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61 Cards in this Set

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What is environment?
total of all elements that surround us & influence our development
What environmental factors did Florence Nightingale feel needed to be controlled?
-ventilation & humidity
What room temperature do infants & older patients require?
warmer rooms between 68 & 74 degrees
What is ventilation?
supplying a room with fresh air continually
What is humidity?
amount of moisture in the air
Whats a comfortable humidity level for patient's rooms?
What will too little humidity do to a patient?
dry out their respiratory passages
How should lighting be in a patient's room?
-adequate to perform tasks & prevent accidents & injury
-bright enough to see
-soft enough to prevent sharp shadows
How can you control odor in patient's rooms?
-empty & rinse bedpans, bedside commodes, & urinals frequently
-dispose of dressings & used equipment
-place nothing odorous in their trash
-avoid the sources of odor
-remove old flowers & stagnant water
-not wearing perfume, scented lotions, etc.
What is the main source of noise in a hospital?
What can a patient experience from too much noise?
sensory overload
What can be used to mask outside noises & relax the patient?
soft background music
How can you reduce noise for your patient?
-avoid long conversations in the hallway
-encourage staff to speak in low voices
-avoid jokes & laughter at the nurses station
-answer alarms on IV pumps & equipment promptly
How can you keep a patients room neat & tidy?
-straighten the patient's unit after making the bed & whenever appropriate
-remove trays & dishes promptly after meals
-keep the over-the-bed table clear of unnecessary clutter/equipment
What is essential for a patient's well-being?
How can you maintain your patient's privacy?
-always knock gently & identify yourself before entering the room
-closing the curtain around the patient for personal tasks such as using a bed pan & bathing, in multi-patient rooms
-post a sign on the door informing others of such tasks to discourage them from entering the room
What can you use in a patient's bed to prevent pressure ulcer formation?
an overlay
What should you always do to a bed that is not moving?
lock the wheels
How should you leave the patient's bed when you're not performing any procedures?
in a low position
When is an unoccupied bed made?
when the patient is out of bed in a chair or out of the room for a diagnostic procedure/therapy
When is an occupied bed made?
when a patient cannot get out of bed
How should bed linens look?
neat, orderly, & free from wrinkles
What is needed to prevent accidents & possible injury to patients, visitors, & health care personnel?
What are the most common patient accidents/incidents?
-cuts & bruises
-fights with others
-loss of possessions
-electrical shock
What are the three common factors for falls?
-impaired physical mobility
-altered mental status
-sensory &/or motor deficits
What do patients at risk for falls need?
a leg/bed alarm
How can you prevent your patient from being burned?
-check temperature of liquids before giving it to them
-caution the patient about sleeping on a heating pad/cold pack
-inspect electrical chords for frayed or broken areas that may cause sparks/fires
What can cause your patient to be burned?
hot/cold materials
What types of patients are more at risk for being burned than others?
Diabetics, paralyzed, & those with altered mental awareness
What patients should you supervise while they smoke?
sedated, confused, or irrational patients
When is smoking NEVER aloud?
when oxygen is in use
What are some nursing actions to promote patient safety in the hospital?
-orient the patient to the unit on admission
-assess patient's gait & risk for falling on admission
-evaluate patient's drug regimen for side effects that increase the risk for falling
-keep bed in low position when not giving direct care
-toilet the patient on a regular schedule
-lock the wheels on the bed
-provide a night-light for going to the bathroom
-encourage a use of nonskid slippers
-answer call lights promptly
-tell the patient when you will next check in
-encourage the use of grab bars
-place high-risk patients in a room close to the nurses' station
-be sure the patient's call bell is within reach
-stay with confused/unsteady patients when they are up
-provide diversionary activities for confused patients
-make sure wheelchair brakes are locked
What are some nursing actions to promote patient safety in the home?
-place a nonskid bath mat in the tub/shower
-use night-lights to help patient find the bathroom
-suggest installation of grab bars
-install door buzzers or bed alarms
-maintain the same furniture arrangement
-encourage removal of extension chords
-caution the patient about toys & animals
-provide appropriate community resources
What should you know in case of a fire?
-the location of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, & escape routes
-how to notify the telephone operator about a fire in your area
What does R.A.C.E. stand for?
-R rescue any patients in immediate danger by removing them from the area
-A activate the fire alarm system
-C contain the fire by closing doors & windows
-E extinguish flames with an appropriate extinguisher
What does P.A.S.S. stand for?
-P pull pin
-A aim
-S squeeze
-S sweep
What is a bio-hazard?
a biological agent, chemical, or condition that can be harmful to a person's health
What does OSHA publish for dealing with bio-hazards?
specific guidelines for labeling, handling, cleaning spills, & disposing of these materials
What does MSDS stand for?
material safety data sheet
What is the MSDS used for?
-recommended methods of storage
-handling spills
What is bio-terrorism?
the release of pathogenic microorganisms into a community to achieve political &/or military goals
What is chemical-terrorism?
the use of certain compounds to cause destruction to achieve political &/or military goals
What are some examples of compounds used for chemical warfare?
-pulmonary agents
-cyanide agents
-nerve agents
-incapacitating agents
What are some common diseases that are spread though bio-terrorism?
-ebola virus
-lassa fever
What must you be familiar with in the event of a terrorist attack?
your institution's policies for decontamination, treatment, & triage
What must staff wear during decontamination?
masks & protective clothing that are impervious to chemicals & cover all skin surfaces; or MOPP's
What does MOPP stand for?
military mission-oriented protective posture suits
What must be worn with MOPP's?
a chemical mask with a filtered respirator
What is triage?
assessed & labeled according to the priority of care as "immediate", "delayed", or "expectant"
What is treatment based on in triage?
the type of agent to which the patient was exposed & degree of exposure
What are antibiotics used for during triage treatment?
some biological agents
What are antidotes used for during triage treatment?
some of the chemicals & poisonous gasses
How is treatment directed during triage when you're not using antibiotics/antidotes?
towards supporting organ function while the body tries to recover
What is a poison?
a substance that when ingested inhaled, absorbed, applied, injected, or developed within the body, may cause functional/structural disturbances
Where are treatments & antidotes obtained?
from poison control center/listed on some containers
What should you do in the event of a suspected poisoning?
contact the poison control center
What should you be ready to report when contacting poison control in the event of a suspected poisoning?
-name of the product
-patient's age
-amount you believe is involved
-any symptoms involved
What are some behavioral indications that protective devices are needed?
-psychiatric setting
-sudden change in mental status/behavior
What do federal & local laws mandate about protective devices?
the patient should be protected from physical & mental abuse & from physical & chemical restraints except when authorized by a physician, in writing, for a limited period of time/in an emergency situation
What is an alternative to using protective devices?
encouraging family & friends of a patient who is confused to sit with them
What are some principles to follow during the use of protective devices?
-must help the patient or be needed to continue medical therapy
-use the least amount of immobilization needed
-must have a written order for the use of any device
-must notify the physician once the device is no longer needed
-apply it snugly, but not so tightly that it interferes with blood circulation/nerve function
-must be removed & patient's position must be changed every 2 hours
-use active or passive exercises for immobilized joints