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41 Cards in this Set

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Six elements that account for 98.5% of the bodies weight

1. Oxygen

2. Carbon

3. Hydrogen

4. Nitrogen

5. Calcium

6. Phosphorus

The _____ energy an electron has the ___________ from the nucleus its orbit lies

more, farther away

radioisotopes definition

unstable isotopes

physical half-life

the time required for 50% of its atoms to decay to a more stable state

biological half-life

time required for half of it to disappear from the body


particle that gains electrons and acquires a negative charge


a particle that loses electrons and acquires a positive charge

ions with ______ charges are attracted to each other and tend to _______ each other through the body

opposite, follow

free radicals

chemical particles with an odd number of electrons

ionic bond

attraction of a cation to an anion, weak

covalent bonds

formed by the sharing of electrons

the strongest bond of all

nonpolar covalent bond

a hydrogen bond is a _____ attraction between a slightl


Van der Waals forces

weak, brief attractions between neutral atoms

Two aspects of water's structure that are particularly important

1. atoms are joined by polar covalent bonds

2. the molecule is V-shaped


the ability to dissolve other chemicals


tendency of one substance to cling to another


the tendency of molecules of the same substance to cling together

the solvency of water makes it the body's ________ means of __________ substances

primarily, transporting


solute mixed with a solvent

Solution is ______ and a colloid is ________ and the suspension is _______________

clear, cloudy, cloudy-opaque

solution has ____ particles, a colloid has _______ particles, and a suspension has ______ particles

less than 1 nm, 1-100 nm, 100nm

In which of the mixtures will the particles eventually settle?


Which mixture will have particles that pass through a selectively permeable membrane?


List examples of solution, colloid and suspension

1. glucose in blood

2. proteins in blood

3. blood cells


a molecule that releases a proton in water (proton donor)


a proton acceptor

neutral is a pH level of


acidic is a pH level of

below 7.0

basic is a pH level of

7.0 or above

decomposition reactions

large molecule breaks down into two or more smaller ones

ex. AB > A+B

synthesis reactions

two or more small molecules combine to form a larger one

ex. A+B> AB

exchange reactions

two molecules exchange atoms or groups of atoms

ex. AB + CD > AC +BD

reversible reactions

can go in either direction under different circumstances and are represented with paired arrows


all the chemical reactions in the body



energy-releasing decomposition reactions


energy-storing synthesis reaction

ex. production of proteins and fat


chemical reaction in which a molecule gives up electrons and releases energy


short chains of three or more monosaccharides


long chains of up to a thousand monosaccharides

name the three polysaccharides of interest in human physiology

1. glycogen

2. starch

3. cellulose