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27 Cards in this Set

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Walter Lafeber
he thought the US did not set out on an expansionist path in 1890s. A natural culmination was when the Americans controlled overseas empires.
Monroe Doctrine
instructed European nations to stay out of foreign entanglement.
fostered a desire to stay out of foreign entanglements
imposition of control over other peoples through annexation, military conquest, or economic domination.
Josiah Strong
a congregational minister and fervent expansionist
"Our Country"
Strong's book argued for expanding American trade and dominion
William Henry Seward
secretary of state who pushed for an expansive foreign policy. Wanted an American empire stretching south into Latin America and west to Asia
Queen Liliuokalani
strong-willed nationalist who surrendered her throne in 1893
Alfred Thayer Mahan
most influential naval strategist. Devoted a lifetime to studying the influence of sea power in history
The Influence of sea power upon History
written by Mahan in 1660-1783 and it expressed his beliefs
George Dewey
crushed the fleet in Manila Bay, a commodore of war
McKinley Tariff
ended the special status given Hawaiian sugar and at the same time awarded American producers with 2 cents/pound
Wilson Gorman Tariff
ended reciprocity in 1894 and prostrated the depression of 1893
Valeriano Weyler
a spanish commander who gave the rebels ten days to lay down their arms in war. Then put together his reconcentration policy.
Yellow journalism
sensationalist reporting that exaggerated a lot, practiced in NYC newspapers
USS Maine
a ship that sunk due to an internal explosion, sunk at Havana Harbor and Spain was blamed.
Reconcentration Policy
designed to move native populations into camps and destroy the rebellion's popular bases.
Teller Amendment
offered by Henry M Teller and pledged that the U.S. had no intention of annexing Cuba
"Splended Little War"
named by John Hay. referred to the fighting a weakened Spain.
San Juan Hill
where battles with the Rough Riders broke out
Treaty of Paris (1898)
ended the Spanish-American war. Spain recognized Cuba's independence and assumed the Cuban debt. Ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to U.S.
Charles Francis Adams
warned that the possession of colonies meant big armies, government, and debts
Anti-Imperialist League
formed by opponents of expansion. created to fight against the peace treaty, sprang up in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, etc. Weakened by the fact that they lacked a coherent program
Foraker Act
established Puerto Rico as an unorganized U.S. territory
Platt Amendment
authorized U.S. intervention in Cuba to protect its interests. Cuba pledged not to make treaties with other countries, grant naval bases to U.S.
Open Door Policy
established free trade between the U.S. and China. Attempted to enlist major European and Asian nations in recognizing the territorial integrity of China
john Hay
attempted to preserve for the Chinese some semblance of national authority. Announced that all powers had accepted the Open Door Policy