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17 Cards in this Set

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Explain why steel industy grew in the 1870's and 1880's
• steel was a new superior material
• Bessemer process dramatically lowered the cost of production
• huge coil and iron deposits
• lots of indigence and innovagence( small things regards to the use of products)
Evaluate why Andrew Carnegie triumphed in the steel industry to 1901.
• vertical integrating -steel business (he owned and controlled everything)
• kept wages low and dealt firmly with labor
• hired very highly able subordinates (skilled workers)
• cost conscious
• employed the latest technology
Describe why John D. Rockefeller triumphed in the oil industry
• bought up a lot of small refining business (consolidated)
• focused heavily on efficiency; cost smart
• marketed good products at low cost for higher profit
• extorted rebates in railroads; bribed politicians
• employed horizontal integration and trusts
List the two most important innovations of the late 19th century
• Telephone
• electricity for light and power
Describe changes that took place in the selling or merchandizing of products in the late nineteenth century.
• huge growth of advertising
• use of brand names
• chain stores
Discuss the working conditions of the late nineteenth-century wage earner.
Life was not easy
• long ,hard, grueling routine 10 hrs/ 6 days week
• safety standards were low/high accident rate
• chronic illness from pollution
• new work patterns (worrying about clocking in and strict rules
• low pay
Working conditions 19th century women
• Very low wage/ often worked in textile industries
• Considerable gender/ethnic/racial discrimination
• Feminization
• Unequal pay
Describe the social and economic mobility of industrial workers during the late nineteenth century.
• workers left their jobs (often finding better opportunities)
• rised to betters jobs ( about 25% moved to middle class)
• wedded labors to the system
• decreased response of appeals from workers
Describe the development of the nineteenth-century labor movement
• Early union movements focused on Long range humanitarian issues.
• founding of the American Federation of Labor-which focused heavily on bread and butter issues/ (economic situation of workers)
• fair share and welfare * only skilled workers could be a part of this union*
Significance of Haymarket Square Riot
-began as a peaceful riot
-ruined by a bomb throwing anarchist and police responding with violence against all
- weakened the labor unions, because of violence related to strikes
The factors that caused rapid industrial growth in the 19th century
Abundant natural resourcesAbundant labor
Large free trade market
Lots of technology progress (inventions)
Firm agricultural base
System of Govt that provided stability and commitment to private property
List the elements in the transportation and communications revolutions
Explain the advantages of the railroads in promoting economic growth
•More direct routes, greater speed, greater safety and comfort, more dependable schedules, more traffic, year-round service
•Created new cities
•Made a national market possible = mass production and mass consumption
•Later business development, railroad was a new kind of business
Describe the sources of funds for post-Civil War railroads and the railroads' political and economic impact on society
•Created new jobs
• less expensive transportation, lower-priced goods larger markets
•government loans fed govt loans and donations of lands
•provided logistical support for the armies (Union troops)
•Military Railroads
•linked East to West
• North n South had different points of views on slavery that lead to the civil war
Describe the new development that aided long distance rail transportation
Consolidation of companies Development of trunk (long) lines
Adoption of industry wide standards
Time zones
Numerous inventions
Refrigerator cars
Explain how the first transcontinental railroad was constructed and financed
Financing-private funds
-federal land grants
Federal loans
- two companies (east and west)
East labor: civil war vets and Irish immigrants
West labor: Chinese immigrants
Describe the problems railroad companies faced because of growth in the 1870's and 1880s and describe the attempted solutions to those problems
Problems: moving assets, competition with other companies and bankruptcy Solutions: pool arrangements, set prices and then banks took over railroads