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40 Cards in this Set

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Name the wound healing phases
1. Inflammation (D 1-10)
2. Proliferation (5 days- 3weeks)
3. Remodeling (3 weeks-1yr)
Def: Type III Collagen replaced with Type I; decreased vascularity
Remodeling Phase
(3 weeks-1yr)
Def: PMNs, Macrophages, epithelialization 1-2mm/day
Inflammation Phase
(Day 1-10)
Def: Fibroblast, neovascularization, production of collagen granulation tissue
Proliferation Phase
(5 days- 3weeks)
List the order of CELL arrival in wounds
1. Platelets
2. PMNs
3. Macrophages
4. Fibroblasts
5. Lymphocytes
replace fibronectin-fibrin with collagen
are esential for wound healing (release of growth factors, cytokins)
chemotactic for macrophages, anchors fibroblasts
List the cell type by day for wound healing
Day 0-2 PMNs
Day 3-4 Macrophages
Day 5-on Fibroblasts
describe the contents of a provisional matrix
1. Platelets
2. Fibrin
3. Fibronectin
Platelet Alpha Granules
1. Aggregation
2. Binds Thrombin
3. Chemoattractant
Platelet Alpha Granules
1.Platelet factor 4
List the Dense Platelet Granules
List Platelet aggregation factor
Platelet factor 4
Most important factor in healing open wounds (secondary intention)
Epithelial integrity- migration from wound edges dependent on granulation tissue
Most important factor in healing closed incisions (primary intention)
Tensile strength- depeneds on collagen depostion and cross-linking of collagen
What is the strength layer of the bowel?
Weakest time point for small bowel anastomosis
3-5 days
Def: smooth muscle cell fibroblast, communicate by gap junctions, involved in wound contraction and healing by secondary intention
Name the type of collagen:
Most common type found in skin, bone, and tendons
Type 1 collagen
Primary collagen in a healed wound
Type 1 collagen
What type of collagen?
type II
Type of Collagen?
increased in healing wounds, also found in blood vessels and skin
Type III collagen
Type of Collagen?
basement membranes
Type IV collagen
Type of Collagen?
found in the cornea
Type V
Are required for hydroxylation of proline (prolyl hydroxylase) and subsequent cross-linking of proline residues
Vitamin C,
Has proline every 3rd amino acid; also has abundant lysine
Disease that results from vitamin C deficiency
predominant collagen type synthesized for day 1-2 in a wound
type III collagen
predominant collagen type synthesized by day 3-4 in a wound
type III collagen
What inhibits collagen cross-linking?
An Albumin less the __ is a risk factor for poor wound healing
Albumin < 3.0
How do steroids prevent wound healing?
By inhibiting macrophages, PMNs, and collagen synthesis by fibroblasts; decrease wound tensile strength as well
What vitamin counteracts the effects of steroids on wound healing?
Vitamin A (25,000 IU qd)
Name the Dz associated with abnormal wound healing:
Type I collagen defect
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Name the Dz associated with abnormal wound healing:
10 types identified, all collagen disorders
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Name the Dz associated with abnormal wound healing:
fibrillin defect
Marfan's syndrome
Name the Dz associated with abnormal wound healing:
excessive fibroblast, tx phenytoin
Epidermolysis bullosa
Def: scar on flexor surfaces of upper torso-- Collagen stays within confines of scar
Hypertrophic scar tissue
Def: autosomal dominant collagen goes beyond original scar
What is the rate of peripheral nerve healing?