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12 Cards in this Set

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Primary Pollutants
Primary pollutants are substances directly produced by a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption or the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust.
injected into the atmosphere directly..... examples include:

carbon monoxide (CO)
odorless, colorless, poisonous gas
created by incomplete combustion (especially bad with older cars)
generates headaches, drowsiness, fatigue, can result in death
oxides of nitrogen (NOx, NO)
NO - nitric oxide
emitted directly by autos, industry
sulfur oxides (SOx)
SO2 - sulfur dioxide
produced largely through coal burning
responsible for acid rain problem
volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
highly reactive organic compounds
release through incomplete combustion and industrial sources
particulate matter (dust, ash, salt particles)
bad for your lungs
Secondary Pollutants
Secondary pollutants are not emitted. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ozone—one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.
form in the atmosphere through chemical and photochemical reactions from the primary pollutants
examples include:
sulfuric acid H2SO4
can cause respiratory problems
nitrogen dioxide NO2
gives air a brownish coloration

ozone O3
colorless gas
has a sweet smell
is an oxidizing agent - lung tissue to rubber products
irritates the eyes
Acid Precipitation
Acidic pollutants can be deposited from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface in wet and dry forms.
The term is used to specifically describe wet forms of acid pollution that can be found in rain, sleet, snow, fog, and cloud vapor.
the state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness
2 : state or vicissitude of life or fortune
3 : disagreeable atmospheric conditions: as a : RAIN, STORM b : cold air with dampness
Condition of the atmosphere at a paticular time and place.
Water Cycle
Precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration are all terms that sound familiar, yet may not mean much to you. They are all part of the water cycle, a complex process that not only gives us water to drink, fish to eat, but also weather patterns that help grow our crops.
Continuous movement of water from water sources.
: a moderate degree of wetness especially of the atmosphere --
the amount of water vapor in the air.
Relitive Humidity
the ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the air to the greatest amount possible at the same temperature
it is measured with a pschrometer.
1 : the act or process of condensing : as a : a chemical reaction involving union between molecules often with elimination of a simple molecule (as water) to form a new more complex compound of often greater molecular weight b : the conversion of a substance (as water) from the vapor state to a denser liquid or solid state usually initiated by a reduction in temperature of the vapor c : compression of a written or spoken work into more concise form
This occurs on the outside of a glass.
Dew Point
The air around a glass filled with ice water made the air around it cool to its DEW POINT creating condensation. Another example of it is dew.
The temp.to which air must cool to be completely saturated.
Cumulus Clouds, Status Clouds, and, Cirrus Cloudsb are typed of cloudsl.
1 : a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (as the earth) or moon
Rain, snow, sleet, and hail are examples of precipitation. wate vapor has to become 100 x its size to be heavy enough to fall.
water in solid or liquid form.
air mass
An air mass is a large body of air that has similar temperature and moisture properties throughout.
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