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111 Cards in this Set

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A _______ is used by the body to promote normal growth and development.
Answer: nutrient
Those categorized as major nutrients are:
Answer:carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
Those categorized as micro nutrients are:
Answer: vitamins and minerals
A healthy diet consists of food from each of five food groups:
1) grains;
2) fruits and vegetable
3) meats, beans, and fish
4) milk products
5) oils.
The basic dietary principles for health are:
Answer: to eat LESS , avoid JUNK food, and get more EXERCISE.
_______ consist of sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) from fruits, sugarcane, sugar beets, honey, and milk; and polysaccharides from grains, fruits, and vegetables
Answer: Carbohydrates
_______ is used by the body as fuel for the reactions that synthesize ATP, and is required by ______ and red blood cells.
Answer: Glucose,neurons
The most abundant dietary lipids are _____, or neutral fats
Answer: triglycerides
______ may be saturated—derived from animal sources, coconut oils, and hydrogenated shortenings (trans fats)—or unsaturated—derived from plant sources
Answer: triglycerides
Essential fatty acids ______acid and ______ acid cannot be made by the body, so these must be consumed in the diet.
Answer: linoleic, alpha-linolenic
_______ is found in egg yolk, meats, organ meats, shellfish, and milk, but about 85% of the body’s _______ is made by the liver.
Answer: Cholesterol, cholesterol
______ help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, serve as a cellular fuel, are an integral component of _____ sheaths and cell membranes, form adipose tissues, and serve as regulatory molecules.
Answer: Lipids , myelin
_______ that have all essential amino acids are complete ______, and are found in eggs, milk, fish, and meats;
Answer: Proteins, proteins
_____ that are low or lacking in one or more of the essential amino acids are incomplete, and are found in legumes, nuts, and cereals
Answer: proteins
_______ are important structural and functional molecules in the body.
Answer: Proteins
The amino acids from ______ may be used for synthesis of new molecules, or may be burned for energy.
Answer: proteins
Healthy rates of __________ require a homeostatically regulated nitrogen balance, which compares the rate of incorporation of new proteins into tissue to the rate of protein breakdown to supply energy demands.
Answer: protein synthesis
_______ are micronutrients that mostly serve as _______ , many of which are not made by the body and must be consumed.
Answer: Vitamins, coenzymes
Vitamins_________ are fat soluble, and are absorbed when bound to ingested lipids
Answer: A, D, E, and K
_________, such as B-complex vitamins and vitamin C, are absorbed along with water in the gastrointestinal tract.
Answer: Water-soluble vitamins
________ are used by the body to work with other molecules.
Answer: Minerals
__________ may be incorporated into tissues to give added strength, or may be ionized in body fluids or bound to organic compounds.
Answer: Minerals
Moderate amounts of seven minerals are required by the body:
Answer: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.
Metabolic processes are either __________, in which larger molecules are synthesized from smaller ones, or ___________, in which large molecules are broken down to simpler ones.
Answer: anabolic, catabolic
__________ reactions are coupled reactions that involve the transfer of electrons from one molecule to another, resulting in a transfer of energy between molecules
Answer: Oxidation-reduction (aka. Redox)
In the body, oxidation-reduction reactions are ____________ reactions requiring specific coenzymes that transfer the energy contained in food fuels to other molecules, ultimately leading to the synthesis of ATP from ADP.
Answer: enzyme-catalyzed
ATP synthesis may occur through two mechanisms:
Answer: substrate-level phosphorylation OR oxidative phosphorylation
__________ , in which high-energy phosphate groups are transferred directly from phosphorylated substrates to ADP
Answer: substrate-level phosphorylation
______________ in which some energy from food fuels is used to create a proton gradient that is used to attach phosphates to ADP
Answer: oxidative phosphorylation,
In the body, oxidation-reduction reactions are ____________ reactions requiring specific coenzymes that transfer the energy contained in food fuels to other molecules, ultimately leading to the synthesis of ATP from ADP.
Answer: enzyme-catalyzed
Glucose enters the cell by_________, and is phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate, essentially trapping glucose within the cell.
Answer: facilitated diffusion
Glucose enters _________, an anaerobic process that occurs in the cytosol.
Answer: glycolysis
In _______ of glycolysis, glucose is phosphorylated in a series of steps to fructose-6-phosphate to provide the activation energy for events that occur later in the pathway.
Answer: phase 1
In __________ of glycolysis, fructose-6-phosphate is split into two three-carbon fragments: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate.
Answer: phase 2
In _______ of glycolysis, the pair of three-carbon fragments produced in phase 2 are oxidized to transfer hydrogen to NAD+, and the oxidized fragments are phosphorylated.
Answer: phase 3
GLYCOLYSIS: The final products of this series of reactions are two _______ acid molecules, two molecules of NADH, and four molecules of ATP, although two ATPs were consumed at the beginning of the process.
Answer: pyruvic
The two _________ acid molecules can follow two distinct pathways, depending on the availability of oxygen.
Answer: pyruvic
If adequate ________ is present in the cell, glycolysis continues, and NADH delivers its electrons to the electron transport chain.
Answer: oxygen
If there is not adequate oxygen available, NADH returns its hydrogen to pyruvic acid, forming _______ acid, which allows NAD+ to continue to act as an electron acceptor.
Answer: lactic
Once enough oxygen is available within the cell, _______ acid is oxidized back to pyruvic acid and enters aerobic pathways.
Answer: lactic
In aerobic pathways, pyruvic acid is transported into the mitochondrion, where it enters the _______.
Answer: Krebs cycle.
Pyruvic acid is first converted to __________ by removing a carbon, oxidizing the acetic acid fragment, and adding coenzyme A.
Answer: acetyl Co-A
_______ enters the Krebs cycle, where it proceeds through eight successive steps that produce a series of ________, ultimately ending at the production of oxaloacetic acid.
Answer: Acetyl CoA, ketoacids
The net yield of the_________ is four molecules of CO2, six molecules of NADH, two molecules of FADH2, and two molecules of ATP per pair of acetyl CoA molecules that were produced from glucose.
Answer: Krebs cycle
The _____________ is the oxygen-requiring process of aerobic respiration involving the pickup of hydrogens removed from food fuels during oxidation by O2, resulting in the formation of water, a process called ________________.
Answer: electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation
In the ___________, hydrogens from NADH and FADH2 are shuttled through a series of coenzymes, which results in the transport of H+ from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space.
Answer: electron transport chain
______ diffuses back to the mitochondrial membrane through an enzyme, ATP synthase, which phosphorylates ADP to ATP as the H+ diffuses.
Answer: H+
Because the cell cannot store large amounts of ATP, other processes are used to handle glucose in excess of what can be used in _______________.
Answer: ATP synthetic pathways.
__________ is a process that forms glycogen from glucose when high cellular ATP begins to inhibit glycolysis.
Answer: Glycogenesis
___________ is a process that breaks down glycogen to glucose when blood glucose levels begin to fall.
Answer: Glycogenolysis
_________ is a process that forms glucose from nonglucose molecules to maintain blood glucose when dietary sources and glucose reserves begin to be depleted.
Answer: Gluconeogenesis
__________ are the body’s most concentrated source of energy, producing approximately twice the energy of either carbohydrates or proteins.
Answer: Lipids
Catabolism of __________ involves the splitting of the molecule into glycerol and fatty acids:
Answer: triglycerides
In catabolism of triglycerides, the glycerol portion is converted to ________phosphate, which enters into glycolysis, and the fatty acids are converted to acetyl CoA through beta oxidation.
Answer: glyceraldehyde
_________is a process used to store excess glycerol and fatty acids in adipose tissue as triglycerides.
Answer: Lipogenesis
________is a process that breaks down stored triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids, to be directed into lipid catabolism.
Answer: Lipolysis
Before amino acids can be oxidized for energy, they must have the amine group removed, a process called ___________.
Answer: deamination
The deaminated amino acid molecule is converted to pyruvic acid, or a Krebs cycle _____________.
Answer: ketoacid intermediate.
Deaminated amino acids may also be reconverted to glucose and contribute to ______________.
Answer: gluconeogenesis.
Amino acids are the most important __________, and can be used to synthesize structural and functional proteins of the body.
Answer: anabolic nutrient
There is a dynamic ________ state of the body as molecules are broken down and rebuilt.
Answer: catabolic-anabolic
The body draws molecules to meet these needs from various nutrient pools:
Answer: amino acid, carbohydrate, and fat stores.
During the ________, anabolism exceeds catabolism.
Answer: absorptive state
All absorbed _________are made into glucose by the liver, and released to the blood or converted to glycogen or fat.
Answer: monosaccharides
Most fats enter the lymph as _______, which are broken down to glycerol and fatty acids to enable them to pass into capillaries.
Answer: chylomicrons
Adipose cells, skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, and the liver use ________to synthesize plasma proteins, while most amino acids passing through the liver remain in the blood for uptake by other body cells.
Answer: triglycerides
In the __________state, net synthesis of fat, glycogen, and proteins ends, and the body shifts to catabolism of these molecules
Answer: postabsorptive
________is obtained by promoting glycogenolysis in the liver and skeletal muscle, lipolysis in the liver and adipose tissues, and catabolism of cellular protein.
Answer: Blood glucose
If the body experiences prolonged fasting, it will enter _________, which is aimed at conservation of blood glucose by promoting increased use of noncarbohydrate fuel molecules, especially triglycerides.
Answer: glucose sparing
The brain continues to use glucose, unless fasting continues for longer than four or five days, at which time it begins to use__________ as an alternate fuel source.
Answer: ketone bodies
Hormonal controls of the ___________state inhibit the release of insulin and promote release of glucagon, which stimulates a rise in blood glucose level by causing enhanced glycogenolysis, lipolysis, and gluconeogenesis.
Answer: postabsorptive
Cholesterol is transported in the blood bound to ________complexes, which solubilize lipids and regulate entry and exit at specific target cells.
Answer: lipoprotein
Lipoprotein complexes vary in the percentage of _______ they contain, but all contain triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol, in addition to protein.
Answer: lipid
The greater the proportion of _______in the lipoprotein, the lower its density.
Answer: lipid
There are very-low-density _________(VLDLs), low-density ____________(LDLs), and high-density ________(HDLs).
Answer: lipoproteins, lipoproteins , lipoproteins
______ transport triglycerides from the liver to peripheral tissues
Answer: VLDLs
______ transport cholesterol to peripheral tissues
Answer: LDLs
_________ transport excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver and provide cholesterol to steroid-producing organs.
Answer: HDLs
High levels of HDL are considered ______, as the cholesterol they contain is bound for removal,
Answer: beneficial
High levels of LDL are considered a _____, because the cholesterol they contain may be laid down on vessel walls, forming plaques.
Answer: risk
Blood levels of cholesterol are partly regulated through________, and a high intake of cholesterol will somewhat inhibit cholesterol synthesis by the liver.
Answer: negative feedback,
Diets high in __________ stimulate liver synthesis of cholesterol and reduce its elimination from the body,
Answer: saturated fats
_____________acids enhance excretion of cholesterol to bile for removal from the body.
Answer: unsaturated fatty
There is a balance between the body’s energy _______, defined as the energy produced during food oxidation,
Answer: intake
energy ________, which includes energy lost as heat, used to do work, or stored as fat or glycogen
Answer: output
When energy intake and energy output are balanced, body weight remains ________, but when they are not, weight is gained or lost
Answer: stable
________is defined as an individual having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30
Answer: Obesity
_______= weight (lb) x 705/height (inches)2
Answer: BMI
Obesity places individuals at higher risk for ________, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, and osteoarthritis.
Answer: atherosclerosis
The __________produces several peptides controlling feeding behavior, which ultimately reflect two sets of neurons: one set promoting hunger and the other set promoting satiety.
Answer: hypothalamus
Short-term regulation of food intake involves _________ from the digestive tract, blood levels of nutrients, and GI hormones.
Answer: neural signals
Long-term regulation of food intake relies on the hormone ______, secreted by adipose cells.
Answer: leptin
__________is a hormone that is secreted in response to an increase in the body’s fat mass, and suppresses activity of the neurons that promote hunger while increasing activity of neurons that promote satiety.
Answer: Leptin
Other factors that may affect food-seeking behaviors are changes in ambient temperature, stress, other psychological factors, infections, sleep deprivation, or composition of _________.
Answer: gut bacteria
The body’s rate of energy output is called the __________.
Answer: metabolic rate.
The _______ rate reflects the amount of energy required for performance of only the essential activities of the body, and is expressed as kilocalories per square meter of body surface area.
Answer: basal metabolic
Factors that influence the basal metabolic rate include:
Answer: body surface area, age, gender, stress, and hormones.
The most important factor(influence basal metabolic rate) is ________, because of its impact on heat loss from the body.
Answer: surface area
_________ rate is higher if the individual is younger, or male, and tends to rise and fall with body temperature.
Answer: Basal metabolic
The most important hormonal factor affecting basal metabolic rate is __________, which increases O2 consumption and heat production.
Answer: thyroxine
Body temperature averages ______, and is usually maintained between 35.8–38.2°C.
Answer: 37°C
___________homeostasis keeps body temperature at a value that is optimal for enzymatic activity within the body.
Answer: Temperature
The _____________, which includes organs within the skull, thoracic, and abdominal cavities, has the highest body temperature, while the shell (mostly the skin) has the lowest temperature.
Answer: core of the body
_________ between our skin and the external environment occurs through radiant flow of heat, conductive flow of warmth from warmer to cooler objects, convective movement of warm air away from the body, and heat loss due to evaporation of fluids from the lungs, oral mucosa, and the skin.
Answer: Heat exchange
The ________ contains the heat-loss and heat-promoting centers that aid in the regulation of behavioral and physiological mechanisms to maintain normal body temperature.
Answer: hypothalamus
___________ maintain or increase body core temperature, and include constriction of cutaneous blood vessels, shivering, increase in metabolic rate, and increased release of ___________.
Answer: Heat-promoting mechanisms , thyroxine
_________ protect the body from excessively high temperatures, and include dilation of cutaneous blood vessels, enhanced sweating, and behaviors that promote heat loss or reduce heat gain.
Answer: Heat-loss mechanisms
Inadequate __________during pregnancy and in the first three years of life seriously compromises brain growth and development, as well as muscle and bone development
Answer: nutrition
Several genetic disorders affect metabolism, such as:
Answer: cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, and glycogen storage disease
With the exception of insulin-dependent ________, genetically normal children rarely exhibit metabolic disorders, but by middle and old age, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus becomes a significant problem
Answer: diabetes mellitus
__________rate declines throughout life, and this decline may affect the body’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients
Answer: Metabolic