of cities
trash, criminals, impure water, unwashed bodies, droppings, slums, tenements
reasons for coming to America
no room in Europe, not much employment since industrialization had eliminated many jobs, America often and praised and exaggerated with advertising
birds of passage
immigrants that came to America stayed and worked, sent over money, and went back to old country
settlement houses
Hull House, Lillian Wald's Henry Street Settlement
1885 law about immigration
banned importation of foreign workers under usually substandard contracts
Dwight Lyman Moody
proclaimed gospel of kindness and forgiveness and adapted the old-time religion to the facts of city life
Cardinal Gibbons
popular with Roman Catholics and Protestants, as he preached American Unity
Religion by 1890
Americans could choose from 150 religions
Salvation Army
tried to help the poor and unfortunate
Church of Christ, Scientist
founded by Mary Baker Eddy, preached a perversion of Christianity that she claimed healed sickness
Result of churches' failure to tally against urban poverty
many people questioned ambition of churches and began to worry that Satan was winning, emphasis on material gains worried many
refused to believe that the Bible was completely accurate and factual. Contended that the Bible was merely a collection of moral stories or guidelines, but not sacred scripture inspired by God.
Chautauqua movement
launched in 1874 to help adults who couldn't go to school. Included public lectures to many people by famous writers and extensive at-home studies
preached that everything has a useful purpose
Yellow journalism
in which newspapers reported on wild and fantastic stories that often were false or quite exaggerated- sparked in 1880s
its invention in 1885 allowed that press to more than keep pace with demand
opened across America, bringing literature into people's homes
Associated Press
strengthened in time period, helped to offset some of the questionable journalism