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121 Cards in this Set

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Organs that respond to a particular hormone are called:
a. target organs.
b. integrated organs.
c. responder organs.
d. hormone attack organs.
e. None of the above is correct.

a. target organs.

A major feature of the "plasma membrane receptor" mechanism of hormonal action is:
a. action of cyclic AMP.
b. increased lysosomal activity.
c. requirement of a second messenger. d. All of the above are correct.
e. Both a and c are correct.

e. Both a and c are correct.

A major feature of the "activation of genes" mechanism of hormonal action is:
a. a second messenger is used.
b. a hormone-Golgi complex is used.
c. the hormone enters the cell.
d. lysosomal activity increases.
e. All of the above are correct.

c. the hormone enters the cell.

A hormone having an antidiuretic effect similar to that of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is:
a. insulin.
b. oxytocin.
c. hGH.
d. aldosterone.
e. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

b. oxytocin.

The hypothalamus controls the adenohypophysis by direct involvement of:
a. nerve impulses.
b. prostaglandins.
c. cerebrocortical controlling factors (CCCFs).
d. regulating hormones.
e. None of the above is correct.

d. regulating hormones.

Hormones convey regulatory information by: a. endocrine signaling.
b. paracrine signaling.
c. autocrine signaling.
d. synaptic signaling.
e. All of the above are correct.

e. All of the above are correct.

If calcium levels in the blood are too high, thyrocalcit- onin (calcitonin) concentrations in the blood should:
a. increase, thereby inhibiting osteoclasts.
b. increase, thereby stimulating osteoclasts.
c. increase, but this change would not affect osteoclasts.
d. decrease, thereby inhibiting osteoclasts.
e. decrease, thereby stimulating osteoclasts.

a. increase, thereby inhibiting osteoclasts.

In the negative feedback mechanism controlling thyroid hormone secretion, which is the nonregulatory hormone?
a. thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
b. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
c. thyroxine
d. All of the above are regulatory for thyroid
hormone secretion.

c. thyroxine

The control of parathyroid hormone is most accurately described as:
a. negative feedback controlled by the hypothalamus.
b. positive feedback controlled by the pituitary.
c. negative feedback involving the pituitary.
d. negative feedback not involving the pituitary.
e. Both a and c are correct.

d. negative feedback not involving the pituitary.

The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system begins to function when renin is secreted by the:
a. adrenal cortex.
b. adrenal medulla.
c. pancreas.
d. kidneys.
e. None of the above is correct.

d. kidneys.

The effects of adrenal medullary hormones and the effects of sympathetic stimulation can be described as:
a. opposites in all respects.
b. overlapping in some respects.
c. opposites in some respects.
d. variable depending on the sex involved.
e. overlapping in most respects.

e. overlapping in most respects.

Which best describes the respective effects of insulin and glucagon on blood glucose?
a. Insulin raises blood glucose; glucagon lowers it.
b. Both raise blood glucose.
c. Insulin lowers blood glucose; glucagon raises it.
d. Both lower blood glucose.
e. None of the above is correct.

c. Insulin lowers blood glucose; glucagon raises it.

The releasing hormones produced in the hypothalamus travel to the anterior pituitary via the:
a. stem neurons.
b. infundibular stem.
c. hypophyseal stalk.
d. hypophysial portal system.

d. hypophysial portal system.

Which anabolic hormone increases muscle protein synthesis?
a. T4
b. aldosterone
c. FSH
d. insulin

d. insulin

Aldosterone maintains electrolyte balance by:
a. retention of potassium.
b. elimination of sodium.
c. retention of both Na+ and K+.
d. Both a and b are correct.
e. None of the above is correct.

e. None of the above is correct.


Conserve sodium




Adrenal cortex


Thyroid gland




Mammary glands


Cause(s) fight-or-flight response


Influence(s) inflammatory response


Control(s) Na+, H+, and K+ levels


Act(s) as minor sex hormone(s)

Hypothalamus - Releasing hormones

Act on anterior pituitary to stimulate release or inhibit synthesis and release of hormones

Posterior pituitary - Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)Oxytocin

Causes conservation of body water, reduces serum osmolality, may regulate CNS functions

Posterior pituitary - Oxytocin

Stimulates uterine contraction and lactation, has antidiuretic activity, may have a role in sperm mobility

Anterior pituitary - Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Stimulates production of glucocorticoids (gluconeogenesis, inhibits immunity, anti-inflammatory) by adrenal cortex

Anterior pituitary - Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)

Stimulates darkening of skin color

Anterior pituitary - Growth hormone (GH)

Promotes growth of body tissues

Anterior pituitary - Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Stimulates production and release of thyroid hormones (growth and maturation of tissues)

Anterior pituitary - Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Initiates maturation of ovarian follicles; stimulates spermatogenesis

Anterior pituitary - Prolactin

Stimulates secretion of breast milk

Anterior pituitary - Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Causes ovulation and stimulates ovary to produce estrogen and progesterone; stimulates androgen production by interstitial cells of testes

Thyroid - Thyroxine (T3, T4)

Increases rate of cellular metabolism

Thyroid - Calcitonin

Osteoblastic—lowers serum calcium

Parathyroid - Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

Osteoclastic—raises serum calcium

Pancreatic islets of Langerhans - Insulin

Promotes utilization of glucose; lowers serum glucose

Pancreatic islets of Langerhans - Amylin

Delays nutrient uptake and suppresses glucagon after meals

Pancreatic islets of Langerhans - Glucagon

Promotes utilization of glycogen; raises serum glucose

Adrenal cortex - Glucocorticoids, mostly cortisol

Antagonize effects of insulin; inhibit inflammatory response and fibroblastic activity, protein catabolic

Adrenal cortex - Mineralocorticoids, mostly aldosterone

Promote retention of sodium by renal tubules

Adrenal cortex - Androgens and estrogens

Promote secondary sex characteristics

Adrenal medulla - Catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine)

Regulate blood pressure through effects on vascular smooth muscle and heart

Pineal gland - Melatonin

Regulates circadian rhythms and reproductive systems

Disorders of the endocrine system are based on



abnormal receptor function

altered intracellular response to the hormone-receptor complex

Cause of most common hypothalamic diseases

Interruption in the infundibular stem caused by trauma or tumor.

Another cause of hypothalamic diseases

The absence of hypothalmic hormones - due to lack of stimulation of the pituitary.

Diseases due to absence of hypothalamic hormones

• Diabetes insipidus - lack of ADH
• Cessation of menses, and sperm production - lack of gnrh
• Low levels of ACTH - lack of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
• Low levels of growth hormone - absence of growth hormone regulatory hormones
• Hyperprolactinemia - lack of usual inhibitory controls

Diseases of the Posterior Pituitary

Diseases that cause clinically observable symptoms are rare. When they occur they usually involve abnormal ADH secretion.

Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)

Characterized by high levels of ADH in the absence of normal physiologic stimuli for its release.

The most common causes of SIADH

• Ectopically produced hormone due to cancer
• Losses following pituitary surgery
• Medications - especially psychiatric

Pathophysiology of SIADH includes

• Water retention leading to edema - due to increased tubule permeability to water

• Hyponatremia due to expanded extracellular volume causing suppression of renin and aldostserone secretion (hyperosmolarity of urine)

Symptoms of SIADH due to hyponatremia

impaired taste
dyspnea on exertion
dulled sensorium
vomiting and cramps confusion
muscle twitching

Treatment of SIADH

Correction of underlying causal problems
Administration of hypertonic saline and fluid restriction

Diabetes insipidus

Related to insufficiency of ADH, leading to polyuria and polydipsia

3 forms of Diabetes Insipidus

• Neurogenic - insufficient amounts of ADH

• Nephrogenic - inadequate response to ADH

• Psychogenic - extremely large volumes of fluid intake

Pathophysiology of Diabetes Insipidus

• Partial to total inability to concentrate urine

• Chronic polyuria and polydipsia

• Low urine specific gravity (1.00 to 1.005)

Treatment of Diabetes Insipidus

Must be distinguished from other polyuric states and may require ADH replacement.

Diseases of the Anterior Pituitary

Disorders may involve either hypofunction or hyperfunction of the gland


May range from absence of selective hormones to complete failure of all hormonal functions. Most common causes are pituitary infarction as seen in Sheehan syndrome (postpartum pituitary necrosis), head trauma and infections.

Pathophysiology of Hypopituitarism

The pituitary is extremely vulnerable to infarction due to vasospasm of the artery supplying it, as well as the fact that the supplying portal system is already partly deoxygenated.

Clinical manifestations of Hypopituitarism

• Lack of ACTH (cortisol) - loss of functional maintenance of adrenal gland and decreased aldosterone

• Lack of TSH - thyroid deficiency

• Lack of ADH - diabetes insipidus

• Lack of FSH and LH - gonadal failure, loss of second-degree sexual characteristics

• Lack of GH (HGH) - dwarfism

Treatment of Hypopituitarism

Correction of underlying disorder, replacement therapy


Often caused by primary adenoma. Incidence may be as high as 22% - many are asymptomatic.

Pathophysiology of Hyperpituitarism

Local expansion - tumor may impinge on optic chiasma, hypothalamus or other secretory cell of anterior pituitary. Secretory tumor - maybe hypersecretion or hyposecretion due to pressure changes.
• hyposecretion of GH is asymptomatic in adults
• gonadotropic hyposecretion results in menstrual irregularity, decreased libido and receding second-degree sexual characteristics
• hypersecretion of GH in childhood causes giantism
• hypersecretion of GH in the adult causes acromegaly

Hyperthyroid Function

Thyrotoxicosis is a condition in which thyroid hormones (TH) from any source exert greater than normal responses. This results in increased metabolic rate with heat intolerance and increased sensitivity to stimulation by the sympathetic division of the ANS.

Diseases that can cause hyperthyroidism

Grave's disease
Toxic multinodular goiter
Thyroid cancer and secretion

Grave's disease

an autoimmune disorder associated with genetic predisposition. The syndrome may consist of one or more of the following:
1. Hyperthyroidism - increased metabolism
2. Diffuse thyroid enlargement - goiter
3. Ophthalmopathy - exophthalmus or protruding eyes
4. Dermatopathy-myxedema - indurated (hardening) and erythematous skin
5. Effects on extremities - pretibial swelling

Nodular goiter

Certain autonomously functioning cells producing larger amounts of TH may cause the remainder of the gland to undergo involution.

Toxic Nodular Goiter

Nodular goiter with resulting hyperthyroidism

Thyrotoxic Crisis

Thyroid storm - usually a dangerous worsening of a severe hyperthyroidism condition due to excessive stress. Death occurs within 48 hours without treatment.


Deficient production of TH

Primary hypothyroidism causes

Congenital defects or loss following treatment, or defective synthesis resulting from autoimmune disease

Secondary hypothyroidism causes

Usually due to insufficient stimulation from pituitary or hypothalamus and/or peripheral resistance to TH

Clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism

• Decreased BMR

Cold intolerance

• Slightly lowered basal body temperature

• Excessive TSH production and goiter

• Myxedema - non-pitting, boggy edema

Treatment of Hypothyroidism

Replacement therapy

Hypothyroid conditions usually due to inflammation

Myxedema coma - diminished level of consciousness associated with severe hypothyroidism

Congenital hypothyroidism - found in infants as a result of absent thyroid tissue and hereditary defects in synthesis

• Thyroid carcinoma - increased risk factor may be exposure to ionizing radiation, especially during childhood


Causes demineralization of bone. Condition may be called osteitis fibrosa cystica because areas of bone are replaced by cavities that fill with fibrous tissue. The bones become deformed and highly susceptible to fracture - usually caused by a tumor.

Types of hyperparathyroidism

• Primary - PTH secretion autonomous and not under usual feedback control

• Secondary - response due to chronic hypocalcemia usually due to renal failure

• Tertiary - hyperplasia of gland and loss of sensitivity to circulating calcium levels. May be due to renal failure.

Treatment of hyperparathyroidism

Done by excluding all other causes of hypercalcemia. Surgical removal of some or all glands may be necessary.


Commonly caused by damage to the glands during thyroid surgery or as a result of hypomagnesemia. Low levels of PTH cause neurons to depolarize without the usual stimulus. Nervous impulses increase and result in muscle twitches, spasm and convulsions or tetany.

Effects of hypoparathyroidism can be observed in:

Trousseau sign - binding of a cuff around the upper arm produces contraction of the fingers and inability to open the hand

Chvostek sign - contraction of the facial muscle is elicited by tapping the facial nerves at the angle of the jaw.

Treatment of hypoparathyroidism

Involves elimination of secondary causes if possible, parenteral administration of calcium, and maintenance with oral doses of calcium and vitamin D.

Dysfunctions of the Endocrine Pancreas




Usually the result of a malignant tumor. Causes decreased blood glucose levels which stimulates secretion of epinephrine, glucagon and HGH.

Symptoms include anxiety, sweating, tremor, increased heart rate and weakness. The brain is deprived of glucose and it may cause disorientation, convulsions, shock and death.


Diabetes Mellitus - A heterogeneous group of hereditary diseases which leads to an elevation of blood glucose and excretion of glucose in the urine.

Type I diabetes mellitus (IDDM)

Usually found in those under 20, with an abrupt onset. It is characterized by a marked decline in the number of beta cells in the pancreas, leading to a deficiency of insulin and elevation of glucose in the blood.

Other changes include:
ketosis - accelerated fat breakdown causes production of organic acids which lowers the pH of the blood and can result in death. Accelerated atherosclerosis and sugar depositon leads to early clogging of the arteries.

Causes of IDDM

Genetic predisposition (HLA - human leukocyte antigens)

Exposure to antigenic triggers (virus)

Autoimmune - islet cell antibodies.

Evaluation of IDDM

weight loss

Treatment of IDDM

Injection of insulin

Diet - 55% carbohydrates, <30% fats, 15% proteins

Exercise - diminishes insulin requirements

Transplantation - still experimental

Type II Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)

Most common type.
Most often found in people over 40 and overweight. Clinical symptoms are mild, and high glucose levels in the blood can usually be controlled by diet. In most cases there is not a shortage of insulin in the blood, but a lack of response to the insulin by its target cells. This may be due to decreased numbers of insulin receptors.

Clinical manifestations of NIDDM

May show some of the classic type I symptoms, but usually symptoms are insidious and nonspecific and include:
Recurrent infections
Visual changes

Treatment of NIDDM

Restore euglycemia by dietary measures, weight loss, oral hypoglycemic agents and exercise.
In some cases insulin may have to be used.

Gestational Diabetes

Glucose intolerance whose first onset is during third trimester of pregnancy. Obese women are at greater risk. Increased chance of developing NIDDM later.

Acute Complications of Diabetes Melliltus

• Hypoglycemia

• Diabetic ketoacidosis

• Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma (HHNK)

• Dawn phenomenon

• Somogyi (so mo'gee)


Lowered blood sugar due to exogenous, endogenous or functional causes.
Symptoms are the result of adrenergic reaction and from cellular malnutrition.

-also called insulin shock or insulin reaction

Hypoglycemia symptoms

Symptoms include: tachycardia, diaphoresis, tremors, pallor, hunger, headache, irritability and confusion leading to seizure or coma

Hypoglycemia treatment

Raise glucose levels

Diabetic ketoacidosis

A serious complication of diabetes, in which we see increased release of fatty acids, accelerated gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis due to insulin deficiency.

Diabetic ketoacidosis clinical manifestations

Clinical manifestations - polyuria and dehydration, glycosuria, electrolyte disturbances, Kussmaul respirations, postural dizziness, ketonuria, anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, thirst and acetone odor on the breath.

Diabetic ketoacidosis treatment

Treatment - administration of insulin to lower glucose levels, and restore fluids and electrolytes

Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma (HHNK)

Glycosuria and polyuria result from extreme blood glucose elevation. Neurologic changes such as stupor, correlate with the degree of hyperosmolarity.

Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma (HHNK) treatment

Treatment - rehydration and electrolyte replacement are vital

Dawn phenomenon

Early morning rise in blood glucose may be related to surge in HGH activity, decrease in insulin sensitivity or normal circadian variation.

Somogyi (so mo'gee)

A rebound phenomenon occurring in diabetes - over-treatment with insulin induces hypoglycemia which initiates the release of epinephrine, ACTH, glucagon and HGH, which stimulates lipolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, resulting in rebound hyperglycemia and ketosis.

Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus

• Diabetic neuropathies

• Microvascular disease

• Nephropathy

• Macrovascular disease

Diabetic neuropathies

Mechanism may be vascular and/or metabolic - results in a form of "dying back" in which distal portions of neurons are the most severely affected. Conduction velocity, electromyopathy and sensory perception may all show abnormalities.

Microvascular disease

Thickening of the capillary membrane results in decreased tissue perfusion and is often proportional to the duration of the disease.


Renal glomerular enlargement and basement membrane thickening result in intercapillary glomerulosclerosis. Proteinuria is first manifestation. Impaired kidney function accelerates retinopathy. Death from renal failure is common.

Macrovascular disease

Most common cause of morbidity and mortality found in type II patients. It appears that fibrous plaques result from proliferation of the smooth muscle in the arterial wall.

Macrovascular disease results in:

1. Coronary artery disease - accounts for 75% of the deaths for type II diabetics, and results in myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure.
2. Cerebral atherosclerosis is greater in type II diabetics. Survival rate after a massive stroke is shorter. Hypertension is a risk factor.
3. Peripheral vascular disease - because of the occlusion of the small arteries and arterioles, foot lesions leading to gangrene and amputation are common.
4. Infection - the individual with diabetes is at greater risk for infection because:
• Impaired vision - diminished prevention, or lack of awareness of breaks in the skin
• Hypoxia - vascular changes cause decreased oxygen to tissues and glycosylated hemoglobin impedes release of oxygen
• Pathogens proliferate more rapidly because of increased glucose in body fluids, decreased blood supply, decreased white blood cells to affected area. Chemotaxis and phagocytosis is defective.

Disorders of the Adrenal Cortex

• Cushing's Disease
• Cushing's Syndrome
• Hyperaldosteronism

Cushing's Disease

Caused by excessive anterior pituitary secretion of ACTH
- more common in females

Cushing's Syndrome

Chronic hypercortisolism caused by hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, with or without pituitary involvement, or from ectopic ACTH secretion.
- More common in older males

Clinical manifestations of Cushing's syndrome

• Excessive secretion of cortisol causes redistribution of fat, resulting in spindly legs accompanied by a characteristic "moon face", "buffalo" hump on the back and pendulous abdomen.
• Facial skin is flushed (high blood pressure), skin covering abdomen develops stretch marks
• Individual bruises easily and wound healing is poor
• Approximately 1/2 develop mental status changes from irritability to severe psychiatric disturbance
• Females may experience changes due to increased androgen levels


Hyper-secretion of mineralocorticoid aldosterone characterized by a decrease in the body's potassium concentration and excessive retention of sodium and water. If potassium depletion is great, neurons cannot depolarize and muscular paralysis results. The increased water volume in the blood causes high blood pressure and edema.

Hyperaldosteronism treatment

Treatment - glucocorticoid and electrolyte replacement

Disorders of the Adrenal Medulla

Hypersecretion of medullary hormones is normally due to tumors or the chomaffin cells, called pheochromocytomas. This causes excessive production of catecholamines (norepinephrine and epinephrine), which causes a prolonged version of the fight-or-flight response with:
• high blood pressure
• increased metabolic rate
• nervousness
• sweating
The condition eventually wears out the body and general weakness results.

Adrenal Medulla disorders treatment

TX - Surgical excision of the tumor