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32 Cards in this Set

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Define demography

The scientific study of population

Define Malthus' theorem on population growth

1. Believed population increase would eventually bring chaos to the world

2. Population would increase in geometric progression 2, 4, 16, 32, 64. (Multiples)

3. Food and other resources would increase in arithmetic progression… 1,2,3,4,5,6. (Addition)

4. People would reproduce to a point that the planet could not support them

Explain the expotential growth rate of population

Pattern of growth in which numbers double in equal intervals

***Population growth increase in what way over what period of time?

Short period and exponentially.

World population growth by what percent each year? We have approximately how many billion people today and in how many years how many billion people will we have?

1.5 % each year.

-In 40 years 13 billion people.

Net migration

+2.4 per 1,000. We have more people entering the country then leaving.

Define demographic transition

Process through with a population gradually moves from high birth rate and high death rate to a society of low birth rate and low death rate through economic and technological growth.Thus, population patterns reflect a society level of economic and technological growth.

Thomas Malthus

1. ) Believed population increase would eventually bring chaos to the world

2. ) Population would increase in geometric progression 2, 4, 16, 32, 64. Multiples.

3.) Food and other resources would increase in arithmetic progression… 1,2,3,4,5,6. Addition

4.) People would reproduce to a point that the planet could not support them

Difference between New Malthusian and Anti-Malthusian population growth

New Malthusian- Food does not increase as fast as people do. His population theory contends that uncheck population will tend to exceed the available food supply, this is true.

Anti-Malthusian- Disagree with Malthus, believe new our wrong. New is actually right

North America has the world's largest ? Africa has?

-Highest life expectancy (when people born live a long time)

-Africa has both the highest birth rate and the world highest infant mortality rate (lots of babies dying being born and then dying right after being born) birth rate and infant mortality.

**Define fertility rate

Total number of children born to women (women can have children)

***Define fecundity

Theoretically maximum rate at which women can physically produce children. What is it? Women can have about 1 child per year. Take around 40 weeks-9 months to produce child. (As women gets older there is more of a chance children will develop problems, they develop menopause)

Crude birth rate

The number of live births per 1000 members of a population (we want men to work)

Basic demographic equation

growth rate = birth -death plus net migration

Push pull

Growth rate

The net change in a population after adding births, subtracting deaths, and either adding or subtracting net migration; can result in a negative number

Net migration. Explanation

+2.4 per 1,000. We have more people entering the country then leaving.

-Push pull theory : you either pushed out or pulled out because doing fine in this country but better opportunity in another

What three things determine population growth rate?

- Fertility (birth)

-Mortality (death)

-Migration /net (more people coming over here for jobs, good life, get rich, etc..but don't have skills usually)


Total number of children born to women (women can have children)



Deaths within the population


The movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purpose of establishing a new residence (this is a real problem today)

What is the most important resource needed by a preindustiral (agricultural ) city?

Food surplus (before factories were making food) caused people to have time to do other than hunting and gathering, farming... created settlements- can relax.

Where was the earliest city

Mesopotamia. 12,000 yrs ago

Define urbanization

***Process by which increasingly larger proportions of the world’s population live in urban areas… and the world and catawba county is urbanizing. (cities)

43% of the world’s population now live in urban areas. 75% of North America’s population now live in urban areas.

Central city

Diminishing public revenues are not sufficient to cope with the influx of the poor, unskilled and uneducated who have difficult supporting themselves.

(government doesn't have enough money to support all people, can support some but not all. More people then resources)

Define gentrification

Restoration of formerly low-income areas by middle class home buyers, landlords, and professional developers so that land and housing values are increased ( low income turning into middle income areas. Middle class taking over)

Define urban ecology

Study of relationships between humans and their environments within cities.

EX: Good major..urban planning(What do we need to do to make this a decent place to live)

-Planning out what the city is going to look like

three models of urban growth

-Concentric circle theory

-Sector theory

-Multi nuclei theory

***Concentric zone theory

Moving outwards in a circle to get out of congestion= housing developments, etc. Gentrification- rich people moving back into central city. Wealthy move out then back in. (all money we don’t have enough money so we move back in)

- Central business district, Zone in transition, Residential zone, Commuter zone.

Think of Charlotte, NC. (city to suburbs. Explains how cities expand outward from its center) circle

Sector theory

Building among sectors of interstate (can contain working class housing, another of expensive homes, businesses, and son on all competing for some land)

Multi-nuclei theory

Multiple cities growing closer together.

Example: clustering of automobile dealers or fast food restaurants . (cities within circle)

Luis Wirth's view of the city vs Gans' view of the city

Wirth= Urbanism is marked by depersonalization of human relationships (not much communication)

Gans=Urbanism is marked by excitement and great diversity(communication)

According to Gans who lives in the city

Gans: Population groups:Cosmopolites (wealthy, dress for occasion) Ethnic villagersthe trapped (people who live in low income housing and no way out for them)the deprived (street people, sleep in subway)