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29 Cards in this Set

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Strategic Management
The science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve it objectives.
Stakeholder Analysis

isa useful tool for demonstrating some of the seemingly irresolvable conflictsthat occur through the planned creation and introduction of new projects.

Project Stakeholders

aredefined as all individuals or groups

whohave an active stake in the project and can potentially impact, eitherpositively or negatively, its development.

Internal Stakeholders

-Top management


-Other functional managers

-project team members

External Stakeholders




-Environmental, Politcal, consumer, and othe intervener groups

Organization Structure

Consist of 3 key elements:

1. Designation of reporting relationships:

o number of levels in the hierarchy

o span of management(span of control)

2. Identifies groupingsof:

o individuals into departments or teams

o departments into the total organization

3.Design ofsystems for:

o effective communication

o coordination

o integration across departments

Types of ORG sturcutss




Functional organizatios

group people performing similar activities into departments

Project organization

group people into project teams on tempory assignments.
matrix organization

combination of both project and functional
Chain of command

illustrates authority


the formal and legitimate right to make decisions and issues orders


the duty to perform the task or activity assigned
Advatages of a functional org

-Unity of command - only on "boss" is giving instructions

-Workers learn readily from each other

-share resources

-keep same manager

Disadvantages of a functional org

-slow communications across multiple functions and channels

-technical difficulty In incorporating input from other disciplines

Projectized Organizations

•Theproject manager _______assigns projects________, applies resources, and directs personnelassigned to the project

•Thereare ____no formal________ departments

Thereporting manager is a _________project manager________, not a functional manager

Advantages of Projectized ORGan

•Traditionaldepartment barriers are reduced

o People from different functions report tothe same manager

•_______Unity of Command________– only one “boss” is giving instructions; _________Effective decision making___________________

•Communicationresponse times ___are fast________

•____Co-location_______– team members are physically close

o Enhanced project team identity

o Strong customer focus

o Effective integration effort

o Creates project management ______experts___

Disadvantages of Projectized ORGANs

•_____Cost__of assigning team members to onlyone part-time project

•Teams development work methods thatdiffer from the organization

•Teams may fail to communicate ________lessons learned_________; no ___specific____ knowledge pooled

Possible ___loyalty____ to project and not thefirm

Matrix Organization

•Theproject manager and functional manager _____share responsibility ____

•Teammembers report to ___both the project and functional manager__________

Acombination of the task focus of the projectized organization with thetechnical capability of the functional organization

Advantages of a matrix Org

•____shared___resources between departments and projects

•______cooperation between functional and project managers

•___high quality________decisions are well received

•Continueddevelopment of discipline specific knowledge

•Effective_____integration______; promotes coordination

•Lessonslearned shared effectively

Flexibilityfor dynamic environments


•Eachemployee has _____two bosses_______

•Moresources of ____conflict____

•more meetings

Morechallenges to control

Project Management Office
Centralizedunits that oversee or improve the management of projects

Threetypes of PMO


Trackingand monitoring


Establishesand ensures project standards met


Ahelper resource for projects; supplies team members

Spanof Management
(aka “span of control”)

•The _____number of employees_____________is span of management

•_______inherent part_____of organizational structure

•Factorsassociated with less supervisorinvolvement and larger span of control

ØWork is stable and _______

ØSubordinates perform similar work

ØSubordinates in single location

ØHighly trained and need little direction

ØRules and procedures are _______

Organization culure

•__________formal and informal____shared among members of the organization

•___Value____– personal standards that influence judgments, interaction with others, andorganizational goals

Organization culture

isthe shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the_rules, norms, values___that shape the _attitudes and behaviors______ of its employees.

oCultureis _____social knowledge_____ among members of the organization.

oCulturetells employees what the rules, _norms_____, and __values_ are within the organization.

-Organizationculture shapes and reinforces certain employee attitudes_and _behaviors__ bycreating a system of control over employees.


•_______Observable artiacts_____________are the manifestations of anorganization’s culture that employees can easily see or talk about.

o____Symbols____ can be found throughout an organization,from its corporate logo to the images it places on its Web site to the uniformsits employees wear.

o__________Physical structures ________ include the organization’s buildings andinternal office designs.

o____Language____ reflects the jargon, slang, and slogansused within the walls of an organization.

CultureComponents, Cont’d

•Observableartifacts, continued

o____Stories____consist of anecdotes, accounts, legends,and myths that are passed down from cohort to cohort within an organization.

o____Rituals____are the daily or weekly planned routinesthat occur in an organization.

o____Ceremonies____are formal events, generally performed infront of an audience of organizational members.

•____Espoused values_______are the beliefs, philosophies, and normsthat a company explicitly states.

oPublished documents, verbal statementsmade to employees by managers.

Basicunderlying assumptions

aretaken-for-granted beliefs and philosophies that are so ingrained that employees_____simply act on them_ rather than questioning the validity of their behaviorin a given situation.

TwoDimension of Org Cultures

“_____solidarity____”– the degree to which group members think and act alike

•“____sociability______”– represents how friendly employees are to one another