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76 Cards in this Set

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pulmonary circuit
blood to and from gas exchange surfaces of the lungs
systemic circuit
transports blood to and from rest of the body
both circuits
begin and end at heart
blood to heart > ? > ? > ?
pulmonary circuit
systemic circuit
efferent vessels
afferent vessels
exchange vessels
inferior pointed tip of the heart that lies leftbound
between two pleural cavities
contains: large arteries/veins to the heart
percardium locations
visceral pericardium
pericardial cavity
parietal pericardium
great vessels attach to which part of the heart
(opposite of apex)
pericardial sac made up of?
collagen fiberss
stabilize position of heart and asso. vessel
pericardial cavity contains ? secreted by ?
pericardial fluid
pericardial membranes
inflammation of pericardium?
deflated atria
coronary sulcus
border between atria and ventricles
anterior interventricular sulcus
& posterior interventricular sulcus
boundary between right and left ventricles on both sides of <3
sulci are covered by? and contain
arteries/veins to carry blood to and from cardiac muscle
3 layers of the heart wall
1. epicardium (outer)
2. myocardium
3. endocardium (inner)
epicardium contains what 2 tissues?
2. areolar tissue
what forms the atria and ventricles?
myocardium, forming muscular walls of heart
endocardium makes up what tissue?
attached to?
simple squamous epithelium
the great vessels: areolar and endothelium
parietal pericardium made up of what tissues?
1. dense fibrous layer
2. areolar tissue
3. Mesothelium
intercolated discs
between and attach cardiac muscle cells
held together by gap junctions and desmosomes
action potentials
cardiac muscles are different from skeletal cells
1. small
2. mononucleated
4. intercalated discs
interatrial septum
separate atria
interventricular septum
separate ventricles
are thicker
AV (atrioventricular valves)
fibrous tissue
between atria and ventricles
blood flow into one direction
right atria recieves blood from
SVC's blood is from
IVC's blood is from
head, neck, upper limbs, chest
trunk, viscera, lower limbs
coronary sinus
blood from cardiac veins to here
located on posterior end of interarterial septum
foramen ovale
connects two atria of fetal heart
closes at birth permanently becomes fossa ovalis, a small, shallow depression
pectinate muscles
inner surface of auricle
prominent muscular ridges
chordae tendonae
each cusp is attached here
originate at papillary muscle
prevent backflow of blood
trabeculae carneae
muscular ridges in ventricle
moderator band
muscular ridge in ventricle connecting IV septum and papillary muscle
contains conducting system > coordinate contraction of muscle cells
funtion of moderator band
stimulus for contraction to papillary muscles to tense chordae tendonae before ventricle contracts.
prevent backflow of blood into atria.
conus arteriosus
between RV and pulmonary semilunar valves (3)
blood > pulmonary trunk > ? > ?
L and R pulmonary arteries > lung
valve on right? left?
Tricuspid (R)
Bicuspid (L) aka mitral valve
LV and RV is similar except thicker and LV lacks
moderator band
blood leaves left ventricle and pass through
aortic semilunar valve
prevent backflow into LV
path through aorta:
ascending aorta > aortic arch > decending aorta
pulmonary trunk attached to aortic arch via
ligamentum arteriosumpulmonary
demands of R/L atria ? vs. Demands of R/L ventricle
different due to anatomical and functional differences
effects of ventricle contraction
1. distance between base and apex decrease
2. diameter of ventricular chamber decreases

ultimately: enough pressure is generated to open aortic valve > aorta
why do people with damages to RV still be able to survive?
LV strongly contracts and bulge into RV, improving their contraction to push blood into pulmonary circuit
ventricles relaxed. chordae tendonae and papillary muscles
no resistance of blood flow from atria to ventricles
ventricles contract, chordae tendonae and papillary muscles
blood pressure of ventricles close valves
papillary muscles and chordae tendonae contract > stop cusps before they swing into atria
chordae tendonae and papillary muscles damaged
regurgitation of blood to atria with every ventricle contraction
pulmonary and aortic valves dont need muscular support b/c
artery walls do not contract. cusps are stable
3 cusps support each other
aortic sinus
at base of ascending aorta
prevent individual cusps from sticking to sides of aorta when valves open
valvular heart disease
usually develops after carditis
inflammation of <3
cause of disease: rheumatic fever, AI response to step
<3 connective tissue fibers
1. collagen
2. elastic fibers
function of fibers
fibers cross link
1. physical support
2. distribute forces of contraction
3. elasticity
cardiac skeleton
4 dense bands of tough elastic tissue
stabilize position of heart valves
electrically insulate ventricular and atrial cells
coronary circulation
myocardium needs its own supply of blod
left and right coronary artery located
base of ascending aorta, @ aortic sinuses
blood pressure at base of ascending aorta
highest in systemic circuit
combination of ? and ? ensure continuous flow of blood to meed demands of cardiac tissue.
elevated blood pressure
elastic rebound of aorta
function of Right Coronary Artery
supplies blood to
1. RA
2. both ventricles
3. conducting system of <3: SA/AV Nodes to ESTABLISH NORMAL HEART RATE
right coronary arteries becomes ? located ?
that becomes ? and goes where?
marginal arterier on posterior surface of heart > posterior interventricular artery to apex
posterior interventricular artery supplies blood to
1. IVS
2. ventricles
function of Left Coronary Artery
blood to:
1. LV
2. LA
3. IVS
Left coronary artery divides into 2:
1. circumflex branch
2. anterior interventricular branch
circumflex artery curve around coronary sulcus, meets and fuses with?
right coronary artery
anterior interventricular artery
runs along IVS
arterial anastomoses
anterior and posterior arteries are continuous
blood supply is constant despite pressure fluctuations
great cardiac vein
draws blood from the region supplied by the anterior interventricular artery
curves around the left side of the heart within the coronary sulcus
> coronary sinus opens into the right atrium near the base of the inferior vena cava.
cardiac veins that dump blood into coronary sulcus is:
posterior cardiac vein
middle cardiac vein
small cardiac vein
great cardiac vein
two types of cells involved in normal heartbeat:
1. specialized cells of conducting system, control and coordinate heartbeat
2. contractile cells : produce powerful contractions to propel blood
each heartbeat begins with an action potential generated at
SA node
SA node is part of ? system
monitor events in conducting system via