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91 Cards in this Set

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A large complex Organ

The skin

The skin combined with the hair ,nails ,sweat and oil glands is called

The integumentary system the study of which is called dermatology

There are two principal parts of the skin they are called

The epidermis layers of dead cells that contain keratin (A waterproofing and protective protein )

and the dermis connective tissue that contains the hair follicles, sweat gland ducts and oil gland ducts that act as passageway for micro organisms to enter the skin and penetrate deeper

A physical barrier of the skin known as a strong protein because of the disulfide bridges


A chemical barrier that provides water and nutrients for some microorganism but also contain salt and lysozyme high in lactic acid contributing to the low pH


Secreted by the Sebaceous oil glands has a low pH because of a high fatty acid content


Positively charged molecules that disrupt the bacterial cell membranes (negatively charged)

Antimicrobial peptides in epithelial cells

Lining of body cavities;tightly packed epithelial cells attached to a membrane. Many of these cells secrete mucus often acidic.the eyes are mechanically washed by tears containing lysozyme.

Saliva -lysozyme

Mucous membrane

Mucous membrane

What is a vesicle

Small fluid filled lesion

What is a bullae

Larger vesicles;bubble

What is a Macules

Flat, redden lesion

What is a maculopapular

Combination of macular and papular characteristics

Raised redden lesion and flat redden lesion

What is a papules

Raised reddon lesion

What is a pustule

Raised redden lesion Filled with pus

What is cystic acne

Severe acne

What is the cause of acne

The cause of acne is when channels for the passage of sebum to the skin surfaces are blocked; as sebum accumulates white heads form it breaks through the skin. also known as a black head

What is another cause for acne

Another cause for acne is the Propionibacterium which produces lipases and other enzymes that digest the oils produced by the oil gland also produces a protein that stimulates inflammation and neutrophils that are attracted to the site of infection produce enzymes that damage the wall of the hair follicle —-> the appearance of postules and scarring

What are some treatments for acne

Topical treatment such as BenzaClin or oral treatment.

however long term antibiotic use causes the high rate of antibiotic resistance in skin bacteria or in whole body flora which pass to family members and the problem with oral contraceptives containing estrogen controversial because of the dangers of estrogen such as breast cancer blood clot which increase stroke and heart disease

The name of a Medication for acne that’s a derivative of vitamin A inhibits sebum formation but may have severe side effects such as depression and birth defects


Acne is Commonly linked to endocrine factors,emotional stress, pressure on skin by leaning on hands, or phone. often worse in spring and fall,cosmetics especially oil based irritate the skin but has no relationship to

Fats in diet

What type of test that uses hydrogen peroxide to differentiate staphylococcus from streptococcus called?

Catalase lab test

A positive coagulase test is indicative of what bacteria

Staphylococcus aureus

What Is the differential agent in the coagulase test

Rabitplasma is used in the coagulase lab test. it Clots fibrin in plasma and blood and may protect the bacteria from phagocytosis

What are the results of a coagulase exam we’re 90% of the normal microbiota that does not cause disease unless the skin is broken.(staphylococcus epidermidis is predominate of these)

The coagulase test is negative

What are the results of a catalase test where Staphylococcus aureus is the subject

The result in the Catalan test is positive

What is the result of a catalase test where the subject is streptococcus Pyogenes

The result is negative

Toxins A and B production

—->positive coagulase test can cause

Blisters And desquamation aka peeling

Group A Beta hemolytic strep is the same as

Streptococcus Pyogenes.

M protein produced by streptococcus pyogenes binds what enzyme precursor which causes the bacterium to produce streptokinase


What does streptokinase do

Streptokinase changes plasminogen into plasmin

Normally plasmin is produced in the blood to dissolve the fibrin clot once they have fulfilled their purpose in stopping bleeding.But with streptococcus Pyogenes infection what occurs to the tissue

The tissue is degraded around the bacterium causing the symptoms of infection

Streptokinase produced by streptococcus is used as a Clot disolving medication for what type of disease

Myocardial infarction also known as a heart attack and pulmonary embolism

What is the name of a disease which is highly contagious bacterial infection that causes the formation of vesicles, postules and peeling of the skin caused by staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes


Impetigo is spread by direct and indirect contact how can we prevent this disease

Proper hygiene you can use topical Bactroban (mupirocin)

How can you determine which bacteria causes impetigo

Impossible to determine if staph or strep based on symptoms,but staphylococcus see more often in older children and adults streptococcus usually seen in newborns

What is the name of a bacteria that is fast spreading infection of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus pyogenes but can because by other pathogenic bacteria or fungi.


What are some symptoms associated with cellulitis

Pain ,swelling ,fever lymphangitis which is red streaks leading away from the point of injury sometimes called blood poisoning can lead to bacteremia

How is cellulitis treated

Cellulitis is treated with aggressive oral or IV antibiotics

Name of a disease where Staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus pyogenes is invasive. unique strains that produce exoenzymes and toxins involved.A simple cut in the skin left untreated can spread rapidly into the tissue causing disfigurement and death

Flesh eating bacteria also known as necrotizing fasciitis

What is the name of an infected hair follicle ?this occurs when Staphylococcus aureus can enter openings in the skin


Hard deep inflammation of the tissue is known as a? And caused by Staphylococcus aureus


A postule filled with pus is known as a boil or a? And caused by Staphylococcus aureus


What is HA - MRSA

Usually associated with hospital or healthcare facilities about 85% of all invasive MRSA is HA-MRSA

Healthcare associated methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus

What is CA-MRSA

Usually manifested as skin infection such as pimples and boils and otherwise occur in healthy people

Community associated methicillin-resistant staphylococcus Aureus

Factors associated with CA-MRSA transmission ( the 5 C’s)

Crowding, contact, compromise skin such as cuts or abrasions, contaminated surfaces, lack of cleanliness this is common in schools,Dormitories ,military barracks ,households correctional facilities and daycare centers

How can you prevent CA-MRSA

Good hygiene covering skin trauma such as abrasions or cuts. Avoid sharing personal items like towels are razors and using a barrier such as the clothing or a towel between your skin and shared equipment such as weight training benches also maintain a clean environment by establishing cleaning procedures

A type of MRSA that is more susceptible to a wider array prescription


A disease usually found in children under two,symptoms are bullae caused by Exfoliate toxins A and B that the bacteria has acquired from certain phage types through transduction lysogeny and mainly spread by asymptomatic carriers treatment with antibiotics

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

disease caused by clostridium perfringes when bacterium enters tissue through a surgical incision, compound fracture diabetic ulcer, septic abortion,puncture and gunshot wound and crushing injury contaminated by spores from the body or soil.

Gas gangrene gas pockets are produced bullae can be differentiated from necrotizing fasciitis (coccal bacteria) you can differentiate by using Gram stain as it is a gram-positive rod

How can you treat Gas gangreen

Using cephalosporin surgical removal of tissue and oxygen therapy

What is the name of the disease That was eradicated because an effective vaccine was developed and there are no alternate host; potential biological warfare weapon .mortality rate of 70% postules on the face and extremities causing disfigurement

Small pox or Variola major(viral diseases)

When you receive the vaccine it is usually a life attenuated virus. Once you receive the virus it is able to remain in nerve cells in a latent but not lysogenic stage and can cause another disease also called herpes zoster


Chicken pox can cause fetal damage in the first trimester also known as


What is Rey’s syndrome

a rare disorder that causes brain and liver damage. ... Reye's syndrome usually occurs in children who have had a recent viral infection, such as chickenpox or the flu. Taking aspirin to treat such an infection greatly increases the risk.

What are some symptoms of Rey’s syndrome

Coma death vomiting

Similar to chickenpox localize around the waist or face upper chest and back usually limited to one side of the body can’t be serious impairing vision or causing paralysis and is very painful what is the disease

Similar to chickenpox localize around the waist or face upper chest and back usually limited to one side of the body can’t be serious impairing vision or causing paralysis and is very painful what is the disease

The name of a vaccine recommended for individual that had had a previous episode of shingles or for those 60 years or older regardless

The zoster vaccine

Typically caused by herpes Symplex one herpes virus type one.

Cold sores

Painful inflammation of the finger or toe. Some occupational hazard dental hygienist, and waiters. Fluid of the sores is highly infectious


In herpes simplex humans can transmit the disease mainly to persons with active lesions. Remains infectious in moist secretions on inanimate objects for a few hours. the in active virus remains inside the cranial nerve or spinal nerve trunk which virus is in the cranial nerve in which is in the spinal nerve trunk

HSV -1 cranial nerve herpes simplex virus 1

HSV-2spinal nerve trunk herpes simplex virus 2

How is HSV triggered

Herpes simplex virus is a recurrent infection triggered by change,illness,stress,surgery sunlight,food- citrus,sodium lauryl sulfate and toothpaste and hard candy

What are some symptoms of the herpes simplex virus

Virus migrate to the body surface often the same site as before # of attacks could be from 1 to 12 times a year.signs are tender itchy bumps painful painful erupt I’ve vesicles intense burning burst drain and scab over

Of the two herpes viruses which one infects the oral mucosa tongue cheeks and lips is complicated in adolescents with sore throat fever chills headache and swollen lymph nodes

HSV -1

How do you prevents HSV

Wear gloves treatment with topical applications such as abreva ( docosonal) a daily oral dose such as Zovirax (acyclovir) or valtrex (valacyclovir hydrochloride) also lysine taken early suppresses development

Name of disease were vaccine given at 12-15 months. But period of vulnerability in infants to 1 year. Causes koplicks spots in oral mucosa (white centers) Is dangerous in the very young and the very old because deafness,Pneumonia, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)

Measles- red measles and 7 day measles

Known as three day measles it is milder than measles

Rubella or Germany measles

What does congenital rubella cause

35% chance of Deafness, eye cataract heart defects, mental retardation and death major epidemic in 1964-1965 vaccine created in 1969

How can you determine if an individual has rubella

You can do a blood sample can be tested for antibodies. IgG levels will indicate prior infections. IgM levels indicate current infection

Name this common child hood disease presenting as very flushed cheeks slapped cheek and a lacy rash on the trunk may also have a slight fever malaise or cold. Adults may have rash and joint swelling fifth on the list of skin rashes

Fifth disease aka erythema infectosium

The name of a disease that affects babies and toddlers 6-24 months. High fever until 4 Th day as it falls a rash appears

Rosella HHV -6

Name of a disease that causes lysogenic strain of streptococcus Pyogenes that produces an erythrogenic toxin; rash is in addition to a severe sore throat - strep throat

Scarlet fever

Name the disease caused by more than 65 papillomavirus treatment by crYotherapy, electrodessication, burning, lasers creates virus laden aerosols. Alternative treatment aspirin at site, Tagamet, and duct tape

Juvenile and plantar warts

Disease caused by pox virus that causes bumps that look like smooth waxy nodules. Common in aids patients and often on the face

Molluscum contagiosum

Another name for fungal disease of the skin


What type of mycosis is due to ringworm athletes foot/ nail fungus(dermatophytosis)

Cutaneous mycosis

Trichophyton, microsporam, epidermophytan causes what disease

Cutaneous mycosis

What is the virulence of cutaneous mycosis and were is it’s resovoir

The virulence factor breaks down keratin by keratinase primary protein of epidermal tissue of vertebrates

What is the virulence of cutaneous mycosis and were is it’s resovoir

The virulence factor breaks down keratin by keratinase primary protein of epidermal tissue of vertebrates reservoir are humans animals and soil

What are the symptoms of cutaneous mycosis

Symptoms are athletes foot- scaly patches

Ring worm- scaly reddish rings on body

Nail-initially white patches in the nail thickening distortion

What are the treatments for cutaneous mycosis

Treatment is long term otc topical ointments, gentle debridement of skin and uv light.home remedies for nails tea tree oil Vick’s Mobistat 1, thyme oil and for the ring worm Clorox and soft tooth brush

Tinea versicolor is a superficial mycosis also know as

Pityriasis versicolor

What is the most common symptom of tinea versicolor

Blanching of skin called hypopigmentation or variable pigmentation

Tinea versicolor is caused by a yeast Malassezia fur fur how is this antifungal treated

Topical antifungal creams, selenium containing shampoos left on the skin overnight

Parasitic infestation of the skin is called scabies due

Sarcoptes scabiei a burrowing mite

How is scabies treated

Treated with kwell when under diagnosed giving phrase to 7 year itch may be zoonotic but usually animal to animal and human to human. Treatment used in animals toxic to humans

Conjunctivitis can be bacterial or viral is increasing because?

soft contact lenses avoid homemade solutions

Name the disease that is a bacterial disease of the eye TORCH via the birth canal causes blindness

Neonatal Gonnorrheal ophthalmia

What is inclusion conjunctivits

Infection caused by chlamydia trachomatis contracted as baby passes through birth canal with symptoms appearing 5-12 days later

What is trachoma

The leading cause of preventable blindness infection of epithelial cells of the eye. Major cause of blindness in Africa and asia

Ineffective antibiotic for trachoma is

Silver nitrate.

Antibiotics such erythromycin for newborns and tetracycline

Name a viral disease of the eye

Hermetic keratitis caused by herpes simplex cause blindness