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36 Cards in this Set

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Northern Securities Company
A holding company with some of the nations largest railroads. Some of the major businessmen were part of it.
Hepburn Act
Strengthened the ICC and gave them more power over railroad rates.
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
A book originally written to protect the workers in the meat packing industry. Instead it created federal regulation of meat packing industries. Who wants mice in their steak?
Payne Aldrich Act
Called for higher rates than originally intended.
"Bully Pulpit"
In Roosevelts eyes, the White House was a forum of ideas and leadership for the nation.
Ballinger - Pinchot Controversy
An event which hurt William Taft's reputation. It covered up his successes and lost him supporters.
Social Justice Movement
A movement that called for legislation to better society like child labor laws and housing laws
"Bull Moose"
The nickname for the progressive party that formed behind Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 campaign.
New Freedom
Wilson's Plan in the 1912 Election. Called for business competition and small government. Much more towards laissez faire than the other candidates.
New Nationalism
Roosevelt's program in his campaign for the presidency in 1912. Called for an efficient government and society.
American Medical Association
An organization for doctors. One that also sets the requirements. Began a trend of requiring certification. Before, anyone who wanted to be a doctor simply had to pay someone else money for the certificate.
How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis
A book describing poverty. Written to create more sympathy for the poor and to help them.
Womens Christian Temperance Union
An organization that sought to prohibit alcohol. Was the main group that sought prohibition.
Anti-Saloon League
Was against "drinking till insensible" because it was a waste of money so they decided to make it illegal. Joined other groups to form one main group.
"Brandeis Brief"
An argument for women on the grounds that because they are the weaker gender, they should have less work hours. Ironically this also argued against giving women the right to vote.
Muller vs. Oregon
Court case which allowed for regulation of working hours for women.
Called for a more logical approach to the problems. Sought to look at society as a whole instead of human behavior.
Oswald Garrison Villard
Was a journalist.
Underwood Act
Lowered tariff rates and removed some duties all together. Also created an income tax to make up for lost revenue.
Meat Inspection Act
An act created after publication of the Jungle and required more sanitary conditions for the meatpacking industry. No more random body parts in some peoples' stew.
Pure Drug and Food Act
Required labels that had all the ingredients of a product.
Food and Drug Administration. Created to regulate food and drugs.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Outlawed large directorates and outlawed unfair business practices.
Mann-Elkins Act
Gave more power to the ICC and created Commerce Courts. Also placed telegraph and telephone companies under the eyes of the ICC.
"Wisconsin Idea"
Established by Robert La Follette in Wisconsin. Did many things including the establishment of an industrial commission, improved education and provided workers compensation, public utility controls, and resource conservation.
Tom Johnson
Governor of Cleveland. Made Cleveland the best governed city in the country. His programs included public control over the utilities and education of his programs to the people of Cleveland.
Joe Cannon
Republican Speaker of the House who controlled the House of Representatives.
Federal Trade Commission
Oversaw business practices and could demand special and annual reports., investigate complaints, order corporate compliance, subject to court review.
Interstate Commerce Commission
A government agency whose job was to regulate interstate trade. A major function of this was the railroads.
Keatings Owens Act
A law that sought to regulate child labor. Overturned by the courts.
1910 Midterm Elections
Victory for the Democrats. Republicans lost many seats in both the House and the Senate.
1912 Presidential Election
Taft vs. Roosevelt vs. Debs vs. Wilson. Republicans split, socialist party useless, and democrats win with Wilson.
1902 Coal Strike
First time federal government sided with labor. Roosevelt invited both groups to white house and offered to be the negotiator between labor and management. When it dragged on and with winter approaching, Roosevelt threatened to seize the mines with federal troops.
John Dewey
Applied pragmatism to education. Argued that thought evolves in relation to environment and that education is directly related to experiance.
Thorstein Veblen
An American Sociologist and Economist
Dr. Alice Hamilton
A female doctor from this time. Men and Women were joining professional fields such as medicine.