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68 Cards in this Set

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What is a fact in psychology?

Facts are particular behaviors or reliable patterns of behavior of person's or animal's.

What is a theory?

explain existing facts and make predictions about new facts that might be discovered.

What is a hypothesis?

A prediction about what will be observed in a research study usually derived from a more General conception or Theory.

What does Skepticism seek to do?

to disprove claims

Scientific theories become more believable as they are what?


To test ______, scientists _______ the conditions in which they make observations so as to rule out alternative explanations.

Hypothesis, control

What are the 3 research design?

Experiments, correlation studies, and descriptive studies

There are three types of research strategies, what are they?

Research design, setting, and data collection method

II research strategy is setting what are the two settings where study's are conducted?

Field and laboratory

The third research strategy is data collection, what are the two basic data collection methods?

Self-report and observation

What is an experiment?

A research design for testing hypotheses about cause-effect relationships in which the researcher manipulates one variable which is the independent variable in order to assess its effect on another variable the dependent variable

A variable that is being manipulated in an experiment is?

An independent variable

What is a dependent variable?

A variable that is affected by the independent. A variable that is (measured, and affected)

In psychology _________ variables are usually measures of _____.

Dependent, behavior.

___________ variables are factors that are hypothesized to influence those _______.

Independent, measures.

The people or animals that are studied in any research study are referred to as the what?

Subjects of the study

Define Correlational Study

A study in which the researcher does not manipulate any variable, but observes or measures two or more already existing variables to find relationships between them.


High exertion of Parental power


A kinder and more dramatic style, but with the parents still clearly in charge.


Parental laxity in the face of their children's disruptive behavior.

Descriptive study

Research aim to describe the behavior of an individual or set of individuals without assessing relationships between different variables.

Laboratory study

A study in which the subjects are brought to a specific destination that has been set up to facilitate the researchers collection of data or control over environmental conditions.

Field study

Any research study conducted in a setting in which the researcher does not have control over the experience that a subject has

Psychologists uses the ______ as a decision making process when doing research

Scientific method

Experimental condition

The condition that exposes participants to the treatment that is to one version of the independent variable ( treatment -present)

Control condition

Also called comparison condition, a comparison for evaluating the effect of the treatment

Which group refers to the scientific method?


Empiricist, dualism, or materialist

What are the five steps of the scientific method?

1) Hypotheses

2) observe and test

3) data collection

4) analysis of results

5) reporting

After the scientific method what do we care about or in other words what do we test?

We care about the reliability in the validaty

What are the three research methods?


-Naturalistic Observation

-Case Studies


Like the independent variable it is being changed.

What are the two Random Assignment groups?

Experimental group and control group

Which group receives the drug experimental or control?


Descriptive statistics

Help to summarize the sets of data mathematically, (numerical)

Inferential Statistics

Mathematical methods for helping researchers determine how confident they can be in drawing General conclusions (inferences) from specific sets of data


Determine the possibility that variability is due to chance.


The arithmetic average determined by adding the scores and dividing the sum by the number of scores.


The center score determined by ranking the scores from highest to lowest.

What is central tendency?

The mean or median

Correlation coefficient

Represents the strength and direction of a relationship between two numerical variables

Correlational studies

Describes a relationship between two variables ( usually shown on a graph called scatter plot) but dosent tell us the cause effect relationships

What are the three correlations?

Positive correlation (+)

negative correlation (-)

no correlation (0)

______ does not imply _______

Correlation, Causation


Meaning something must cause another to happen


non-random effects caused by some factor or factors extraneous to the research hypothesis


A disorder characterized by a deficit in the ability to form emotional bonds and to communicate with people

what is a observer blind studies?

It is where the Observer is deliberately kept ignorant of information that could create expectancies in a double-blind study both Observer and subject are kept ignorant of such information.

Control group

The "treatment absent" condition in an experiment


A false or ineffective treatment administered as if it were real

What is Random assignment?

Selecting subjects by chance for different groups in an experiment.

Double blind

Research procedure that controls for the placebo effect

If one wants to have a first-hand account of a person's Behavior she should conduct a

Naturalistic observation

In order for data to be statistically significant p should be equal to or _______ than .05.

Less than

Statistically significant

A statistical statement of how small the likelihood is that it obtained result occurred by chance. by convention, research findings are said to be statistically significant if the probability is less than 5% that the data could have come out as they did if the research hypothesis is wrong


A data collection method that gives Immediate results that a researcher doesn't have to wait around for

Once a researcher conducts a research proposal they must submit it to the _________ for further evaluation of potential ethical controversy

Institutional review board

_____ allows researchers to obtain information they would not obtained through observation.

Questionnaires and interviews

A self-report study has to use questionnaires or _______.


data collection method is ________, which is a type of ________.

Interview; self-report

Three ways to categorize the research strategies scientists use are research design, setting, and _____ collection methods.


Self-report method

A data collection method in which the people being studied are asked to rate or describe their own behaviors or mental States.


The personal observations of one's thoughts, perception and feelings

Observational method

Any data collection procedure in which the researcher directly observes the behavior of interest rather than relying on subjects self-description

Naturalistic observation

Any data-collection procedure in which the researcher record the subjects ongoing Behavior in a natural setting without interfering with their behavior

Hawthorne effect

Changes in subjects Behavior as a result of knowing they are being watched attributed to the special attention they receive


The degree to which the individual numbers in a set of numbers differ from one another or from their mean

Standard deviation

A measure of variability and a set of scores determined by taking the square root of the variance

_____ studies are the only kind of research that can support claims of casual relationships.


When a researcher unintentionally communicates their expectations in an experiment and influences the subjects Behavior this is a results in a what

Observer-expectancy effect