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77 Cards in this Set

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Freedmens bureau?

Agency whose goals was to help the newly freed men by providing education , food housing and medical aid

A month after the freedmens bureau established what happened?

Lincoln was assassinate by John Wilkes booth

What did Lincoln’s death do to country??

Destroyed any hope for an orderly reconstruction

Who was Lincoln’s Vice President? What did he support?

Andrew Johnson- he did not believe in racial equality and his interpretation of reconstruction was lenient towards the south

What did Johnson allow the states to do? What did each state add to their new govt?

Every southern state except Texas created new governments and Johnson approved them. Many of the laws were black codes- discriminatory laws that denied the civil rights of blacks

What did Johnson allow the states to do? What did each state add to their new govt?

Every southern state except Texas created new governments and Johnson approved them. Many of the laws were black codes- discriminatory laws that denied the civil rights of blacks

Some members of ? Decided that congress should intervene

Radical republicans

What did congress do? What did they pass?

Gave the freedmens bureau more powers and passed the civil rights act- which confirmed that blacks were citizens and overturned Dred Scott decision

What did congress do? What did they pass?

Gave the freedmens bureau more powers and passed the civil rights act- which confirmed that blacks were citizens and overturned Dred Scott decision

What amendment was passed that ensured any person born or naturalized in the US was a citizen with full rights such as due process?

14th amendment

What was required of the states to renter the union?

Accept amendments

What happened when the states were required to accept the amendments?

Riots in south, influx of black voters, and an unsuccessful attempt by Johnson to oppose it

Who took over reconstruction efforts? What acts did they pass and what were they?


Reconstruction acts- divided the south into five military districts until the southern states were readmitted to the union

What did congress pass next bc they knew Johnson opposed radical reconstruction?

Tenure of office act- limited executive power by requiring the president to secure congressional approval before he could remove members of his cabinet

How did Johnson respond?

When congress wasn’t in session he fired his secretary of war

How did Congress respond?

Votes to impeach Johnson for doing it without their approval

Tried in senate but he was acquitted by one vote

Who won the next election of 1868?

Grant -

Who won the next election of 1868?

Grant -

Congress passed the 15 th amendment- what did it say?

Illegal to deny citizens the right to vote based on race

Who became the first AA in senate? And what state?

Hiram revels- Mississippi

Who became the first AA in senate? And what state?

Hiram revels- Mississippi

What were the force acts??

Passed by grant and signed by congress these acts allowed the military to enforce the 14th amendment which helped destroy the kkk

What was the panic of 1873?

A financial firm called jay Cooke and co went bankrupt and set off panic. A major economic depression followed

What was the compromise of 1877?

Dispute over who won presidency- congress appointed a commission that agreed that Hayes would become president but in return federal troops would leave the south and provide southerners with aid for public projects

What was the compromise of 1877?

Dispute over who won presidency- congress appointed a commission that agreed that Hayes would become president but in return federal troops would leave the south and provide southerners with aid for public projects

What did the compromise of 1877 do?

End reconstruction

Who were the redeemers? What did they want?

Southern democrats who retook control of their state governments

They aimed to decrease taxes, decrease the size of the government and decrease racial equality

What did southern states do despite the fact that the 15th amendment guaranteed citizens the right to vote?

Poll taxes and literacy tests which made it very difficult for former slaves to participate in government but they did not have as much of an effect on whites bc most were grandfathered in

What else did southern states pass that kept blacks and whites separated?

Jim Crow laws

What else did southern states pass that kept blacks and whites separated?

Jim Crow laws

What was plessy v Ferguson? And what did court rule?

Plessy rode in a whites only segregated railroad car - he was arrested- he sued railway

Supreme Court ruled that segregation was legal so long as facilities for blacks were “separate but equal” to those for whites

What were carpetbaggers and scalywags?

Carpetbaggers- northerners who came to work in the south (named after the luggage made of carpet that they used) carpetbaggers were accused of trying to make a profit from reconstruction

Scalywags- southerners who supported government ; seen as traitors to the south

In the early 1600s what was the mail system used? And what made it obsolete?

Pony express (used horses)


The telegraph couldn’t carry packages so what was needed and what act was passed??

Railroad- the pacific railways act was passed which funded the central pacific and Union Pacific railways to build a transcontinental railway

The central pacific started and ended where? Where did they meet in the middle? (Gold spike)

Sacramento to Omaha Nebraska

Promontory Utah

The central pacific started and ended where? Where did they meet in the middle? (Gold spike)

Sacramento to Omaha Nebraska

Promontory Utah

What did the railroad industry create to make travel more uniform?

Four standard American time zones

The central pacific started and ended where? Where did they meet in the middle? (Gold spike)

Sacramento to Omaha Nebraska

Promontory Utah

What did the railroad industry create to make travel more uniform?

Four standard American time zones

One of the most famous peace officers of the frontier was?

Wyatt Earp

The central pacific started and ended where? Where did they meet in the middle? (Gold spike)

Sacramento to Omaha Nebraska

Promontory Utah

What did the railroad industry create to make travel more uniform?

Four standard American time zones

One of the most famous peace officers of the frontier was?

Wyatt Earp

What was the homestead act? What did it give?

Opened up the land in Great Plains for any homesteaders who wanted to farm it including AA and women

It gave 160 acres of land to get started

What did the national grange do? Who formed it?

Provided social services and set up cost cutting cooperatives for farmers

Oliver Hudson Kelley

What did the national grange do? Who formed it?

Provided social services and set up cost cutting cooperatives for farmers

Oliver Hudson Kelley

What was the free silver movement?

Advocated adding silver into circulation to produce more money which would lead to inflation

What was the name of the act that regulated the railroad industry?

Interstate commerce act

What was the populist party? Who ran for them?

Party that was formed that focused on the “average person”

James weaver

Remember the panics- which one happened in

1837? 1873? 1893?

1837- took place during Jackson and van buren

1873- grant presidency

1893- cleveland presidency

Remember the panics- which one happened in

1837? 1873? 1893?

1837- took place during Jackson and van buren

1873- grant presidency

1893- cleveland presidency

The government couldn’t keep up with land demands so now govt allows people to settle on NA land. The US built forts on Sioux land.

Who NA led ambush on American soldiers and what result?

Chief crazy horse and the Us agreed to abandon its forts and create a reservation for Sioux overseen by the bureau of Indian affairs

Remember the panics- which one happened in

1837? 1873? 1893?

1837- took place during Jackson and van buren

1873- grant presidency

1893- cleveland presidency

The government couldn’t keep up with land demands so now govt allows people to settle on NA land. The US built forts on Sioux land.

Who NA led ambush on American soldiers and what result?

Chief crazy horse and the Us agreed to abandon its forts and create a reservation for Sioux overseen by the bureau of Indian affairs

In 1874- soldiers led by Lt Custer found gold in Sioux reservation which now tempted the US to abandon what treaty and buy the land.

Treaty of fort Laramie

Who was the chief that refused to sell and who encouraged the people to fight instead

Chief sitting bull and chief crazy horse

Who was the chief that refused to sell and who encouraged the people to fight instead

Chief sitting bull and chief crazy horse

What was the name of the battle and who won?

Battle of Little Bighorn aka “Custers last stand” bc his entire unit was killed

Major Sioux victory but US government stepped up its military and the next year crazy horse surrendered

What act did congress pass which made native Americans assimilate into the US culture?

Dawes allotment act- split Native American land into allotments private parts of land to be used for farming but this destroyed the Native American culture of communal property

What did the govt do to NA children?

Sent them to schools like Carlisle school to make them more “American” re hair clothes and language

What was the last major clash between NA and us government ? And what was it over?

Wounded knee massacre

Ghost dance- a peaceful religious gathering that the govt took as a threat and tried to suppress

What were the business tycoons that rose to prominence in railroad industry called?

Railroad barons -

What were the business tycoons that rose to prominence in railroad industry called?

Railroad barons -

What new inventions came about in second industrial revolution?

Sewing machines - singer


Telephone- Alexander graham bell

Light bulb- Edison

What were the business tycoons that rose to prominence in railroad industry called?

Railroad barons -

What new inventions came about in second industrial revolution?

Sewing machines - singer


Telephone- Alexander graham bell

Light bulb- Edison

With new inventions came demand for fuel. Who discovered crude oil?

Edwin Drake

Who founded an oil refinery and created a monopoly by driving his competitors out of business?


What are horizontal and vertical integration? And who had each

Horizontal- take over competition to form monopoly. Rockefeller

Vertical- own and control all aspects/manufacturinh of a certain industry. Carnegie

Who founded the steel monopoly ?


What was period of time called between 1869-1896?

Gilded age bc there was so much inequality during that time

People like Rockefeller were called ? Which means ?

Robber Baron- meaning they lived like nobility but they were unethical men that used trickery to become wealthy

What act was passed that made monopolies and trusts illegal?

Sherman antitrust act- competition is necessary in free markets

Regardless of how they earned their money Carnegie and Rockefeller were both?

Philanthropists- have to charity founded Carnegie hall and Rockefeller institute

First national union?

Knights of labor

What tactic did the knights of labor use?

Collective bargaining

What was founded as a coalition of many smaller unions which became a much more influential organization?

American federation of labor (AFL)