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94 Cards in this Set

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What was the growth of cities due to
Influx of new immigrants, migrations of farmers to the city, and jobs caused by ind rev
How many people lived in cities in 1900
Where were most immigrants from
Southern and eastern Europe, Russia, Poland, and Italy
What was nativism
Hatred of immigrants
What were the three problems with the cities?
tenement housing, sweat shops, and child labor
What was tenement housing
Poor living in center of city
Where did the rich live
What percentage of workers were children
How did most Americans view unions
Who did the us govt and public side with
The owners
What was the workers weapon
What was the owner’s response
Hire private militia and replacement workers
What were the replacement workers called
What happened if violence was used
Govt brought in troops
What and when was the first major strike
Railroads strie 1877
How many workers stopped trains
What did the owners do
Hired militia
How many workers were killed
What happened next
Army was called in to put down strike
What was the first labor union
Knights of labor
What was the 2nd labor union
American federal of labor
Who was the founder of afl
Samuel grompers
Where was the haymarket strike
Chicago at mccormick reaper co.
Who was the labor union there
Knights of labor
What happened during the strike
Over 50 strikers killed and 7 police
What were the results
Hanged some leaders of the knights of labor and ended this union
What three things built American cities
Mass transit, skyscrapers, bridges, and electricity
What were the mass transits
Electric trolly car,subway
What were the advantages of skyscrapers
Solved the room problem and elevator
What was the free education
Elementary school only
Whose votes did party bosses want
How did they get that vote
Offered jobs and housing in echanges for votes
What did the party bosses take
Bribes and kickbacks
What was an example of the kickbacks
Nyc- courthouse was suppose to cost 250000 actually costed 14 million of tax payers money after kickbacks
What did the 13 amendment do
Ended slavery
What did the 14 amendment do
Blacks citizenship
What did the 15 amendment do
Black men suffrage
What three ways did the south try to gain back power
Literacy test, poll tax, and intimidation
What was the literacy test
Pass test to vote
What was the grandfather clause
If grandfather voted you’re exempt
what was the intimidation
what and when was the football controversy
1904 teddy Roosevelt thought there were too many deaths; changed rule forward pass
what was the populist party
Against the gold standard, railroad prices, robber barons and protective tariff
what was their platform
Nationalize the railroads, silver standard, 8 hour workday, and direct election of senators
when and where was the homestead steel strike
1892 penn
what does Carnegie do when he sees strike
Goes back to scottland
who does he leave in charge
Hery frik
how many workers take over the plant
what does frick do
Hires private militia and sends in troops
what was the fight
Right to work vs private property
what were the results
1600 replacement workers hired
how many jobs were cut
what was kept
12 hour workday
what was Carnegie profit
1892- 4 million year – 1900- 40 million year
how many years until another strike against us steel
when and where was the Pullman railroad car strike
1894 chicago
what does this turn into
National railroad strike
who led this
Eugene debs
what happens to debs
Arrested for making speech six months in jail
what does pres clevaland do
Calls for army
how many times do debs run for pres
Five times
what happens in 1912 for him
gets one million votes
how many workers were out of jobs in the panic of 1893
what did Jacob coxy do
Led a march to Washington of unemployed workers
what was this march’s nickname
Coxey’s army
what was the argument for foreign policy
Isolationism vs expansionism
what were the three main colonizing countries
Britian france and gremany
who was against colonies
G Washington
who was Alfred t mahan
Wrote The Importance of Sea power in world history
what were the three things this book said us need to be a world power in the 20th century
must have foreign markets for exports, strong navy, and must build an interoceanic canal
why did this book become popular
Read by t Roosevelt
what position did ted Roosevelt hold in 1895
Ass sec of the navy
what did the Cubans do
Revolted against spain for freedom
what were the four steps of the Spanish American war
Gen. Weyler’s Concentration camps, yellow journalism, newspapers, Spanish embassador to the us, uss main to havanah cuba
what is yellow journalism
Propaganda stretch the truth
what were the popular newspapers
Pultier and hearst
what does delone’s letter say
Calls mckinely a spineless jelly fish
what does teddy do during this
Sends navy to phillippeanes
who is under command
what was teddy and his army called
The rough riders
what is teddy’s next position
Gov of ny
what do we do with phil.
Civilize and Christianize and make a colony
what was the Filipino insurrection
They fought against amaericans
how many Filipino died
how many us deaths
how long was phil a colony
46 years
what was the teller amendment
Cuba will be independent
what was the platt amendment
Us had right to intervine and us got gauntanamo bay forever
what is the next position Roosevelt gets
what territories did us get
Phillipeines gaum pourto rico
us is now what
what was the sec of state in 1900
John hay
what does he propose
That china have an open poor policy for trade with all powers
how did china respond
Boxer rebellion, Chinese trying to throw out us troops too