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123 Cards in this Set

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The heart muscle is stimualted by ________ and is ________.
self-excitable (automaticity)
or autorhythmic
(nerves slow the heart down or speed it up; they influence the rate of contraction.
The heart contracts as a unit because of ___ ____.
gap junctions
Cariac muscle contraction is similar to ____ _____ contraction.
skeletal muscle
Why does the heart continue to beat even after nerve connections are severed?
because of gap junctions and intrinsic conduction system.
What cells initiat action potentials (contractions) and have an unstable resting potential called pacemaker potentials (prepotentials)?
Autorhythmic cells
What cells continuously drifts toward threshold and membrane that is leaky to Na+, but less permeable to K+. Also uses calcium influx (rather than sodium) for rising phase of the action potential.
Autorhythmic cells
What is the definition of polarization~
When two sides of the membrane are different
Impulse passes from atria to ventricles via the ______ _____.
Atrioventricular bundle
(bundle of His)
The AV blundle splits into two pathways in the _____ _____.
interventricular septum
(bundle branches; right and left)
__ ___ carry the impulse toward the apex of the heart.
Bundle branches
___ ___ carry the impulse to the heart apex and ventricular walls.
Purkinje fibers
The SA node is the fastest due to ~
more gap junction; the quicker the cell contracts
The first contraction is due to~
the shortening of the papillary muscles
What is known as the "pacemaker" of the heart?
SA (sinoatrial) node
This is the conduction of?
1. Sinoatrial (SA) node
2. Atrioventricular (AV) node
3. Atrioventricular (AV) bundle
4. Bundle branches
5. Purkinje fibers
Cardiac Intrinsic Conduction
1. SA node has more gap junctions and is the fastest
2. & 3. Atria is contracting and relaxing
4. & 5. Ventricles contraction starts with shortening of papillary muscles.
Where is the SA node located?
In the right atrial wall, infereior to the entrance of the superior vena cava
This intrinsic rate is the sinus rhythm - it determines the heart rate~
SA node
Impulse follows the internodal pathway (gap junctions) to the ____ ____.
Atrioventricular (AV) node
What is in the infereior portion of the interatrial septum, above the tricuspid valve and delays impulse slightly to allow atria to complete their contraction before ventricular events?
Atrioventricular (AV) node
What is called the bundle of His?
Atrioventricular bundle
(AV bundle)
What is the electrical connection between the atria and ventricles (only electrial connection)?
AV bundle
This is insulated by the fibrous skeleton of the heart and is divided into right and left bundle branches?
AV bundle
This course goes through the interventricular septum to apex of the heart
AV bundle
What are the long strands to cardiac muscle cells with very few myofibrils (more elaborate on left side)?
Purkinje fibers
These fibers excite the septal cells, they end at papillary muscles which contract slightly before the rest of the ventricle and tighten the chordae tendinae to stableize vale cusps prior to full contraction~
Purkinje fibers
What do you call irregular heart rythms?
What do you call rapid and irregular contractions / Control of heart rhythm is taken away for the SA note~
Fibrillating ventricles are _____ pumps.
Give two examples of a defective SA node.
1. Ectopic focus may develop (a node somewhere it doesn't belong)
2. AV node may take over (AV node is slower - you will not get effective contraction of the atria.
A premature contraction is know as ____.
___ ___ carry the impulse to the heart apex and ventricular walls.
Purkinje fibers
The SA node is the fastest due to ~
more gap junction; the quicker the cell contracts
The first contraction is due to~
the shortening of the papillary muscles
What is known as the "pacemaker" of the heart?
SA (sinoatrial) node
This is the conduction of?
1. Sinoatrial (SA) node
2. Atrioventricular (AV) node
3. Atrioventricular (AV) bundle
4. Bundle branches
5. Purkinje fibers
Cardiac Intrinsic Conduction
1. SA node has more gap junctions and is the fastest
2. & 3. Atria is contracting and relaxing
4. & 5. Ventricles contraction starts with shortening of papillary muscles.
Where is the SA node located?
In the right atrial wall, infereior to the entrance of the superior vena cava
This intrinsic rate is the sinus rhythm - it determines the heart rate~
SA node
Impulse follows the internodal pathway (gap junctions) to the ____ ____.
Atrioventricular (AV) node
What is in the infereior portion of the interatrial septum, above the tricuspid valve and delays impulse slightly to allow atria to complete their contraction before ventricular events?
Atrioventricular (AV) node
What is called the bundle of His?
Atrioventricular bundle
(AV bundle)
What are the long strands to large cardiac muscle cells with very few myobibrils. They are more elaborate on left side).
Pukinje fibers
The purkinje fiberts excite ____ cells.
Purkinje fibers end at ___ muscles which contract slighly before the rest of the ventricle.
papillary muscles
The purkinje ribers righten the ___ ___ to stablize valve cusps prior to full contraction
chordae tendinae
Irregular heart rhythms is known as ____.
What is the word that describes rapid and irregular contractions, control of theart rhythm is taken away from the SA node?
Fibrillating ventricles are _____ pumps.
List two ways the fibrillating ventricles are inefficient.
1. defibrillation is required immediately
2. deposlarizes the entire mycardium allowing intrinsic control to reboot.
List two things that may occur due to a defective SA node.
1. Ectopic focus may develop ( a node somewhere it shouldn't be)
2. AV node may take over (AV node is slower - you will not get effective contraction of atria).
What is the name for premature contraction?
Extrasystole occasionally develops when a region of the heart becomes ___.
Does extrasystole generate impusles that are faster or slower than the SA node?
faster - (extra beat)
The heart is stimulated by the _____ cardioacceleratory center.
(kicks in when heart speeds up)
The heart is inhibited by the _____ cardioinhibitory center.
(chilling out / slows down)
Electrical activity is recorded by an ________ - composite of all the AP's generated.
electrocardiogram (ECG)
The P wave corresponds to ______ of the SA node
QRS complex correcsponds to _________ _________.
ventricular depolarization
T wave corresponds to _______ ________.
ventricular repolarization
Atrial repolarization record is masked by the larger ____ complex.
Heart sounds lub-dup are associated with the ______ of the heart valves.
The first sound of the heart occurs as the __ ____ close and signifies the beginning of _______.
AV valves
systole ( contraction of ventricle)
The second sound of the heart occurs when the ___ valves close at the beginning of _____ _______.
ventricular diastole (relaxation of ventricle)
What is the order of Electrocardiography?
See picture
When does ventricular filling occur?
Mid to late diastole (relaxation)
How does ventricular filling occur?
1. Heart blood pressure is low as blood enters atria and flows into ventricles.
2. AV valves are open, semilunar valves are closed.
3. Most blood flows passively into ventricles, partially closing the AV valves.
4. Then atrial systole occurs (contraction)
What are the functions of Atrial systole (contraction)?
1. Atria contract cuasing a rise in atrial blood pressure
2. Ventricles now contain the MAXIMUM amount of blood they will contain within the cardiac cycle
3. Ventricles are at the END of their DIASTOLIC PERIOD.
4. The volume of blood they now contain is the End Diastolic Volume (EDV)
5. Then atria relax (begin atrial diastole (relax) and the ventricles depolarize.
What are the three phases of the cardiac cycle?
Ventricular systole
Isovolumetric contraction phase
Ventricular ejection
What tow things happen during ventricular systole?
1. As the atria relax, the ventricles begin to contract
2. Rising ventricular pressure results in closing of the AV valves.
What is the isovolumetric contraction phase?
The very short time when the ventricles are closed chambers
(AV valves and semilunar valves are both closed)
When phase opens the semilunar valves
Ventricular ejection
What is Ventricular ejection?
It's when ventricular pressure exceeds arterial pressure.
During the Ventricular ejection phase, the pressue in the aorta normally reaches about ____ mm Hg.
120 mm Hg
When does isovolumetric relaxation happen?
early diastole (relaxation)
What happens during Isovolumetric relaxation?
1. ventricles relax
2. blacklow of blood in aorta and pulmonary trunk closes semilunar valves
3. Blood remaining in ventricles is the END SYSTOLIC VOLUME (ESV)
_________ is a brief rise in aortic pressure caused by backflow of blood rebounding off semilunar valves
Dicrotic notch
During ventricular systole, the atria are ______ with blood and the intra-atrial pressure is ______
When the pressure within the atria exceeds that of the ventricles the ___ valves open and the cardiac cycle begins again.
Blood flow through the heart is controlled by _____ _____.
pressure changes
Bllod flows down a ____ _____ through available openings.
pressure gradient
_______ is the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute
Cardiac output
Cardiac Output is the product of the _____ _____ and the ____ _____.
heart rate
stroke volume
______ is the number of heart beats per minute.
Heart rate
_____ is the amount of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each beat.
Stroke volume
____ is the difference between resting and maiximal cardiac output.
Cardiac Reserve
Cardiac Output Example:
CO (ml/min) = HR (75 beats/min X SV (70 ml/beat)

CO = 5250 ml/min (5.25 L/min)
This is approximately the normal blood volume. Therefore, the entire blood supply is pumped through the heart each minute.
____ = end diastolic volume (EDV) minus end systolic volume (ESV)
Stroke Volume (SV)
_____ = amounto f blood colelcted in a ventricle during diastole.
End Diastolic Volume (EDV)
_____ = the amount of blood remaining in a ventricle after contraction
End Systolic Volume (ESV)
______ - amount ventricles are stetched by contained blood.
______ - cardiac cell contractile force due to factors other than end diastolic volume (EDV).
affects the ability of the heart to contract; effects the cells
(scarring, drugs can cause this)
______ - back pressure exerted by blood in the large arteries leaving the heart

(extremely high blood pressure, not able to push out as much blood)
Preload, or degree of stretch of cardiac muscle cells before they contract is the critical factor controlling _____ _____.
stroke volume
Slow heartbeat and exercise increase venous return to the heart increasing ____ ____.
stroke volume
What two things decrease stroke volume?
blood loss
extremely rapid heartbeat
The pressure that the ventricles must overcome to force blood into the arteries is _______.
What is the pressure amount that the ventricles must overcome to force blood into the arteries?
80 mm Hg
Why is afterload high in individuals with hypertension?
Because it reduces the ability of ventricles to eject blood. Resulting in an increase End Systolic Volume and reduced Stroke Volume
______ is the increase in contractile strenth, independent of stretch and EDV
Contractility results in the increased ejection of blood from the heart, lower _____ and higher _____.
Increase in contractility comes from what three things?
Increased sympathetic stimuli (norepinephrine & epinephrine)

Certain hormones

Ca2+ and some drugs
What extrinsic factors / agents decrease contracility?
Increased extracellular K+
Calcium channel blockers
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) stimulation is activated by what four things?
(heart beats faster)
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) stimulation is mediated by ______ that opposes the SNS.
(slow heart beat)
The parasympathetic nervous sytem (PNS) dominates over the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) causing?
the autonomic stimualation, slowing heart rate and causing vagal tone.
(PNS) dominates if you're healthy)
A sympathetic reflex initiated by increased blood in the atria is ______.
Atrial (Bainbridge) Reflex
What is the pressure amount that the ventricles must overcome to force blood into the arteries?
80 mm Hg
Why is afterload high in individuals with hypertension?
Because it reduces the ability of ventricles to eject blood. Resulting in an increase End Systolic Volume and reduced Stroke Volume
______ is the increase in contractile strenth, independent of stretch and EDV
Contractility results in the increased ejection of blood from the heart, lower _____ and higher _____.
Increase in contractility comes from what three things?
Increased sympathetic stimuli (norepinephrine & epinephrine)

Certain hormones

Ca2+ and some drugs
What extrinsic factors / agents decrease contracility?
Increased extracellular K+
Calcium channel blockers
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) stimulation is activated by what four things?
(heart beats faster)
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) stimulation is mediated by ______ that opposes the SNS.
(slow heart beat)
The parasympathetic nervous sytem (PNS) dominates over the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) causing?
the autonomic stimualation, slowing heart rate and causing vagal tone.
(PNS) dominates if you're healthy)
A sympathetic reflex initiated by increased blood in the atria is ______.
Atrial (Bainbridge) Reflex
What are two things that the atrial bainbridge reflex does?
1. Causes stimuation of the SA node2. Stimulates baroreceptors (measure pressure) in the atria, causing increased SNS stimualtion
What two hormones increase the heart rate?
What two concentrations must be maintained for normal heart function?
Intracellular ion concentrations
Extracellular ion concentrations
What disfunction causes~
*abnormally fast heart rate?
*results from such things as elevated body temperature, stress, some drugs, or heart disease
*May promote fibrillation
What disfunction causes~
*heart rate slower than 60 beats per minute
*from low body temperature, certain drugs, parasympathetic nervous system
*a desireable result of athletic conditioning
*persistant bradycardia in poorly conditioned individuals could result in inadequate circulation
What disfuction or condition is caused by~
*coronary atherosclerosis
*persistent high blood pressure
*multiple myocardial infarcts
*dilated cariomyopathy (DCM)
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
The two fetal heart structures that bypass the pulmonary circulation are
foramen ovale connect the two atria

ductus arteriosus connects the pulmonary trunk and the aorta
Name four age related changes affecting the heart~
1, Sclerosis and thickening of valve flaps
2. Decline in cardiac reserve
3. Fibrosis of cardiac muscle - accumulation of small cells
4. Atherosclerosis - harding of the arteries, robs you of the elasticity, leads to persistance high blood pressure