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39 Cards in this Set

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17th amendment
gave voter the power to elect a senetor
17th amendment
gave voters the ability to vote for senators directaly.
power to produce legislation.
companion of the initiative.
voters can remove elected officials from office.
M. Jones Tom Johnson
made a fortune early in life
Robert M. La Follette
loyal repub that did not except bribes.
Wisconsin Idea`
idea from wisconsin.
Square Deal
rosevelts campaign slogan
Elkins Act
forbid shipping companies to get money back.
third party settles an argument.
Hepburn Act
set railroads rates.
Upton Sinclair
published the jungle.
Gifford Pinchot
conservationist and a friend of teddy rose.
reparing damaged land and making it usable again.
National Park Service
development of national parks
William Howard Taft
secretary of war and eventually president
Mann- Elkins Act
telephone and national forests
16th ammendment
levy individual taxes to personal income
Payne Aldrich Tarriff
worst tariff law ever.
Richard Ballinger
tafts secretary of interior.
Ballinger Pinchot affair
weakest bill of tafts.
George Norris
progressive nebraskin
Woodrow Wilson
Democratice canidate for the 1912 election
Progressive party
bull moose party
New freeom
Wilsons running slogan
Eugene Debs
socialist party canidate
Clayton anti trust act
limited a trusts power
Federal trade commision
authorized investigation of companies
Adamson Act
prevented strikes
Keating Owen Labor act
baned chiled labor
National women sufferage act
womens working rights.
Alice Paul
broke away from NAWSA
Carrie Capman catt
woman influence
19th ammendmet
women full voting rights
Teddy Rosevelt
great pres, trust buster
Square deal
teddys running slogan
Meat Inspection Act
meat must be inspected
Pure food and drug act
forbade harm full ingrediants