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72 Cards in this Set

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the human process of grown and development is the result of which of two interrelated factors?

a. Heredity and environment

b. Heredity and reliegion

c. Faith and culture

d. Physical and psychosocial skills.
Which of the following theorists listed unconscious mind, the id, the ego, and the superego as the primary aspects of the psychoanalytic theory?

a. Erik Erikson

b. Robert Havinghurst

c. Jean Piaget

d. Sigmund Freud
Which of Freud's stages of development marks the transition to adult sexuality during adolescence?

a. Latency stage

b. Anal stage

c. Phallic stage

d. Genital stage
The expansion of freuds theory to include cultral and social influences in addition to biologic processes is credited to which of the following theorists?

a. Erik Erikson

b. Robert Havinghurst

c. Jean Piaget

d. Lawrence Kohlberg
Which of the following theorists believed that living and growing are based on learning and that person must continuously learn to adjust to changing societal conditions?

a. Erik Erikson

b. Robert Havinghurst

c. Jean Piaget

d. Sigmund Freud
A child who learns that he must sit quietly during story hour in kindergarten thereby integrating this new experience into this existing schemata is applying the process of:

a. Accommodation

b. Dissemination

c. Assimilation

d. Orientation
In which stage of Piagets congnitive development theory is logical thinking with an understanding reversibility relations between numbers an loss of egocentricity?

a. Sensorimotor stage

b. Preoperational stage

c. Concrete Operational stage

d. Formal operational stage
According to Piaget, the use of abstract thinking and deductive reasoning occurs during which of the following stages of development?

a. Sensorimotor stage

b. Preoperational stage

c. Concrete operational stage

d. Formal operational stage
Which of the following theorists developed the theory that males and females have different ways of dealing with moral issues?

a. Lawrence Kohlberg

b. Jean Piaget

c. James Fowler

d. Carol Gilligan
Which of the following generalizations about growth and development are accurate: (select all that apply)

a. Growth and development do not occur in specific order or sequence.

b. Growth and development follow irregular and unpredictable trends.

c. Growth and development are differentiated and integrated.

d. Different aspects of growth and development cannnot be modified.

e. Within each developmental level, certain milestones can be identified.

f. Cephalocaudal development is the first trend in growth and development.
Which of the following statements regarding the effects of environmental and nutritional development are accurate? (select all that apply)

a. Infants who are malnourished into utero develop the same amount of brain cells as infants who had adequate amount of prenatal nutrition.

b. Substance abuse by a pregnant woman increases the risk for congenital anomalies in her developing fetus.

c. Failure to thrive cannot be linked to emotional deprivation.

d. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is more prevalent in teenagers who have poor family relationships.

e. An increased incidence of teenage pregnancy can be linked to substance abuse by adolescents.

f. Child abuse can lead to deficits in physical development but psychosocial development is not affected.
Which of the following are components of Freud's theory of psychoanalytic development? (select all that apply)

a. Ego

b. Id

c. Yin and Yang

d. Altered consciousness

e. Superego

f. Conscious mind
a, b, e
Which of the following concepts are components of Eriksons theory of psychosocial development? (select all that apply)

a. Cognitive development

b. Psychosexual stages

c. Developmental goals or tasks

d. Psychosocial crises

e. The process of coping

f. Spiritual growth
c, d, e
Which of the following concepts accurately describe the developmental stages and concepts of Kohlberg's theory of moral development? (select all that apply)

a. The pre conventional level is based on external control as the child learns to conform to rules imposed by authority figures.

b. The post conventional level involves identifying the significant others and conforming to their expectations.

c. Few adults ever reach stage 6 of the post conventional level.

d. Males and females have different way of looking at the world.

In the pre conventional level moral judgment is based on shared norms and expectations and societal values are adopted.

f. Stage 1 of the pre conventional level punishment and obedience orientation, the motivation for choices of action is fear or physical consequences of authority's disapproval.
a, c, f
What are the stages of Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalytic development in the order in which they occur?
1. Oral Stage

2. Anal Stage

3. Phallic stage

4. Latency Stage

5. Genital Stage
What are the stages of Havighurst theory of development (developmental tasks) in the order in which they occur?
1. Learning to walk; learning to talk; Learning to control body waste elimination

2. Learning sex differences; forming concepts; getting ready to read

3. Learning physical skills; learning to get along with others, developing conscience and morality.

4. Achieving gender specific social role; achieving independence; acquiring a set of values and ethical system to guide behavior.

5. Achieving social and civic responsibility; accepting and adjusting to physical changes

6. Adjusting to decreasing physical status and health; adjusting to retirement
The second trend in growth and development is _________ meaning that growth progresses from gross motor movements to fine motor movements.
Proximal distal development
According to developmental theorist Sigmund Freud, the period from adolescence adulthood is known as the __________ stage
According to the developmental theorist __________ during preschool to early school years a child imitates the religious behaviors of others.
James Fowler
According to Jean Piaget, during the ___________ years an individual integrates others view points into his or her own understanding of truth
Middle adult years
Freud identified the underlying stimulus for human behavior as sexuality which he called_________________.

Austin Powers called his

___________ is the process of integrating new experiences into existing schemata.
The ___________ stage of Piagets theory of congnitive development is characterized by the use of abstract thinking and deductive reasoning.
Formal Operational
Levinson and associates based their theory of human development on the organizing concept of ________________
Individuals life structure
In this stage of Erickson's development a 10 yr old boy proudly displays his principals award certificate
Industry versus inferiority
In this stage of Erickson's development a infant believes that his parents will feed him
Trust versus mistrust
In this stage of Erickson's development a 22yr old woman picks a circle of friends with whom she spends her free time
Intimacy verses isolation
In this stage of Erickson's development a 13yr old girl fights with her mother about appropriate dress
Identity versus role confusion
In this stage of Erickson's development a nursing home resident reflects positively on her past life experiences.
Ego integrity versus despair
In this stage of Erickson's development a 15yr old boy worries about how his classmates treat him.
Identity versus role confusion
In this stage of Erickson's development a 45 yr old man meets a goal of guiding his two children into rewarding careers
Generativity versus stagnation
In this stage of Erickson's development a kindergarten student learns the alphabet.
Initiative versus guilt
In this stage of Erickson's development a 2 yr old boy expresses interest in dressing himself.
Autonomy versus shame and doubt.
In this stage of Erickson's development a 35yr old woman volunteers Saturday morning to work with the homeless.
Generativity versus stagnation
This stages integrates other viewpoints about faith into ones understanding of truth. One is able to see the paradoxical nature of the reality of ones own beliefs.
Conjunctive faith
This is the characteristic stage for may adolescents. An ideology has emerged, but it has not been closely examined until now; attempts to stabilize own identity
Synthetic conventional faith
This stage involves making tangible the values of absolute love and justice for humankind; total trust in principle of being and existence of future.
Universalizing faith
In this stage children imitate religious gestures and behaviors of others the follow parental attitudes toward religious or moral beliefs without a thorough understanding of them.
Intuitive projective faith
This stage is critical for older adolescents and young adults because the responsibility for their commitments beliefs and attitudes becomes their own.
Individuative reflective faith
This stage predominates in the school age child with increased social interaction. Stories present religious and moral beliefs, and the existence of a deity is accepted.
Mythical literal faith
The human processes of grown and development result from two interrelated factors _____________ and __________
Heredity and environment
Growth and development follow ________________ and _____________ trends
regular and predictable
Different aspects of growth and development occur at the _________ stages and rates
Freud identified the underlying stimulus for human behavior as _____________
According to freud the __________ is the part of the psyche concerned with self gratification by the easiest and quickest available means.
In Freud's __________ stage the child has increased interest in gender differences and curiosity about the genitals and masturbation increases.
According to Havighurst, developing a conscience morality and a scale of values should occur in _______________
Middle childhood
In Kohlber's ___________________________ the motivation for choices of action is fear of physical consequences or authority's disapproval.
Preconventional level stage 1 punishment and obedience orientation.
According to Gould between the ages of ________ and ________ self acceptance increases as the need to prove oneself disappears.
29 to 34
Describe Lawrence Kohlberg's three levels of moral development and give and example of behavior that would typify each level.
1. Preconvitional Level: Follows intuitive thought and is based on external control as child learns to conform to rules imposed by authority figures. Example: Child learns that he will be sent to his room if he writes on the walls.

2. Conventional Level: This level is obtained when peraon becomes concerned with identifying with significant others and shows conformity to their expectations. Example: A college student gets all A's in college so his parents will think he is a good son.

c. Postconventional level: This level is associate with moral judgment that is rational and internalized into ones standards or values. Example: A bank teller resists the urge to steal money because it is against the law.
A 6yr girl with leukemia is admitted to the hospital for her first session of chemotherapy. What insight into this patients needs could be gained from the following theorists?

a. Freud

b. Erikson

c. Havinghurst

d. Piaget

e. Kohlberg
a. Freud: The 6yr old is between phallic and latency stage and will be experiencing increased interest in gender difference and conflict and resolution of that conflict with parent of same sex.

b. Erikson: The 6yr old is becoming achievement oriented, and the acceptance of parents and peers is paramount.

c. Havinghurst: the 6yr old is ready to learn the developmental tasks of developing physical skills wholesome attitudes towards self, getting along with peers, sexual roles, conscience, morality, personal independence, ect. An illness could stall these processes.

Piaget: The 6yr old is in the preoperatoinal stage including increased language skills and play activities allowing child to better understand life events and relationships.

e. Kohlberg: Moral development is influenced by cultural effects on perceptons of justice in interpersaonal relationships . Moral development begins in early childhood and could be affected by a traumatic illness.
This theorist theory was psychoanalytical theory.
Sigmund Freud
This theorist theory was Psychosocial theory
Eric Erikson
This theorist theory was Developmental tasks
Robert Havinghurst
This theorist theory was Cognitive development
Jean Piaget
This theorist theory was Moral Development
Lawrence Kohlberg
This female theorist theory was Moral Development
Carol Gilligan
This theorist theory was Faith Development
James Fowler
Who's Basic Concepts of theories is this: Stressed the impact of instinctual drives on determining behavior: Unconscious mind, the id, the ego, the super ego, and stages of development based on sexual motivation.
Sigmund Freud
Who's Basic Concepts of theories is this: Based on Freud expanded to include cultural and social influences in addition to biologic processes:

1. Stages of deelopement

2. Developmental goals or tasks

3. Psychosocial crises

4. Process of coping
Eric Erikson
Who's Basic Concepts of theories is this: Living and growing are based on learning person must continually learn to adjust to changing social conditions developmental tasks
Robert Havighurst
Who's Basic Concepts of theories is this: Learning occurs as a result of internal organization of an event which forms a mental schemata and serves as a base for further schemata as one grows and develops.
Jean Piaget
Who's Basic Concepts of theories is this: Levels closely to Piagets; preconventional level conventional level, post conventional level moral developmental influenced by cultural effects on perceptions of justice or interpersonal relationships.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Who's Basic Concepts of theories is this: Conception of morality from female point of view (ethic of care); selfishness, goodness, nonviolence; female: morality of response and care; Male: morality of justice
Carol Gilligan
Who's Basic Concepts of theories is this: Theory of spiritual identity of humans; faith is reason one finds life worth living; six stages of faith.
James Fowler
What theorists Stages of Development are these:

Oral stage

Anal stage

Phallic stage

Latent stage

Genital Stage
Sigmund Freud
What theorists Stages of Development are these:

Trust vs. mistrust

Autonomy vs. shame/ doubt

Initiative vs. guilt

Industry vs. inferiority

Identity vs. role confusion

intimacy vs. isolation

generativity vs. stagnation

ego integrity vs. despair.
Eric Erikson
What theorists Stages of Development are these:

Infancy and early childhood

Middle childhood


young adulthood

middle adult hood

later maturity
Robert Havinghurst
What theorists Stages of Development are these:

Sensory motor stage

preoperational stage

concrete operation stage

formal operational stage
Jean Piaget
What theorists Stages of Development are these:
Preconventional level
Stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation

stage 2: instrumental relativist orientation conventioinal level

Stage 3: good boy or good girl orientation

Stage 4: Law and order orientation
post conventional level

Stage 5: Social contract, utilitarian orientation

Stage 6: Universal ethical principle orientation
Lawrence Kohlberg
What theorists Stages of Development are these:

Level 1 selfishness

Level 2 goodness

Level 3 nonviolence
Carol Gilligan
What theorists Stages of Development are these:

Intuitive projective faith

mythical literal faith

synthetic conventional faith

individualtive reflective faith

conjunctive faith

universalizing faith
James Fowler