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64 Cards in this Set

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What does the term Renaissance mean ?
What does the Renaissance refer historically?
a philosophical and artistic movement that began in Italy in the early 1300s AD.
Why is the Renaissance so important?
It changed to way people looked at God, the world and society(each other)
How did the Renaissance begin?
In Italy, where it began, there were daily reminders of the once great Roman Empire.
Why was Italy a natural place for the Renaissance to reawaken?
1)ruins of Roman Empire
2)Rome as capital city w/ Popes and Catholic church
3)Crusades and trade
4)Italians were interested in studying the humanities
How did the Renaissance begin?
the tridition of Rome lived on through the Popes, who made Rome the center of Roman Catholocism.
How did the Renaissance begin?
the crusades ,and trade with Africa and Southwest Asia, brought Italians in contact with the Byzantines whose scholars had preserved classical Greek and Roman writings
How did the Renaissance begin?
Italian scholars began reading these classical Greek and Roman writings, developing an area of study know as the humanities
the humanities focused on the study of 4 things
4)poetry-using classical texts
rhetoric is the
art of using language to communicate
the study of the hummanities led to
1)a desire to know how things worked
2)leading a meaningful life
3)to becoming actively involved in supporting education, the arts, and science
The Renaissance included viewing one's existence as more than simply preparing for the afterlife...it brought about the belief in
1)HUMAN dignity
2)HUMAM importance
3)HUMAN achievement
(emphasis on HUMAN)
a new birth of ideas, culture, art, writing ,and scientific discoveries known as
the renaissance period
what changed the course of Western Civilization?
the outpouring of creativity of the Renaissance
Wealthy Italian family who were bankers and then rulers of the city-state
Medici family
Who from the Medici family became a great patron of the arts and influenced Florence's artisic awakening?
Lorenzo Medici
people who specialize in the humanities are called
Humanis displayed what kind of approach to learning that had been lacking?
Critical thinking
they compared 2 versions to determine the most authentic
Humanist supported 2 things
Italian writers (3)
Believed that by imitating classical Greek and Roman writers one could become a virtuous(moral) person
Francesco Petrarch
Francesco Petrarch's view of the study of the writtings of ancient Greek and Rome became known as
classical education
What is the name of the greatest love poem written by Francesco Petrarch about an imaginary ideal woman?
What led to the tension humanist felt between their commitment to the study of the ancients and christianity?
Humanist felt important to enjoy life here and put spiritual concerns off--thought this hurt their chances for salvation
Where the humanist deeply commited to christian teachings?
yes; this is why they felt torn between the two life here and salvation
He believed that by imitating classical Greek and Roman writers a person could understand and participate in the best forms of GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS
Niccolo' Machiavelli
What did Machiavelli write?
"The Prince"
What separated Machiavelli from other humanists?
his lack of concern for marality that he wrote about in "The Prince"
Who used fictional dialogues(conversations) to express proper, refined behavior for ladies and gentleman in a polite society?
Baldassare Castiglione
Most famous book of the Renaissance written by Castiglione was
The Book of the Courtier
Art in the Renaissance was
realism-life like depections using perspective to create sense of depth
rugged countryside that they knew -not Holy Land like earlier artist
Medieval Age art focused on
life beyond everyday activities
religious themed
depicted formal and stylized people
The artist were funded by wealthy people who paid the artist to work and are called
a successful FEMALE artist best known for her self portraits and portrait of Phillip II
Sofonisba Angiussola
Renaissance painters made their works life like by making distant objects smaller than those in the foreground this technique is
This artist painting was so life like that an admirer tried to brush off a fly from the canvas..the fly was part of the painting
This artist used light and shadows to create a sense of depth in his painting
HIGH RENAISSANCE(late 1400s-early 1500s) 4 famous painters
Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Da Vinci was one of the most famous of the Renaissance
Da Vinci used what to help his painting?
science experiments-enhance paintings
math- for organizing space
anotomy-draw human figure
Da Vinci painted
The Last Supper
Mona Lisa
Da Vinci had first diagrams of
flying- helicopters
Michelangelo Buonarroti painted
Sistine Chapel of the Vatican's ceiling where the Pope lives
Even though Michelangelo was a brillant painter he prefered
Famous Michelangelo sculpture
Michelangelo's famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome
The Creation of Adam
2 other accomplishments of Michelangelo
wrote poetry
architect-helped design St. Peters Basilica in Rome
This artist was a master of realism and painting frescoes, often portraying Christ, or the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child
Raphael was hired to beautify
the Vatican-pope hired him to paint frescos in papal chambers
This artist was hired by the HRE and was the first to obtain wealth for his paintings
Why did the princes support the arts?
they felt they would achieve lasting FAME
What remarkable new process helped ideas spread?
Printing press
Who invented the printing press?
Johannes Gutenberg- Mainz,Germany
What did Gutenberg print?
The printing press helped
spread new ideas to a large audience
This Dutch humanist scholar who was interested in the early Christian period as well as Roman and Greek culture
Erasmus most famous book ridiculed ignorance, superstition and vice among Christians-criticizing fasting, pilgramiages, and church's inturputation of Bible
The Praise of Folly
How did Erasmus learn about the ideas of the Italian hummanist?
printed books
Thomas More(friend of Erasmus)
published what book?
Utopia criticizes his society by
describing an imaginary "ideal society"
Today utopia means
an ideal place or society
Most prominent ENGLISH LITERARY figure of the Renaissance?
William Shakespeare
3 things Shakespeare wrote
Romeo/Juliet-young lovers
The painters in Flanders who developed a distinctive style of perfecting olis on canvas were called
Flemish School