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22 Cards in this Set

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Hull House

Jane Adams founded to help immigrants in Chicago, taught them English

Social Gospel

Notion to not reform individuals but society


Women's Trade Union League, organize women in American Federation of Labor


They said that people should take a practical approach to morals, ideals, and knowledge.

Tom Johnson

Johnson and Street car mobiles, 7 yr war after election

Dollar Diplomacy

commercial goals rather than strategic aims of Roosevelt, could substitute dollars for bullets

Carrie Chapman Catt

American Women's suffrage leader campaigned for 19th ammendment

W.E.B. Du Bois

Souls of Black folk, Niagra movement-NAACP

Northern Securities Company

US RR trust

Pure Food and Drug Act

Act established after Upton Sinclair's The Jungle which exposed meat-packing industries

Roosevelt Corollary

Monroe doctrine, declared US wouldn't intervene in Latin American as long as nations conducted their affairs with decency.

Great White Fleet

Navy Fleet sent by Teddy Roosevelt-traveled around the world to show US was superior

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

bill raising tariffs on certain goods entering America

Margaret Sanger

promoted birth control

16th ammendment

Income Tax

Federal Reserve Act

created national banking system, 12 regional banks

Federal Trade Commission

Like ICC, internation commerce commission

Clayton Antitrust Act

strengthened Sherman Antitrust Act, outlawing harmful practices such as monopolies

Robert La Follette

progressive governor of WI, freight rates, factory regulations, 1st direct primary

Frederick W. Taylor

taylorism, timed people to get more efficent at tasks, Scientific theory of management

Keating Owen

Child Labor Laws, outlawed reg employment under age 16

Alice Paul

Women's suffrage advocate