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21 Cards in this Set

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Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

Mendelian genes have a specific loci along chromosomes and it is the chrom. that undergo segregation and independent assortment
Law of segregation

the 2 alleles for each gene separate (random)
Law of impendent assortment

alleles of genes on non-homologous chrom. assort independently (9:3:3:1 ratio)
Wild type

Normal phenotype

-alternative is mutant phenotype

sex-linked gene

-gene located on either sex chrom.

-y-linked on y (mostly sex genes)

-x-linked on x (more than just sex genes)

For a recessive x-linked trait to be expressed

-female needs 2 copies of allele (homozygous)

-male need only one allele (hemizygous)

-include color blindness, Duchene muscle dystrophy, and hemophilia

Linked Genes

genes located on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited together
Genetic Recombination

Production of offspring with combinations of traits differing from either parent
Parental Phenotypes

Offspring with a phenotype matching one of the parental phenotypes
Recumbent tyoes

Offspring with non-parental phenotypes
Crossing Over

Mechanism for the occasional break in physical connections between genes on the same chrom.
Genetic Map

Ordered list of the genetic loci along a particular chrom.
Linkage Map

genetic map of a chrom. based on recombination frequences

Map Units

Distances between genes

1 centimorgan represents 1 1% recombination frequency


pairs of homologous chrom. do not separate normally during meiosis. As a result one gamete receives two of the same type of chrom., the other receives none.

results from the fertilization of gametes In which nondisjunction occurred. offspring have abnormal number of particular chrom.

zygote that has only one copy of a chrom.

zygote has three copies of a chrom.

condition in which an organism has more than 2 complete sets of chrom.
Four types of chrom. structure changes

Deletion - remove segment

Duplication - repeats segment

Inversion - reverses orientation of a segment within a chrom.

translocation - moves a segment from one chrom. to another

Genomic Imprinting

Variations in phenotypes that depend on which parent passed along the alleles