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20 Cards in this Set

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The policy of avoiding political or economic alliances with foreign countries.


The Limitation on, or removal of military weapons and forces from a person or country.


A numerical limit put on people or things.


The political belief in which the government is run by one political party and controls everything. Also all property is held in common and the state is considered more important than the individual.

Installment Plan

When a consumer makes small payments over a long period of time, until the debt is paid off.


The risky buying and selling of stocks in the hope of making a quick profit.


When something becomes smaller and smaller.


When something is made to be useful instead of comfortable or good looking.

[GNP] Gross National Product

This is the total value of goods and services produced by a country.

Welfare Capitalism

Offering workers higher wages and providing benefits.

Red Scare

Intense fear of communism and other politically radical ideas.

Teapot Dome Scandal

This was an embarrassment for President Harding involving his Secretary of Interior Albert B. Fall. Mr. Fall had given oil drilling rights, on government land, to companies who gave him money and gifts in return.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

This was an agreement signed by the U.S. and 14 other nations in which they agreed not to use the threat of war in their dealing with each other.

Schenck vs. N.Y.

This case saw the expansion of power for the Supreme Court when it ruled that the government can do away with constitutional right when there is a "Clear and Present Danger".

Palmer Raids

A 1920 operation coordinated by Attorney General Mitchel Palmer in which federal marshals raided the homes of suspected radicals in 33 cities, and charged them with anarchy, many without evidence.

Henry Ford

The American businessman who founded the Ford Motor Company, and became known as the father of modern assembly lines, and mass production.

Buying on Margin

An option that allowed investors to purchase a stock for only a fraction of its price and borrow the rest.

Personal Debt

This is all the debt that a person acquires over time.

Wonderful Prosperity

The false belief that all the good things that were happening in the economy would last forever.

Assembly Line

A process by which each person does a single job in order to make one product.