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63 Cards in this Set

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Define Matter

Anything that has mass and takes up space

Define Atom

The smallest functional unit of matter that forms all chemical substances and cannot be further broken down into other substances by ordinary chemical or physical means

Define Organic Chemistry

The study of carbon-containing molecules

Define Solid, Liquid, and Gas

Solid: Firm and stable, does not take shape of container

Liquid: Fluid in movement, takes shape of container

Gas: Air-like substance, fills up container

Define Molecules

Two or more atoms that are connected by chemical bonds

Define element

A substance of specific types of atoms that cannot be further broken down by ordinary chemical or physical means

Define Proton

A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom. The number of protons in an atom is called the atomic number and defines each type of element

Define Neutron

A neutral particle found in the center of an atom

Define Electron

A negatively charged particle found in orbitals around an atomic nucleus

Define Neutral Atom

An atom in which the number of electrons that surround the nucleus is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, so that there is no net electric charge.

Define Ion

An atom or molecule that gains or loses one or more electrons an acquires a net electric charge

Define Isotope

An element that exists in multiple forms that differ in the number of neutrons they contain

Define Radioisotopes

An isotope found in nature that is inherently unstable and usually does not exist for long periods of time. Such isotopes decay and emit energy in the form of radiation

Define Orbitals

The region surrounding the nucleus of an atom where the probability is high of finding a particular electron

Define Valence Electrons

An electron in the outer shell of an atom that is available to combine with other atoms. Such electrons allow atoms to form chemical bonds with each other

Define Energy Shells

In an atom, an energy level of electrons occupied by one or more orbitals; each energy level is a characteristic distance from the nucleus, with outer shells having more energy than inner shells

Define Atomic Number

The number of protons in an atom

Define Atomic Mass

An atom's mass relative to the mass of other atoms

Define Periodic Table

A table of the chemical elements arranged in order of atomic number, usually in rows, so that elements with similar atomic structure (and hence similar chemical properties) appear in vertical columns.

Define Mole

The amount of any substance that contains the same number of particles as there are atoms in exactly 12g of carbon

Define Molecular Formula

A representation of a molecule that consists of the chemical symbols for all of the atoms present and subscripts that indicate how many of those atoms are present

Define Compound

A molecule composed of two or more different elements

Define Covalent Bond

A chemical bond in which two atoms share a pair of electrons

Define Octet Rule

The phenomenon that some atoms are stable when their outer shell is full with eight electrons

Define Single Bond

A chemical bond in which one pair of electrons is shared between two atoms

Define Double Bond

A1 chemical bond in which two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms

Define electronegativity

A measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons to its outer shell from another atom

Define Polar Covalent Bond

A covalent bond between two atoms that have different electronegativities; the shared electrons are closer to the atom of the higher electronegativity than the atom of the lower electronegativity. The distribution of electrons around the atoms creates a polarity, or difference in electric charge, across the molecule

Define Nonpolar Covalent Bond

A strong bond formed between two atoms of similar electronegativities in which electrons are shared between the atoms

Define Polar Molecules

A molecule containing significant numbers of polar bonds

Define Nonpolar Molecules

A molecule composed predominantely of nonpolar bonds

Define Hydrogen Bond

A weak chemical attraction between a partially positive hydrogen atom of a polar molecule and a partially negative atom of another polar molecule

Define Ionic Bond

The bond that occurs when a cation binds to an anion

Define Chemical Reaction

The formation and breaking of chemical bonds, resulting in a change in the composition of substances

Define Reactants

A substance that participates in a chemical reaction and becomes changed by that reaction

Define Products

The end result of a chemical reaction

Define Solute

A substance dissolved in a liquid

Define Solvent

The liquid in which a solute is dissolved

Define Solution

A liquid that contains one or more dissolved solutes

Define Aqueous Solution

A solution in which the solvent is water

Define Hydrophilic

Water loving

Define Hydrophobic

Water fearing

Define Amphipathic

Molecules containing a hydrophobic region and a hydrophilic region

Define Micelles

The sphere formed by long amphipathic molecules when they are mixed with water. In animals, micelles aid in the absorption of poorly soluble products during digestion

Define Concentration

The amount of solute dissolved in a unit volume of solution

Define Molecular Mass

Molecular mass or molecular weight refers to the mass of a molecule. It is calculated as the sum of the mass of each constituent atom multiplied by the number of atoms of that element in the molecular formula

Define Surface Tension

A measure of how difficult it is to break the interface between a liquid and air

Define Hydrolysis

A chemical reaction that utilizes water to break apart molecules

Define Condensation/Dehydration

A type of condensation reaction in which a molecule of water is lost

Define Acid

A molecule that releases hydrogen ions (H+) in solution

Define Base

A molecule that when dissolved in water lowers the H+ concentration

Define Buffer

A compound that acts to minimize pH fluctuations in the fluids of living organisms. Buffer systems can raise or lower pH as needed

Define Dissociate

To split into separate smaller atoms, ions, or molecules, especially reversibly


Hydrogen Ions


Hydroxide Ions


A figure expressing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a logarithmic scale on which 7 is neutral, lower values are more acid, and higher values more alkaline. The pH is equal to -log10 c, where c is the hydrogen ion concentration in moles per liter

Define Acidic

A solution that has a pH below 7

Define Alkaline

A solution that has a pH above 7

What are the four essential elements that compose the majority of living matter?

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen

Explain how two isotopes of an element are the same and how they are different

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that contain an identical number of protons, but a different number of neutrons. Despite having different numbers of neutrons, isotopes of the same element have very similar physical properties.

Why is water polar?

The unequal sharing of electrons gives the water molecule a slight negative charge near its oxygen atom and a slight positive charge near its hydrogen atoms. When a neutral molecule has a positive area at one end and a negative area at the other, it is a polar molecule

List seven important functions of water

1) Water participates in chemical reactions

2) Water provides support (plants)

3) Water is used to eliminate soluble wastes

4) Evaporation helps some animals dissipate body heat

5) The cohesive force of water molecules aids in the movement of fluid through vessels in plants

6) Water in saliva serves as a lubricant during - or as shown here, in anticipation of - feeding

7) The surface tension of water explains why this water strider doesn't sink.

What is the bicarbonate buffering system?

The bicarbonate buffering system is an important buffer system in the acid-base homeostasis of living things, including humans. As a buffer, it tends to maintain a relatively constant plasma pH and counteract any force that would alter.