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52 Cards in this Set

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Island Communities
widely isolated and seperated cities and villages that were tied together through railroads
Credit Mobilier
a construction company controlled by the inner ring on the Union Pacific. They used this company to get grants from the government faster since it was a seperate company. They bribed cCongressman so they wouldn't investigate what they were doing.
Truck Lines
freight lines. they linked eastern seaports with the rich traffic of the great lakes and western rivers.
Railroad Gauge
the distance between the inner sides of the heads of the two load bearing parallel rails that make up a single railway line
J. Edgar Thomson
with Thomas Scott they built the 4th truck line, the Pennsylvannia railroad the ran from philly to pittsburgh
Thomas Scott
with J. Edgar Thomson built the 4th truck line, the PEnnsylvannia railroad that ran from philly to pittsburgh
JP Morgan
head of New York investment Company. Refinanced railroads after Panic of 1893. Reorganized the Southern Railway, the Erie, the Northern Pacific, and the B & O. (controlled railroads then steel after Carnegie)
Cornelius Vanderbilt
had large control of railroads. controlled the New York Central, Hudson River Railroad, the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway, and the Canadian Southern Railway
JD Rockefeller
built Standard Oil Company. considered competition wasteful and consolidation was right. triumped over competitors by marketing products of high quality at the lowest unit cost. owned everything (controled oil)
Andrew Carnegie
created Carnegie Steel Company. Took over steel industry with vertical integration (controlled the steel)
American Railway Association
divided country into four times zone and adopted the modern system of standard time
George Pullman
invented the railway sleeping car for passengers. caused Pullman strike when business fell and he cut jobs and wages and increased hours
Vertical Integration
type of organization in which a single company owns and controls the entire process from the unearthing of the raw materials to the manufacture and sale of the finished product
Horizontal Consolidation
owning all of the companies that produce a product
Union Pacific and Central Pacific
together make the transcontinental railroad
Transcontinental Railroad
combination of the Union central and the Pacific central railways to stretch across the entire continent
Bessemer Process
blast of air through molten iron burned off carbon and other impurities resulting in steel
stockholders exchanged their stock for trust certificates on which dividends were paid
Knights of Labor
welcomed people of all race and sex to try and create an ideal labor society with 8 hour days and no child labor and uplifting utopian reform
US Steel Corporation
first billion dollar company. it absorbed more than 200 other companies
a loose alliance of national craft unions. it organized skilled workers along craft lines, avoided politics, and worked for specific practical objectives
Henry Clay Frick
one of Carngies partners and managers. was shot and stabbed during homstead riot after cutting wages 20% and lived
Homestead Strike
strike after wages were cut 20%. workers were locked out of building. they surrounded it. police stopped it. a few days later Alexander Berkman went and shot and stabbed Frick
Cyrus Field
businessman and financier who led the Atlantic Telegraph Company, the company that successfully laid the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean in 1858. The cable broke down three weeks afterward
Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone
Chinese Exclusion Act
made the immigration of Chinese to the US illegal for ten years
Haymarket Riot
protest in Haymarket Square, peaceful. 3000 people were there and the police ordered them to disperse and then someone through a bomb
Northern Securities Company
mergered with Rockefeller like all of the other companies.
Haymarket Riot
protest in Haymarket Square, peaceful. 3000 people were there and the police ordered them to disperse and then someone through a bomb
Pullman Strike
strike to protest wage cuts. continuing high rents, and layoffs. marched to the capitol. violence broke out and then it was controlled. it was a failure
Northern Securities Company
mergered with Rockefeller like all of the other companies.
George Eastman
patented a proces for coatring gellatin on photographic dry plates which led to celluliod film and motion pictures
Thomas Edison
invented phonograph, electricity, and many other small things
Pullman Strike
strike to protest wage cuts. continuing high rents, and layoffs. marched to the capitol. violence broke out and then it was controlled. it was a failure
George Eastman
patented a proces for coatring gellatin on photographic dry plates which led to celluliod film and motion pictures
Chain Store
stores that were located all over the natio (A&P Grocery stores, Sears, ect.)
Thomas Edison
invented phonograph, electricity, and many other small things
Mail Order Catalogs
catalog with items that can be ordered from other places
Chain Store
stores that were located all over the natio (A&P Grocery stores, Sears, ect.)
Rise in Advertising
advertising became popular to get business
Mail Order Catalogs
catalog with items that can be ordered from other places
Muller v Oregon
against long labor hours for women
Rise in Advertising
advertising became popular to get business
Brandeis Brief
movement among judges for "sociological jurisprudence" that related the law to social reform instead of only to legal precedent
Muller v Oregon
against long labor hours for women
Brandeis Brief
movement among judges for "sociological jurisprudence" that related the law to social reform instead of only to legal precedent
Holden v Hardy
court upheld a law limiting working hours for miners because their work was dangerous and long hours might increase injury
Lochner v New York
court struck down a law limiting bakery workers to a 60 hour week and a 10 hour day because baking was safer then mining
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
after the Panic of 1873 there were 10% wages cuts and even really poor working conditions which caused strikes that shut down entire railroads and at some points the entire western half of the United States. It ended when the army and state miltia took control
Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
book by Sinclair that tackled meatpackers
Jacob Riis
journalist described "How the Other Half Lives"