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22 Cards in this Set

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historically, these were institutions meant solely for the care of the mentally ill
a theoretical viewpoint organized around the theme that learning is central in determining human beahvior
behavioral perspective
school of psychology that formerly restricted itself primarily to the study of overt behavior
discharge of emotional tension associated with something, such as by talking about past traumas
a basic form of learning in whihc a neutral stimulus is paired repeatedly with an unconditioned stimulus (US) that natrually elicits an unconditioned response (UR). After repeated pairings, the neutral stimulus becomes a condidtioned stimulus (CS) that elicits a conditioned response (CR).
classical conditioning
movement to close mental hospitals and treat people with severe mental disorder in the community
method involving the recording, description, and interpretation of a patient's dreams
dream analysis
religiously inspired treatment procedure designed to drive out evil spirits or forces from a "possessed" person
method of probing the unconscious by having patients talk freely about themselves, their feeligns, and their motives
free association
legal term for mental disorder, implying lack of responsibility for one's acts and inability to manage one's affairs
delusion of being a wolf
historically, widespread occurrence of group behavior disorders that were apparently cases of hysteria
mass madness
movement that advocated a method of treatment focused almost exclusively on the physical well-being of hospitalized mental patients
mental hygiene movement
Theories of "animal magnetism" (hypnosis) formulated by Anton Mesmer
wide-ranging method of treatment that focuses on a patient's social, individual, and occupational needs
moral management
group of physicians in nineteenth-century Eurpoe who accepted the view that hysteria was a sort of self-hypnosis
Nancy School
form of learning in which if a particular response is reinforced, it becomes more likely to be repeated on similar occasions
operant conditioning
methods Freud used to study and treat patients
theory of psychopathology, initially developed by Freud, that emphasized the inner dynamics of unconscious motives
psychoanalytic perspective
Name given to the dancing mania (and mass hysteria) that spread from Italy to Germany and the rest of Europe in the Middle Ages
Saint Vitus's dance
dancing mania that occurred in Italy in the thirteenth century
in psychoanalytic theory, a major portion of the mind, which consists of a hidden mass of instincts, impulses and memories and is not easily available to conscious awareness yet plays an important role in behavior