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43 Cards in this Set

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Where does fertilization happen

Fallopian Tube; forming zygote

Where does zygote travel? What does it form?

Travels toward uterus, undergoing rapid cell division, forming a manula (cells) then making a blastocyst


When blastocyst attaches to The endometrium

What does trophoblast secrete


Role of HCG and how?

To maintain corpus luterum

(by keeping estrogen and progesterone levels up to maintain endometrium.)

How is menstruation prevented during pregnancy

By HCG being secreted to maintain corpus luterum and endometrium.

Estrogen and progesterone levels stay up

What takes over progesterone and estrogen secretion by second trimester

The placenta


The process of forming the 3 primary germ layers

What are the 3 primary germ layers?

Ectoderm (outer), endoderm (inner), mesoderm (middle)

What does the ectoderm form into?

Brain, spinal cord, sense organs


What does the endoderm form into

Digestive and respiratory systems


What does the mesoderm form into

Skeleton, muscles, circulatory and excretory systems


Which 4 embryonic membranes form during development?

Chorion, amnion, yolk sac, allantois

What does the chorion do?

Forms the placenta amnion

Amnion does what?

Encloses embryo

What is the yolk sac for

The site for early blood cell formation


Grows outward from fetus to chorion, and later becomes umbilical cord

What does cleavage allow for zygote

The ⬆ in cell #, but not overall size

What is meant by "embryonic period of development"

When cells divide and become redistributed, with tissues, developing embryonic structures, and organs forming.

Period of development within the first 8 weeks

What is meant by "fetal period of development"

When body grows rapidly and organs begin to function and coordinate to form organ systems

Takes place from 9th week to birth

What happens to many of the sperm that enter female reproductory tract

-don't survive

-destroyed by naturally acidic environment of vagina

-go the wrong way; entering egg less oviduct

What is the zygote

The cell that's formed after egg formation (egg and sperm met up)

How many chromosomes pairs are in zygote

23 pairs

Blastocyst- name 2 parts and what will they develop into?

has trophoblast (developing to placenta and blood vessels that will nourish it) and inner cell mass (develop to embryo)

implantation, when is it done

in 1 week in fertilization, embryo and endometrium attach.

complete in day 14 of fertilization

where is HcG secreted from?

trophoblast when implantation starts

"Human Chorionic Gonoadotroph"

What feedback is partition?

A positive feedback mechanism

Pathway of birth feedback?

Pituitary, oxytocin, uterine contractions, cervical stretching

What control does parturition involve

Both hormonal and neural control

What are the hormones for birth? (3)

Relaxin, oxytocin, prolactin

What is relaxin for and from?

From uterus/placenta, and Causes cervix to dilate (open up)

What is oxytocin for and from?

It is a muscle stimulant (causes contractions) and from pituitary

What is prolactin for?

Milk production (released from pituitary)

Lactations is under ______ control


When does milk production occur?

A few days after delivery

What hormone is involved in milk production?


What hormone is involved in the release of milk?


What are the steps involved in milk production?

Sucking by baby signals hypothalamus to cause pituitary to release oxytocin.

Does oxytocin promote milk release?


What forms in trimester 1 of development?

2nd month?

Germ layers form, cell differentiation forms organs.

In 2nd month, most major organ systems develop, limlo buds form.

What systems are first to develop in baby ?

The nervous and circulatory systems

What happens in trimester 2 in development?

-Fetus increases in size and bony skeleton begin to form.

-Fetal movements can be felt by mother

Fun fact: Sex can be determined on 18th week.

What happens in trimester 3 in development?

Fetus continues to grow. Testes in males descend.

Circulatory and respiratory systems mature in preparation for air breathing.