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15 Cards in this Set

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Adaptation of the eye for near vision by increasing the curvature of the lens
unequal pupil size
pupil does not react to light; does constrict with accommodation
Argyll Robertson pupil:
refractive error of vision due to differences in curvature in refractive surfaces of the eye (cornea and lens)
crossing paths of an artery and vein in the ocular fundus
A-V crossing:
loss of both temporal visual fields
Bitemporal hemianopsia:
inflammation of the glands and eyelash follicles along the margin of the eyelids
opacity of the lens of the eye that develops slowly with aging and gradually obstructs vision
infection or retention cyst of a meibomian gland, showing as a beady nodule on the eyelid
infection of the conjunctiva, pink eye
lower eyelid loose and rolling outward
lower eyelid rolling inward
protruding eyeballs
area of keenest vision at the center of the macula on the ocular fundus
Glaucoma: a group of eye diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure
Hordelum: stye; red, painful pustule that is a localized infection of hair follicle at eyelid margin
Lid lag: the abnormal white rim of sclera visible between the upper eyelid and the iris when a person moves the eyes downward
Macula: round darker area of the ocular fundus that mediates vision only from the central visual field
Microaneurysm: abnormal finding of round red dots on the ocular fundus that are localized dilations of small vessels
Miosis: constricted pupils
Mydriasis: dilated pupils
Myopia: “nearsighted” refractive error in which near vision is better than far vision
Nystagmus: involuntary, rapid rhythmic movement of the eyeball
OD: oculus dexter; right eye
Optic atrophy: pallor of the optic disc due to partial or complete death of optic nerve
Optic disc: area of ocular fundus in which blood vessels exit and enter
OS: oculus sinister or right eye
Papilledema: stasis of blood flow out of the ocular fundus; sign of increased intracranial pressure
Presbyopia: decrease in power of accommodation that occurs with aging
Pterygium: triangular opaque tissue on the nasal side of the conjunctiva that grows toward the center of the cornea
Ptosis: drooping of upper eyelid over the iris and possibly covering pupil
Red reflex: red glow that appears to fill the person’s pupil when first visualized through the opthalmoscope
Strabismus: squint, crossed eye disparity of the eye axes
Xanthelasma: soft, raised yellow plaques occurring on the skin at the inner corners of the eyes