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42 Cards in this Set

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What does the Urinary system consists of ?
Two Kidneys located on each side of the body, two ureters that exit each didney and connect to the urinary bladder, which collects urine, and the urethra through which urine exits the body
Why is the formation of urine by the kidneys important?
to eliminate the body's waste products, which are toxic to the body
is located in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar areas on each side of the vertebral column and is referred to as being in retroperitoneal position.
Gerota's Fasica
also called renal fascia; the concave bed of adipose tissue on which each kidney rests and serves to cushion, support, and hold the kidneys in place.
The Renal artery
is branch from the abdominal aorta and the renal vein carries deoxygenated blood back to the inferior vena cava
Renal cortex
is recognized by its granular appearance when a transverse section of the kidney is viewed
Renal medulla
also contains parts of the nephron called the loop of Henle and collecting tubules. it is distinguished from the renal cortex by its striated appearance and is composed of wedge-shaped structures called renal pyramids.
Renal pelvis
is actually an area of the kidney located at the hilum that indicates where the ureter enters the kidney and expands into funnel-shaped structures called the calyces , which surround the papillae of the renal pyramids.
is a very small structure but is the structure of the kidney that does all the work
is actually a network of capillary vessels that is a division of and afferent arteriole and empties into an efferent arteriole.
Bowman's capsule
is a double-layered cup that is an extension of the end of a renal tubule and it surrounds the glomerulus.
What is the flow of blood through the kidney and nephron?
Renal artery-interlobar artery-arcuate artery-interlobular artery- afferent arteriole-glomerular capillary-efferent arteriole-peritubular capillary- interlobular vein-arcuate vein-interlobar vein-renal vein-inferior vena cava
What are the three hormones that are important in influencing the re reabsorption of water?
aldosterone, atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH), and antidiuretic hormone(ADH)
kidneys produce this hormone. it is secreted when a person experiences hypoxia. it acts on the red bone marrow the increase the rate of erythrocyte production.The increase in erythrocytes will increase the oxygen-carrying level of the blood, thereby resolving the hypoxic state.
conducts urine from the kidney to the bladder
The kidneys are the primary organ for maintaining the...........
normal blood pH level and normal level of issue fluid
When the blood and body fluids are too ________, an opposite reaction occurs.The kidneys cause the __________ to be returned to the circulating blood and the ______are excreted in the urine. This lowers the pH level back to normal.
hydrogen ions
bicarbonate ions
What are some addition functions of the kidneys?
secretion of renin, conversion of vitamin D, and production of erythropoiein
Where does the ureter exits from?
Exits from the hilum of the kidney and travels the abdominal course in extraperitoneal connective tissue.
What does Peristaltic contractions of the smooth muscle do?
it push the urine downward to the bladder
In the male it is important to know the location of the bladder, why?
prostate tumors can be removed by performing the surgical procedure called suprapubic prostatectomy, which involves an incision into the bladder to expose the prostate and tumor
In the female it is important to know the location of the bladder, why?
when performing a vaginal hysterectomy, removal of the uterus through the vaginal canal and opening. the surgeon must be careful not to place sutures through the bladder while closing the vaginal cuff, the area where the vaginal was attached to the cervix and uterus.
transports urine from the bladder, through the penis(in male), and outside of the body.
Male urethra
it is divided into the prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, and spongy urethra. it extends through the prostate gland and penis, and ends in the urethral meatus at the tip of the penis. The male urethra serves the dual function of transporting urine and semen
Female Urethra
travels anterior to the lower portion of the vagina.it is in strict contact with the anterior wall of the vagina by a layer of fibrous connective tissue.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
The shortness and location of the urethral opening, indlucing the straightness of the tube, contribute to why females acquire UTIs more often than males.
Females are instructed to clean themselves after a bowel movement by using a......
posterior swiping motion away from the vaginal opening to keep the bacteria from spreading to the vaginal and urethral openings
The closure of tissures in the urinary tract must be correctly....
performed to avoid incomplete closure in order to prevent the leakage of urine.
what is the suture of choice for the urinary tract?
absorbable sutures
is preferred to treat blunt trauma and factures that do not require a nephrectomy.
stones or calculi
are small and can form in one or both kidney.
Urinary catheterization
the bladder is often drained of urine by cauterization, the introduction of a flexible tube called a urinary catheter through the urethra into the bladder.This is a sterile procedure in which strict aseptic technique must be followed to avoid the patient acquiring a UTI.
Micturition or voiding
act of urinating
In a 24 hour period, the normal adult output of urine is approximately.......
1,200-1,500 ml
what are factors that can increase the output of urine?
fluid intake, diabetes melitus, and insipidus, and certain types of tumors. Excessive consumption of alcohol increase the ouput,
what are factors that can decrease the output of urine?
dehydration, renal failure, and intestinal disorders and diseases. Dehydration ca be caused by excessive sweating due to exercise and loss of fluid such as through diarrhea.
what is the normal color of urine?
referred to as being straw- or amber- colored. the more centrated the urine, meaning there is not much water int he urine, the darker the color
What is the pH range of Urine?
Urine consists of approximately __% water and ____% waste products and salts
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Urea is the chief nitrogenous constituent of urine. Urea forms in the liver and is and end product of protein metabolism. it travels through the circulatory system and is eventually filtered by the kidney toe be excreted in urine
is a procedure used to remove excess fluids, waste products, and impurities form the circulating blood.