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166 Cards in this Set

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What is a localized group of individuals belonging to the same species?
What are all the organisms that inhabit a particular area and an assemblage of populations of diff species, living close enough for potential interaction
group of populations of individuals who have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature
has same phenotype from both parents
different phenotype from parents
What is it when all the members of a population are homozygous for the same allele in the gene?
fixed gene
extensive genetic variation within populations and recognizes the importance of quantitative characters
population genetics
total aggregate of genes in a population at any one time?
Gene pool
Theory of evolution emphasizing natural selection, gradualism, and populations as the fundamental units of evolutionary change.
Modern synthesis
frequency a phenotype appears in a population
phenotypic frequency
frequency at which a genotype appears in a population
genotypic frequency
frequency at which an allele is present in a population
allelic frequency
A group of interbreeding individuals belonging to a particular species and sharing a common geographic area
The smallest unit that can evolve is a
consequence of interaction between an individual and its environment
natural selection
_______ is the change in frequency of a particular allele from one generation to the next
Unequal survivability of animals is also known as
natural selection
Natural selection can only operate on alleles that have _________ in the population
Natural selection can ________ or ______ heritable characteristics
amplify, diminish
Natural selection cannot work on
fixed allels
Genetic variability in a population can be measured by calculating the
average heterozygosity
There are ____ sources of variation
Organisms can adapt to changes in their environment, but changes are not passed on to
Natural selection cannot alter changes that happen because of the
An example of microevolution on the Galapagos is
the average beak depth as it oscillated with rainfall
P is used to represent the
dominant allele frequency
Q is used to represent the
recessive allel frequency
Hardy Weinberg population is one that is
WHat are the five conditions for a hardy weinberg population?
Large population
Mating is random
No selection is operating
Closed Population
No mutations
If a population is random, what is it not?
Hardy weinberg population
What are the five factors that cause microevolution?
Small population
Non isolation from other populatiosn
Mutations that will change frequencies but very little
Non random matings
Natural selection
What are the 1-4 factors of microevolution called?
non-adaptive causes
When you have a small population, what do you lose?
If you violate Hardy-Weinberg laws, what do you cause?
Genetic drift can occur because of a
sampling error
Gene fixation within a ________ populations is possible
What are the two specific types of genetic drift?
Bottleneck effect, founder effect
The bottleneck effect cuts down ______ and is usually a ______
population, disasters
NOrthern Elephant seals went from a population of ______ to _______, ___ loci are fixed
20, 127000, 24
The __________ are more alike than labratory grown pure strain mice
South african cheetah
Humans were affected by which factor of microevolution?
What is the founder effect?
Few individuals colonize an area, not rep. of the original population
On tristanda Cunha, what has happened due to the founder effect?
Retinitis pigmentosa
Genetic drift means
sampling error
Retinitis pigmentosa means that there is
damage to the pigments in the retina
in 1814 on Tristanda Cunha, how many people colonized?
RP is _____ times more common in Tristanda.
Tristanda people also have
Where was the island that spoke by hand?
Marth's Vineyard
Polydactyly/Dwarfism became prominent in the
Amish of Pennsylvania
Who originated the amish colony in pennsylvania?
Samuel King, 1744
When there is not a closed population, what will happen?
Gene flow will change frequencies
Gene flow conteracts what?
Genetic drift
Gene flow is a product of
non-isolated populations
______ will change frequencies but only by a little
Commonly, 1 in every _____ gamete is altered
10^5 or 10^6
______ are the source of genetic variation and it takes time to show
_____ is the most extreme case of non random mating
self fertilization
____ mating is when one mates with others like youself in order to promote the homozygous genes over the heterozygous ones
_____ makes the population better fit for the environment
Natural selection
What does a stabilizing selection do?
acts against the extreme phenotype
_____ selection reduces the variety of phenotypes in a population
Extremem genotypes have a lower
darwinian or relative fitness
Genetic variation are the
differences among individulas in the composition of their genes or other DNA segments
Discrete charcters are determined by
a single gene locus with different alleles
Quantitative characters vary
along a continuum within a population
Quantitative characters are determined by
several genes
Average heterozygosity is the
average percentage of loci that are heterozygous
The drosophila is average heterozygosity is
1,920 out of 13,700
Geographic variation is the
differences in the genetic composition of separate populations
What is a graded change in a character along a geographic axis?
What is the selection that shifts the frequency to one end of the other?
Directional Selection
_____ selection is most common when an environment changes
Biston Betularia exemplifies _________ selection
The drought finches showed ______ selection
A lower Darwinian factor means the organism has a ____ chance of surviving
In a _____ selection, the genotypes are stabilized as the heterozygous are selected for and the extremes are diminished
Disruptive selection is also called
diversifying selection
______ selection favors individuals of both ends of the phenotype spectrum
An example of a disruptive selection is the
black bellied seed crackers
______ is adaptive
natural selection
_____ condition offers protection from harmful recessives
There are ___ forces that promote variety
What is it when selection favros multiple morphs in a population?
Balance Polymorphisms
What are the four forces that promote variety?
Hybrid vigour, diverse environmental colors, frequency dependent selection, neutral varitaion
What is hybrid vigor?
Heterozygous advantage that allows cross breeding
What is an example of diverse environmental colors?
Garter snake population
What is frequency dependent selection?
REproductive success of any one morph declines if that phenotupic form becomes too common
What is when a species has lot of appearences and shapes and adapt the color of poisonous animals?
Frequency Dependent selection
What do the female African swallowtail butterflies display?
Other various poisonous species, frequency dependent selection
What do the eastern coral snake and scarlet king snake have in common?
Same color scheme, frequency dependent selection
What is Batesian mimicry?
When a species looks like the poisonous alternate but are not; only some in the population are able to do this in order to survive
What is Mullerian mimicry?
When 2 or more species are poisonous and have evolved similar colors/warnings and signs/behaviors
What is neutral variation?
Variation that can change designation if environment changes
What leads to sexual dimorphism?
Sexual selection
What is competition between memebers of the same sex to establish superiority called?
intrasexual selection
Intersexual selection is what?
Mate choice
Which selection leads to secondary sexual characteristics?
Intersexual selection
______ selection can lead to "run away" behaviors that are not healthy or beneficial
What selection is the ram, sea lion, lion, deer, song birds part of?
What selection are the peacocks, bower birds, and whydah birds part of?
What selection does the irish elk show>?
An example of heterozygote advantage is
sickle cell anemia
What are the three mating patterns?
Monogamy, polygyny, polyandry
______ species usually have little sexual dimorphism
______ percent of monogamous species are birds
Monogamous speices usually have offspring that are what?
What does altricial mean?
need a lot of care
WHat is polygyny?
One male with more than one female
Polygyny is sometimes called the _____ construct
Offspring to polygyny species are usually
precocial means
born able to semi take care of themselves
The most common mating pattern is
What is polyandry mating?
one female with multiple males
WHat is the rarest of the three mating patterns?
What are some species that go through polyandry mating?
red winged blackbirds, warblers
Why would species be polyandrogenous?
genetic variety, healthy babies, safety of nest, protection
Species litterally means
kind or appearance
Biological species concept does not work with
asexual reproduction, fossils
Who theorized the Biological species concept?
Ernst Mayr
What is the biological species concept?
A population or group of populations whose members can breed with one another in nature to produce viable, fertile offspring, but who cannot produce viable, fertile offspring with members of other species
What is the largest unit of population in which genetic exchange is possible?
What are prezygotic barriers?
barriers that impede mating between species or hinder fertilization of ova
What is it when different habitats within the same area rarely meet?
Habitat isolation.
What is behavioral isolation?
Special signals, pheromones, songs, and rituals that are specific to an individual group.
What is it called when organisms breed during different times of the day, seasons, or even years?
Temporal isolation
What is it called when the parts don't fit?
Mechanical isolation
What is gametic isolation?
Gamestes get together, still not working
WHat are some postzygotic barriers?
reduced hybrid viability, reduced hybrid fertility, hybrid breakdown,
WHat is it when there is genetic incompatibility during embryogenesis?
Reduced hybrid viability
If a fetus does survive even with reduced hybrid vitality, what will happen to them?
Die soon
What is reduced hybrid fertility?
When the offspring is fertile
What is hybrid breakdown?
When generation hybrids are viable and fertile, cross breed with themselves, and offspring are frail and infertile
When does Biological species concept not work?
extinct species, asexually reproducing organisms, coyotes dogs wolves, deer mouse
Most taxonomic designations are based on _____ features rather than testing reproductive isolation
What is it when a geographic barrier physicaly isolates populations, blocks gene flow, and allows for mutations in each population?
Allopatric speciation
What is it when populations become genetically isolated from each other even though they are living in the same area?
Sympatric speciation
What is an example of sympatric speciation that leads to polyploidy?
Chromosomal accidents, non disjunction, no longer mate with others
What is a polyploidy cell?
One with an extra set of chromosomes
What does it mean when someone is trisomy for chromosome 21?
They are three versions of the chromosome, downsyndrome
What is autopolyploidy?
self fertilization following a nondijunction error
What is alloploidy?
two different species mate and the offspring are usually infertile but may reproduce a sexually after that
What are the three types of sympatric speciation?
poly, auto, allo
Some biologists believe that the tempo of evolution works in ____ and _____
spurts, starts
Some biologists say changes continue to occur but may not be resulting in changes that would show up in _______
fossil record
There is a ____% DNA difference between monkeys and humans
What type of elephant seals have a lot of variation?
What's up with the Nene birds?
Little genetic variation
What happened about 73,000 bce?
Mt Toba erupted, largest volcanic eruption in past 2 mil years, 1000-3000 breeding pairs possible
What is an example of stabilizing selection?
HUman birth weight
What is an example of directional selection?
Biston Betularia, finches
WHat is an example of diversifying selection?
Black bellied seed crackers
What is a species that shows frequency dependent selection?
African swallowtail butterfly
What snake shows frequency dependent selection?
Scarlet King Snake
What are species that show mullerian mimicry?
Monarch and viceroy butterfly
What birds make an arch in order to attract females?
Bower birds
What is an example of habitat isolation?
Garter snakes and parasites
What are examples of behavioral isolation?
fireflies, pheromones, western meadowlarks
What are examples of temporal isoaltion?
Western spotted skink and eastern spotted skunk, wild orchid dendrobium
What is an example of mechanical isolation?
Certain flowers can only be pollinated by specific insects
What is an example of gametic isolation?
inernal environment of female may kill sperm
By 1993, what was the hatching rate of Prairie Chicken eggs?
What is realtive fitness?
the contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to the contributions of other indviduals
What are the three factors that change allergic frequency?
Natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow
What is average heterozygosity?
Average percent of loci that are heterozygous
What are the four soures of genetic variation?
Formation of new alleles, altering gne number,nrapid reproduction,sexual reproduction