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43 Cards in this Set

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those who spoke out against the catholic church were labeled


the issue that sparked the lutheran reformation was


on oct. 31,1517 martin luther is believed to have defiantly posted this on the door of the wittenburg university chapel

95 theses

Lutheranism is most clearly differated by catholisism by belief in what

justification by faith

the title "Pope of Geneva" was often applied to

John Calvin

Unlike martin luther, john calvin thought the catholic church was


calvinisms most significant departure from previous christian movements was a belief in


calvin demanded works as well as faith to prove that one was

attempting to follow gods order on earth

souls of individuals whom god had predestined for heaven were called

the elect

for calvin, it was important that the church and state

were separate in moral matters

the calvinist church did away with what church position


unlike lutherism calvinism succeed in

becoming an international faith

the act of supremacy in 1634 did what

gave english monarchy authority over the church

this monarch tried to return english monarch to catholisism


pope paul the iii is known for

leading the counter reformation

the council of trent

attempt to examine churches basic doctrines and goals

the peace of augsburg divided germany between

catholic and lutheran

the edict of bates granted limited tolerance for prodestnats in what country


the spanish king whose attempts to impose catholicism in the netherlands met with dismissal failure was

king phillip ii

the victims of the saint barthalamew day massacre was


a major legacy of the reformation was

education and increased literacy

one of the chief negative effects of the reformation on Europe was

diminished tolerance of doctrines

most fighting during the 30 years war took place in what country


the big winners of the 30 years war was

france and sweedan

by the end on the 17th century, spain had become


one aspect of absolution that made it attractive to many 17th century europeans was

order and security

the longest reign of any english monarch was

louis xiv

france was weakend by the revocation of the edict of bates, which forced thousands of these skilled people to flee the country


the country that gained the most from the war of the spanish succession was


when elizabeth i died unmarried and childless, the throne passed to

james i

james the 1 most notable achievement was his

kjv bible

by the 1620s the radical members of britans parliament were called


the 1st european nation to try and execute their king was


as lord protector of england, oliver chromwell enjoyed

support of most population

the british ruler under whom the party political system began was

king charles ii

the test act was designed to favor


england became a constitutional state under the monarchy of

william and mary

william and mary and anne were followed by kings of this monarchy


leviathan political message is basically


one of the most important concepts introduced by john locke was that of

natural rights

the message conveyed by hobbes leviathan was in brief that

man needed a powerful gov. to avoid anarchy

religious tolerance was practiced most faithfully by

king henry iv

spain was relegated to second class status in the 1600s in part, because it failed to develop

middle class entrepreneurs