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28 Cards in this Set

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What is more stressful: daily hassles or major life events?

over the long term, daily hassles

When are events most stressful

when there is nothing to be done to counter it

People in NYC during 9/11 were victim to high levels of stress. What were some of the symptoms that they faced as a result?

less gray matter in the amygdala, hippocampus, insula, anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex.... reduced size because these play roles in emotino, memory and decision making

What is the exact physical chain of actions that occur during fight-or-flight response?

HPA Axis:

hypothalamus activation--> stimulates nearby pituitary gland--> releases ACTH hormone-->ACTH travels through bloodstream and stimulates adrenal gland--->release hormones including catecholamines which increase sympathetic nervous system activity, decrease parasypmathetic ns

what is released by the adrenal glands

hormones including catecholomines and cortisol

What are the three phases of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

1. alarm phase

2. resistance phase

3. exhaustion phase

In what ways does the GAS vary

that ish aint neva varied

What occurs during the alarm phase of the GAS

-body rapidly mobilizes its resources to respond to the treat

-energy is required, and the body calls on its stored fat and muscle

-equivalent to fight-or-flight response

What occurs during the resistance phase of the GAS

-body adapts to high state of arousal

-still draws on fat and muscle for energy

-shuts down unnecessary processes such as digestion, growth, sex drive, menstruation

-body taxed to generate resistance

-what occurs during the exhaustion phase of the GAS

body's resistance collapses... only if GAS continues long enough

What happens to telomeres each time a cell divides? Why is this good or bad? How is this countered?

telomeres become a bit shorter. This is bad because if cells become too short they can no longer divide and this can lead to tumors and other diseases. Telomerase helps to rebuild them.

What causes aging

telomerase not being able to keep up with telemore degradation, and cells lose their ability to divide

What did Elizabeth Blackburn contribute to science

she discovered the functions of telomeres and telomerase

With regards to cells, how does stress affect aging

it speeds it up because social stressors shorten telomere length and can lower telomerase activity

How does cortisol effect telomeres and telomerase

cortisol reduces activity of telomerase, which leads to shortened telomeres

What is psychoneuroimmunology

the study of how the immune system responds to psychological variables such as the presence of stressors

what are glucocorticoids

hormones, caused by stressors, that flood the brain and wear down the immune system

People who had a cut in their mouth during exam season healed less quickly than those in the summer. What can this be attributed to?

glucocorticoids and the vulnerability of the immune system due to stress

What is the main cause of coronary heart disease

atherosclerosis, a gradual narrowing of the arteries that occurs as fatty deposits, or plaque, build up on the inner walls of the arteries

how does stress contribute to atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease

result of stress-activated arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, BP rises, damaging the blood vessels causing them to accumulate plaque

Who's more likely to have a heart attack: a type A or B personality.

type A (2/3) type b (1/3)

How is responding to stress with anger correlated to heart disease

people who respond wth anger found 3 times more likely to dvlp premature heart disease and 6x morelikely to have an early heart attack

What is primary and secondary appraisal

the interpretation of a stimulus as stressful or not (primary).. secondary: determining whether the stressor is something you can handle or not

How do threats and challenges differ in the way the body reacts to them

threats and challenges: both increase HR, but threats increase vascular reactivity

To whom is burnout a particular problem and why

people in the helping professions such as doctors, teachers, nurses because of the amount of emotional turmoil

what causes burnout

main culprit: allowing your job to give meaning to your life

What are three ways to manage your mind in dealing with anxiety

repressive coping

rational coping


how does not getting married affect your health

negatively. elevated risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease, cancer, pneumonia, etc. -lonely people more likely to be stressed/depressed (hurts immune system)