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34 Cards in this Set

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Minor v Happerset
Court case where Congress ruled that states have the right to keep denying women the power to vote.
Poll Tax
a tax paid annually so one could vote. Used to deter blacks from voting.
Williams v Mississippi
Court case where Congress allowed Mississippi to use literacy tests before voting.
Literacy Test
Test taken before voting to show that one knows the constitution. Meant to deter blacks or the poor from voting.
Grandfather Clause
Clause used by Louisiana that allowed the use of literacy tests. If the test is failed, the possiblity to vote is granted if grandfather voted before 1867. Deterred blacks,
Homestead Act
Act that granted subsidies to railroads and pushed economic growth.
Munn v Illinois
Court case that ruled railroads as public highways under public domain.
Wabash Decision
Ruled that states cannot regulate commerce outside its borders.
Created by Interstate Commerce Act, the commission was meant to oversee railroad activities.
Interstate Commerce Act
Act that created the ICC. Outlawed rebates and pooling agreements.
Brand Allison Silver Act
Bill that called for partial coinage of silver.
James Blaine
Republican nominee for the 1884 election.
Pendleton Act
Act that reformed the civil service.Created commission to appoint government office holders based on merit.
McKinley Tariff Act
Act that raised duties about 4 percent, and allowed the president to lower it if other countries did the same. Meant to promote industry.
Sherman Antitrust Act
Act meant to break up trusts. However, it was too vague and was subject to court interpretation. Didn't break up much trusts.
US v EC Knight
Supreme Court Decision that gave first judicial interpretation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Severely crippled it.
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Act that ordered the Treasury to buy a certain amount of silver a month and issue bank notes for payment of it.
Those who wanted the free coinage of silver. Namely Democrats.
Billion Dollar Congress
The Congress of 1890 that passed so many laws and acts its spending was over 1 billion dollars.
Farmers who had many worries and grievances about the current state of agricultural production. Had many sectors to it.
Ocala Demands
Demands wanted by the farmers' alliance. Demanded a subtreasury, free silver coinage, protective tariffs, national banks, federal income tax, and election of senators by voters.
Populist party
Third party that promoted reform. Was basically a patchwork of many different movements and ideas. Was a split from democrats. Dissolved after the 1890's elections.
Greenback Labor Party
Third party of the 1880 election. the nominee they used for that election was later used for the 1892 election by the populists.
Industrial black Friday
The systematic selling of stocks and depletion of the treasury to the point of a market crash on a single day in 1893.
Panic of 1893
A year of economic crisis caused by rapid expansion brought on by industrialization.
Coxey's Army
A large group of people who followed Jacob Coxey to Washington to protest the government to issue the unemployed jobs.
Pullman Strike
A large strike where several unions refused to work and operate train cars.
In Re Debs
A Court case that tried Eugene Debs for the Pullman strike. Was found guilty, and allowed the use of injunction in labor disputes.
Wilson Gorman Tariff Act
Slightly lowered duties, raised prices on others, repealed the Mckinley Tariff's reciprocity part, and provided a small income tax.
Romanticism vs Realism
The last half of the 1800's saw the shift from romanticism to realism. Realism was seen as more natural, realistic, relatable, and told of conditions. Romanticism was seen as unrealistic or sentimental.
Coin's Financial School
A pamphlet that argued for the coinage of silver through a story of a youth telling about silver's virtues.
William Jennings Bryan
A man who ran for president 3 times and lost. Was a southern democrat, an avid silverite who gave the Cross of Gold speech, and a devout Christian.
Cross of Gold Speech
Speech by William Jennings Bryan that defended silver. Had several biblical references, and completely sent the audience into cheering and support.
Gold Standard Act
Act passed in 1900 that declared gold the standard of US currency.