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32 Cards in this Set

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Minor v Happerset
did not provide suffrage for women, the Fourteenth Amendment did not confer that right
Poll Tax
equally on all adults at the time of voting and is not affected by property ownership or income.
Williams v Mississippi
The Supreme Court did not find discrimination in the state's requirements for voters to pass a literacy test and pay poll taxes, as these were applied to all voters
Literacy Test
practice of testing the literacy of potential citizens at the federal level, and potential voters at the state level.
Grandfather Clause
If your grandfather was white and voted before the civil war you were excluded from voting acts.
Homestead Act
Granting 160 acres lands for a ten dollar fee.
Munn v Illinios
he upheld legislation proposed by the National Grange to regulate grain elevator rates, declaring that business interests (private property) used for public good be regulated by government
Wabash Decision
led to the creation of the first modern regulatory agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission
Agency authorizing to investigate and oversee railroad activities.
Interstate Commerce Act
began to resent the apparent stranglehold the railroads exerted over many parts of the country. However, the postwar presidents and many in Congress resisted intervention in economic matters.
Bland-Allison Silver Purchase Act
Comprmise between two groups governing coinage of silver; calling for a partial coinage
James G Blaine
advocacy of black suffrage, but opposed the coercive measures of the Radical Republicans during the administration of Ulysses S. Grant. He opposed a general amnesty bill, secured the support of the Union veterans who mobilized as the Grand Army of the Republic, worked for a reduction in the tariff and generally sought and obtained strong support from the western states. Railroad promotion and construction
Pendleton Act
The law established a three-person, bi-partisan panel to develop exams to hire federal employees based on merit. The act initially covered 10% of federal employees
Mckinley Tariff Act
raised tariffs and brought new trouble to farmers, who were forced to buy high-priced, protected products from American manufacturers but sell their own products into highly competitive, unprotected world markets
Sherman Antitrust Act
The purpose of the act was to oppose the combination of entities that could potentially harm competition, such as monopolies or cartels
US v EC Knight
any action against manufacturing monopolies would need to be taken by individual states,
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
boost the economy and cause inflation, allowing them to pay their debts with cheaper dollars; by keeping the price of silver constant
free coinage of silver
Billion Dollar Congress
the fifty first congress was teased for lavished spending
National Farmers Alliance and Indistrial Union
sought to organize farmers in the south and west to fight for reform
Ocala Demands
Subtreasuried free silver coinage; end protective tariff
Populist party
a radical agrarian-oriented American political party
Greenback- Labor Party
referred to paper money, or "greenbacks," that had been issued during the American Civil War and afterward. The party opposed the shift from paper money back to a bullion coin-based monetary system because it believed that privately owned banks and corporations would then reacquire the power to define the value of products and labor
Panic of 1893
this panic was marked by the collapse of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing which set off a series of bank failures
Coxey's Army
a protest march by unemployed workers from the United States, led by the populist Jacob Coxey
Pullman Strike
conflict between labor unions and railroads that occurred in the United States in 1894
Ir Re Debs
president of the American Railway Union, had been involved in the Pullman Strike earlier in 1894 and challenged the federal injunction ordering the strikers back to work
Wilson- Gorman Tariff Act
one of the first income taxes
Coin's Financial School
popularize the free silver and populist movements
William Jennings Bryan
retained control of the Democratic Party
Cross of Gold Speech
The most famous speech in American political history was delivered by William Jennings Bryan
Gold Standard Act
established gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money,