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23 Cards in this Set

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popular sovereignty

the idea that the people living in a state or territory should decide for themselves weather or not to allow slavery

compromise of 1850

would resolve several disputed between north and south. It also called for the admission of California as a free state and provided for the enforcement of the fugitive slave law

fugitive slave law

laws requiring states to return runaway slaves to the south

what became an issue after the Mexican war in 1848?


what idea was supported by senator cass to solve the issue of slavery?

popular sovereignty

How did the Free Soil Party affect the election of 1848?

it split the democrat vote causing Zachary Taylor to win

Who proposed the compromise of 1850?

Henry Clay

Name two of the provisions the compromise of 1850 called for

1) enforcement of fugitive slave law

2) admission of California as a free state

Who became president when Zachary Taylor died?

Millard Fillmore

who signed the compromise of 1850?

Millard Fillmore

what was the Underground Railroad?

a series of secret routes leading north (to freedom)

Who was Harriet Tubman?

an escaped slave from Maryland, led 300 slaves to freedom in the 1850s

Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

the act would create two new territories

1) Kansas

2) Nebraska

Republican Party

Northern Whigs and Democrats who opposed the extension of slavery to Kansas met in Wisconsin and Michigan in 1854

Dread Scott Decision

ruling which increased tension between North and South

Explain how uncle toms cabin moved the nation

it explained how hard slavery life was

who wrote uncle toms cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

What court decision in 1857 increased tension between the North and South?

Dread Scott Decision

what was the ruling? (Dread Scott Decision)

1) a slave was not a citizen and could not sue in the courts

2) a slave was the property of his owner and that congress had no authority to deprive a citizen of his property

What did it mean for the Missouri Compromise to be Unconstitutional?

meant a slave owner could now take his slave to any part of the United States

Who was John Brown?

an abolitionist who had already stirred up trouble in Kansas, led a band of 18 men into Harper's Ferry

Harper's Ferry

a sleepy town nestled in the Virginia mountains

who was the first republican President of the United States?

Abraham Lincoln