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62 Cards in this Set

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heritable feature that varies among individuals

Example: in flower, color.
variant for a character

Ex: flower color, white, or purple.
Referring to plants that produce off-spring of the same variety when they self-pollinate.

Ex: plant with purple flowers is true-breeding if the seeds produced by self-pollination in succesive generations all give rise to plants with purple flowers too.
mating, or crossing of 2 true-breeding varities.

True-breeding parents: P-generation (parent gen.)

Hybrid offspring: F1-generation (first filial gen.)

F1 reproduces = F2 generation ( second filial gen.)
Laws of Segregation
Dominant Trait: a.k.a domiant allele, an allele that is fully expressed in the phenotype of a heterozygote.

Recessive Allele: an allele whose phenotypic effect is not observed in a heterozygote.
Mendel's Model
4-Related Concepts of 3:1 Inheritance Patterns
1. Alternative versions of genes account for variations in inherited characters
These alternative versions of a gene are alleles.

Ex: eye color is a single trait with many color variations; blue, green, hazelm brown.
2. For each character, an organism inherits 2-alleles, one from each parent.
each somatic cell in a diploid organism has 2-sets of chromosomes. Genetic locus usually represented twice in a diploid cell; once on eachi homolog of a specific pair of chromosomes.
4. Law of Segregation: the 2 alleles for a heritable character seperate during gamete formation (after telophase 1) and end up in diff. gametes (variability).
segregation like the distribution of the 2 members of a homologous pair of chromosomes to diff. gametes in meiosis.
3. If the 2-alleles at a locus differ, then...
1. the dominant allele determines the organisms appearance.

2. the recessive allele has no noticeable effect on the appearance.
Punnentt Square
diagrammatic devce for predicting the allele composition of off-spring from a cross between individuals of a know genetic make-up.
organism that has a pair of indentical alleles for a character; reside at same locus (location).

Ex: dominant = PP
recessive = pp
organism that has 2 diff. alleles for a gene.

Ex: Pp
organism's appearance or observable traits.
the genetic make-up of the phenotype; not observable.
The Law of Independent Assortment
Monohybrids: heterozygous for one-character (dealing w/ one trait)

Ex:hair or eye color

-all the offspring from a cross between parents homozygous for diff. alleles are monohybrids.

Ex: parents of genotypes AA and aa produce a monohybrid of genotype Aa.
The Law of Independent Assortment (continued)
Dihybrids: Individuals heterozygous for 2-characters (dealing with 2 traits at one time).

Ex: hair AND eye color

-all off-spring from cross between parents doubly homozygous for diff. alleles are dihybrids.

Ex: parents of genotype AABB and aabb produce a dihybrid of genotype AaBb.
Law of Independent Assortment states that...
each pair of alleles segregates independently of each other pair of alleles during gamete formation.

-law applies ONLY to genes (allele pairs) located on different chromosomes (chromosomes that are not homologous)

if F1 all RrYy = 4 possible gametes (RY, Ry, rY, ry). 16 possible gamete formations

If F2 shows 9:3:3:1 pheno ratio, sum of pheno ratio (16) = # of possible gamete combos
Multiplication Rule
to determine this probability we multiply the probability of one event by the other.

Ex: toss 2 coins at the same time, probability that both land tails: 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4
Addition Rule
the probability that any one of 2 or more mutually exclusive events will occur is calculated by adding their individual probabilties.

Ex: Hetero (Rr) off-spring in a monohybrid cross: R from male and r from girl; probability = 1/4 or r from male and R from girl; probability = 1/4...1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 genotypic ratio.
Solving Complex Genetics Problems with the Rules of Probability
Dihybrids, or other multi-character crosses is equivalent to 2 or more independent monhybrid crosses occuring simultaneously.

-calculating chance of offspring genotypes from such crosses, each character first considered seperately then the individual probabilties are multiplied.
Degrees of Dominance
1. Complete Dominance: the situation in which the phenotypes of the heterozygotes and dominant homozygote are indistinguishable.
Patterns of Inheritance
Greeks believed in Pangenesis: inheritance "particles" for every characteristic collected in eggs & sperm, passed to the next generation.
19th Century "Blending Hypothesis"
Characteristics of parents blend in offspring
Gregor Mendel
worked with peas b/c
1. short life span
2. numerous & distinctive characteristics
3.mating can be controlled

Intentionally self-fertilized flowers by covering with bag; generations of this = true-breeding plants

Cross-fertilized flowers by dusting carpels of one w/ pollen from another.

Published in obscure journal in 1866: argued there are discrete, heritable factors (genes) that retain individuality from generation to generation.
indicates a gene is present & active w/ only one copy.
Incomplete Dominance
the situation in which the phenotype of heterozygous is intermediate between the phenotypes of individuals homozygous for either allele.

*F1 offspring may attain a phenotype that wasnt present in either parent.

*one allele not completely dominant in heterozygote.

Ex: red-snap dragons are crossed with white: All the F1 hybrids have pink flowers.
2 alleles both affect the phenotype in seperate, distinguishable ways.

Ex: Human blood group MN (not A,B, or O) determinded by codominant alleles for 2 specific molecules located on the surface of red blood cells.
Relationship Between Dominance and Phenotype
For any character, the observed dominant (recessive relationship of all alleles depends on the level at which we examine phenotype).

Ex: Tay Sach's; only kids who inherit 2 copies of the disease alleles (homozygotes) have it.
Tay Sachs at Multiple Levels
Organismal = recessive

Biochemical = incomplete dominance

Molecular = TS allele is co-dominant
Determining Unknown Genotypes
Test Cross: crossing unknown genos (shows dominant pheno) with recessive pheno (homo).

-2 possible genotypes for unknown give diff pheno ratios in F1...
a. unknown homo- all offspring dominant pheno
b. unknown hetero- 1/2 offspring dominant, 1/2 recessive
During Independent Assortment...
1.Chromosomes randomly line up during Metaphase 1

2. Diff. alleles segregate independently of one another

3. Alleles of non-homologous chromosome assort independently during gamete formation
2n Rule

Q. How many Gametes?

A. 3 Heterozygous...2 ^3 = 8 Gametes
Segregation Example
P-gen: start w/ 2 true-breeding plants. The 2 genes specify seed color (Y- yellow, y- green) and seed shape (R- round, r- wrinkled). These 2 genes are on diff. chromosomes.

F1- R and r alleles seg. at Anaphase 1 = 2 types of daughter cells for this locus; each gamete gets 1 chromosome ( R or r) allele.

F2- fertilization recombines the R and r alleles at random.
Independent Assortment Example
F1- follow long and short chromosomes.Alleles at both locs seg. in Anaphase 1; 4 types of daughter cells depending on chrom. arrangement at Metaphase 1. Each gamete gets long and short chrom. in 1 of 4 allele combos.

F2- fertilization results in 9:3:3:1 pheno ratio
Non-Mendelian Inheritance
Inheritance that doesn't follow strict patterns of dominant vs. recessive (relationship between geno and pheno not simple).

Incomplete Dominance: one allele not completely dominant in heterozygote.

- in F1 offspring: may attain a pheno that wasnt present in either parent.
Multiple Alleles
Most genes exist in more than 2-allele forms.

Ex: ABO blood groups in humans. A, B, AB, O.
ability of a single gene to have multiple effects.

Ex: responsible for the multiple symptoms associated with certain herditary disease (Sickle Cell, Anemia, Marfan's Syn).
gene at one locus alters the phenotypic expression of a gene at a second locus.

Ex: coat color in mice
Quanitative Character
heritalbe feature that varies continuously over a range rather than in either-or-fashion.

- usually indicates Polygen Inheritance: additive effect of 2 or more genes on a single phenotypic character (height).
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
Tay Sacs, Sickle Cell, Hungington's Achondroplasia, Neurofibromatosis.
Norm of Reaction
phenotypic range of particular genotype
Multifactorial Characteristics
Polygenic characters that are also influenced by the enviroment.
Family Pedigree
diagram of a family tree showing the occurance of heritable characters in parents and offspring over multiple generations.

- used to deduce possible genotypes of individuals and make predicitons.
Behavior of Recessive Alleles
genes code for proteins of specific function, so an allele thatt causes a genetic disorder codes for either a malfunctioning protein or no protein at all.
individual who is hetero at a given locus w/ one normal allele and one recessive allele. The hetero is phenotypically dominant for the character determinded by the gene but can pass on the recessive allele to offspring.
same blood matings.

- Indicated in pedigrees by double lines.
Dominantly Inherited Disorders
dominant alleles that cause a lethal disease are much less common than recessive alleles that do so.

- all lethal alleles arise by mutations in cells that produce sperm/eggs.

-occurs equally often wether mutant allele is dom. or rec.

-lethal dom. alleles eliminated from population if affected ppl die before reproducing.

-non-lethal dom. alleles and lethal ones that strike later in life inherited Mendelian way.

Ex: Achondroplasia, Huningtons.
Multifactorial Disease
Many human diseases have both genetic and enviromental components and do not follow simple Mendelian Inheritance patterns.
Mapping Concept
crossing over procedures new combos of genes.

- distance between genes on same chrom is proportional to the rate of recombination between genes.
Sex and Inheritance
sex determinded by chromosome.

Humans: non-identical homologous pair.

Female = XX
Male = XY (hemizygous)
Sex-Linked Genes
don't follow simple Mendelian Inheritance.

-Humans: most sex-linked characteristics are due to genes on X-chromosome.

Ex: color-blindness, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia.
X-Inactivation in Female Mammals
All normal females have only one functional x chromosome.

- the inactive x condenses inside the nuclear envelope, producing a Barr Body.
Barr Body
appears as dark spot in nucleus (so does nucleolous).
Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
-genes on same chromosome tend to be inherited together

- genes located close together on same chromosome ("linked") dont follow principle of independ assortment
SRY (Sex Determining Region of Y)
gene on Y chromosome that hold male characteristics (testes)
XIST ( X- Inactive Specific Transcript)
active only on the Barr-Body chromosome.

-multiple copies of RNA product of this gene attatch to X-chromosome and cover it.

- cause cytosine residues to be methylated in such a way that the DNA may never be read or used to make proteins.
Hereditary Factors During Sexual Life Cycles (Walter S. Sutton, Theodor Boveri)
1. Chromosomes and genes are both present in pairs in diploid cells.

2. Homologous chromosomes seperate and alleles segregate during the process of meosis.

3. Fertilization restores the paired condition for both chromosomes and genes.
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
genes are located on chromosomes and the behavior of them during meosis accounts for inheritance patterns.

-behavior of homologous during meosis account for seg. of the alleles at each locus to diff. gametes.

-behavior of non-homologous chroms account for independent assortment of alleles for 2 or more genes on diff. chroms.
Morgan's Experiment
-species of flies= drosophilia Melanogaster: 4 pairs of chroms.
-1907 in fly room
-discovered single fly w. white eyes instead of usual red.

Wild Type: phenotype for a character most commonly observed in natural populations.
Genetic Recombination & Linkage (Unlinked)
UnIinked Genes: 50% frequency of recombination for anyy 2 genes that are located on diff chromosomes.

-physical basis of recombination between unlinked genes is random orientation of homologous chromosomes at Metaphase 1 which leads to independent assortment of the 2 unlinked genes.
Recombination of Linked Genes: Crossing Over
Crossing Over: some process had to occasionally break the physical connection between specific alleles of genes on some chromosome.