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87 Cards in this Set

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The autonomic nervous system consists of motor neurons that
innervate smooth and cardiac muscle and glands
The ANS consists of motor neurons that opperate via
subconscious control
What are the three ways the autonomic nervous system differs from the somatic nervous system
-Efferent Pathways
-Tangent organ responses
What are the effectors of the SNS
skeletal muscles
What are the effectors of the ANS (3)
Caridiac muscles, smooth muscles and glands
Axons of the ANS are a ______-______ chain
Two neuron
What is the first neruron of the ANS two neuron chain
What is the second neuron of the ANS two neuron chain
has a lightly myelinated axon
extends to an effector organ
All somatic motor neurons release _______, which has an ________ effect
which fibers release ACh (TQ)******
What do postganglionic fibers release and what is the effect
-norepinephrine or ACh
-either stimulatory or inhibitory
ANS effect on the target organ is dependent upon the ________ _________ and the _________ ___________ of the effector
-neurotransmitter released
-receptor type
What are the two divisions of the ANS
-sympathetic and parasympathetic
What does the sympathetic division of the ANS do
mobilizes the body during extreme situations (fright/flight)
What does the parasympathetic division of the ANS do
performs maintenance activities and conserves body energy (breed/feed)
Which division of the ANS deals with the "D" activities, and what are these
-digestion, defecation, and diuresis (breed/feed)
What division of the ANS deals with the "A" activities, and what are these
-exercise, excitement, emergency, and embarrassment
Which division of the ANS is the "Fight or Flight" division
Sympathetic Division: Origin of Fibers (TQ)****
-Thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord
Sympathetic Division: Length of Fibers (TQ)*****
-Short preganglionic and long postganglionic
Sympathetic Division: Location of Ganglia (TQ)****
Close to the spinal cord
Parasymphetic Divison: Origin of Fibers (TQ)****
Brain and sacral spinal cord
Parasymphetic Divison: Length of Fibers (TQ)****
Long preganglionic and short postganglionic
Parasymphetic Divison: Locatio of Ganglia (TQ)****
In the visceral effector organs
What is the ganglion and effector organ of the occulomotor (III) nerve
Which cranial nerve has the ganglion located within the walls of the target organs and what is the effector organs
-Vagus (X)
-Heart, lungs and most visceral organs
What is the effector organs of the sacral outflow
-Large intestine, urinary bladder, ureters, and reproductive organs
Sympathetic neurons produce the _______ ______ of the spinal cord
-Lateral Horns
In a sympathetic outflow preganglionic fibers pass through the ______ ________ _______ and _______ in the (paravertebral) ganglia
-White rami communicantes
Fibers from the T5-L2 form ________ nerves and synapses with ________ ganglia
Postganglionic fibers innervate the
numerous organs of the body
What ganglia forms part of the sympathetic trunk or chain
-Paravertebral ganglia
Postganglionic axons enter the _______ rami via the ______ rami communicantes
Rami communicantes are associated only with the ________ ________
-sympathetic division
Fibers of the thoracic _______ nerve pass directly to the _______ _______
-Adrenal Medulla
Upon stimulation, medullary cells secrete ________ and ________ into the blood
In visceral reflexes they are always __________ pathways
Visceral Reflexes: Afferent fibers are found in _______ and ________ nerves
-Spinal and autonomic
Pain stimuli arising from the _______ are perceived as _______ in origin
Visceral pain afferents travel along the same pathways as _______ ______ fibers
-Somatic pain
What are the two major neurotransmitters of the ANS
-Acetylcholine (ACh)
-Norepinephrine (NE)
ACh is releases by all ________ axons and all ________ ______ axons
-parasympathetic postganglionic
Cholinergic Fibers
ACh releasing fibers
Adrenergic Fibers (TQ)****
sympathetic postganglionic axons that release NE
neurotransmitters effects can be ______ or ______ depending upon the receptor type
-excitatory or inhibitory
What are the two type of receptors that bind ACh are
-nicotinic and muscarinic
Nicotinic and muscarinic are named after drugs that
bind to them and mimic ACh effects
Nicotinic receptors are found on (3)
-motor end plates
-ganglionic neurons
-hormone-producing cells of the adrenal medulla
The effects of ACh binind to nicotinic receptors is always
The effect of ACh binding depends on the
-receptor type of the target organ
The two types of adrenergic receptors are
alpha and beta
Alpha receptors are
generally stimulatory
Beta receptors are
generally inhibitory
A notible for adrenergic receptors is
norepinephrine binding to beta receptors of the heart is stimulatory
Effects of Drugs: Atropine
-blocks parasympathetic effects
Effects of Drugs: Neostigmine
-inhibits acetylcholinesterase and is used to treat myasthenia gravis
Effects of Drugs: Tricyclic antidepressants
prolong the activity of NA on postsynaptic membranes
Effects of Drugs: Beta-blockers
attach mainly to Beta receptors and reduce heart rate and prevent arrhythmias
Interaction of the autonomic divisions results in ______ _______ that precisely control visceral activity
-dynamic antagonisms
Sympathetic fibers
-increase heart and respiratory rates, and inhibit digestion and elimination
Parasympathetic fibers
-decrease heart and respiratory rates, and allow for digestion and the discarding of wastes
The sympathetic division controls blood pressure and keeps the blood vessels in a
continual state of partial constriction
Whic type of drugs interfere with vasomotor fibers and are used to treat hypertension
Drug that block parasympathetic responses
Parasympathetic fibers cause ______ and are responsible for ______ of the penis and clitoris
Which fibers cause ejaculation of semen in males and reflex peristalsis in females
-sympathetic fibers
What are the (5) unique roles of the sympathetic division
-adrenal medulla, sweat glands, arrector pili muscles, kendeys, and most blood vessels
What three aspects does the sympathetic division control
-thermoregulatory responses to hear
-release of renin from kindeys
-metabolic effects
applying heat to the skin causes _____ ______ of blood vessels
reflex dilation
What results in the widespeard dilation of blood vessels
-systemic body temperature elevation
When temperature falls, blood vessels _______ and blood is _______ in deeper vital organs
sympathetic impulses activate the kidneys to release
is an enzyme that promotes increases blood pressure
the parasympathetic division exerts
short-lives, highly localized control
the sympathetic divison exerts
long-lasting, diffuse effects
What does stimulating the reticular activating system of the brain do
increases mental alertness
sympathetic activation is long-lasting because NE is
inactivated more slowly than ACh
sympathetic activation is long-lasting because NE is an indrectly acting neurotransmitter, using a
second-messenger system
What is the main integration center of ANS activity
What center of control controls heart activity and blood pressure
the hypothalamic controls body temperature, ________ balance, and _____ activity
-water balance
-endocrine activity
The hypothalamic controls _________ stages (rage,pleasure) and ______ drives (hunger,thirse,sex)
-emotional stages
-biological drives
What part of the human body controls the "fight or flight" system
-hypothalamic center
In old age, ANS efficiency decreases, resulting in
-constipation, dry eyes, and orthostatic hypotension
Orthostatic hypotension
is a form of low blood pressure that occours when symphatetic vasoconstriction centers repsond slowly to positional changes