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10 Cards in this Set

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What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
a. It was an attempt to improve the quality of life for African Americans and other minority groups by lessening restrictions on public facilites.
b. Provided more job opportunities
c. Strengthening voting laws
d. Limiting federal funding of discriminating.
How did the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments provide protection for minority rights?
a. 13th abolished slavery
b. 14th provided equal protection under law, guaranteed citizenship.
c. 15th protected the right to vote.
d. The amendments allowed congress to enforcec by enacting appropriate legislature.
Describe how each of the following had a role in the civil rights movement.
a. Further legislative modification and judicial decisions rendered by the U.S. supreme court restricted severely the application of civil right measures.
- the states controlled the treatment of blacks.
- federal gov did little action to enforce civil rights

b. Increase of civil rights legislation after 1945
-showed a growing intrest of protecting civil rights.
- the House of Rep voted to abolish the poll tax which restricted right to vote.
- President active in ending discrimination in military, employment, work under contract

c. Supreme Court civil rights activity in the 1950s.
-they protect the civil rights of minorites in certain circumstances, african americans can participate in activites.

d. brown v board education
- white and black kids could not be forced to attend different schoools
- supreme court struck down legal support for seperate but equal

e. civil rights act of 1957
-created civil rights commission and a civil rights division
- prohibited interference in exercise of voting rights.

f. President John F. Kennedy
- proposed legislature to Congress for Civil Rights
- took steps to ensure minority rights in voting, employment, housing, education and transportation.
Define the phrase seperate but equal as it relates to schools. Were the schools equal?
Schools would be segregated but what have same education opportunites.

How were social conditions in the 1960s changing to bring on a need for changes in civil rights?
Minorites grew more vocal and persuasive.
Many whites begun to see the need for civil rights
Peaceful protests broke out - door opening
List 5 social conditions in which black Americans were not treated as equal citizens.
1. segregation prvented them from a variety of public facilties
2. education was limited
3. employment restrictions
4. inferior instructional equipment
5. restricted on buses, parks and restrooms.
6. employment opportunity in the south and parts of the north kept black for advancing economicly.
Describe 5 different protests that minorites used inorder to gain their civil rights.
a. refusal to use public transportation
b. boycotted business
c. sit-ins
d. marches
e freedom rides
How did the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) help the civil rights cause?
CORE set examples of non-violent direct action that proved effective. NAACP set up legal defense funds to aid jailed protesters.
What was a freedom ride?
Groups of African Americans and whites entered southern cities by bus to test segregation barriers in transporting facilities.
Summarize each of the five titles that made up the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Article I - Unequal pplication of voter registration requirements is a no-no. Did not abolish literacy tests.

Article II - Outlawed discrimination in public places. Private clubs were exempt.

Article III - the desegregation of public schools are encouraged.gave the u.s. attorney general power to force desegregation.

Article IV - authorized but did not require withdrawal of federal funds from programs which practiced discrimination.

Article V - outlaawed discrimination employment in any business over 25 people.