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36 Cards in this Set

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Free Soil Party
-Short-lived political party in US active in 1848 & 1852 elections.
-3rd party largely appealed to/drew greatest strength from NY.
-Leadership consisted of former anti-slave members of whig/democratic parties.
-Main purpose: oppose slavery movement into west territories.
Fugitive Slave Law
-passed by congress in 1850.
-Only John P. Hale, Charles Sumner, Salmon Chase & Benjamin Wade voted against it.
-Stated that in future any federal marshal who didn't arrest an alleged run-away slave could be fined $1000.
-Run-away suspects could be arrested w/o warrant & turned over to claimant on his sworn testimony.
-Suspect couldn't ask for jury trial on behalf.
Harriet Tubman
-Was African-American abolitionist/humanitarian/Union spy during Civil War.
-Born into slavery, but escaped it.
-Made 13 missions to rescue 70+ slaves using Underground Railroad.
-Helped John Brown recruit men for his raid on Harper's Ferry
-In post-war era struggled for women's suffrage.
Ostend Manifesto
-Doc. written 1854
-Described rationale for US to buy Cuba from Spain, if they refused US could declare war against Spain.
Kansas Nebraska Act
-created Kansas/Nebraska, opened new lands/repealed Missouri Compromise/allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries.
-Initial purpose was
Wilmot Proviso
-1 of major events leading to Civil War.
-Would have banned slavery in territory to be acquired from MX in MX War or in future including area later know as MX Cession.
-W/ some proponents construed to include disputed lands in s. TX & NM.
William Lloyd Garrison
-Prominent American abolitionist/journalist/social reformer.
-Best known as editor of The Liberator, & as 1 of founders of American Anti-Slavery Society.
-Promoted "immediate emancipation" of slaves in US.
-Also prominent for women's suffrage movement.
Frederick Douglas
-American social reformer/orator/writer/statesman.
-Escaped slavery & became leader of abolitionist movement.
-Gained renown for his dazzling oratory & incisive antislavery writing.
-Stood as living counter-example to slaveholders' arguments that slaves didn't have the intellectual capacity to function as American citizens.
-Became major speaker for the cause of abolition.
Popular Sovereignty
-Belief that legitimacy of th state is created by the will or consent of its people, the source of all political power.
Underground Railroad
-Informational network of secret routes & safe houses used by 19th cent. black slaves in US to escape to free states & Canada w/ aid of abolitionists who were sympathetic to their cause.
-Other routes led to MX or overseas.
Compromise of 1850
-Intricate package of 5 bill
-Passed in Sep. 1850
-Defused 4-year cinfrontation between southern slave states & northern free states thatah arose after MX-AME. War.
-Drafted by Whig Henty Clay
-Brokered by democrat Stephen Douglas
Dred Scott Decision
-The court decided that people of Afrcan ancestry, free or slaves, could never be US citizens
-African Americans could not sue in federal court
-Ruled that federal gov. didn't have power to prohibit slavery in its territories
-Scott remained a slave
Panic of 1857
-Financial panic US by declining international economy & overexoansion of domesric economy
Uncle Tom's Cabin
-Anti-slavery novwl by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
-Published in 1852
-Helped lay the groundwork for Civil War
Bleeding Kansas
-Series of violent events involving anti-slavery free-staters & pro-slavery "Border Ruffians"
-Took place in Kansas territory 7 west frontier twons of Missouri
-Between 1854-1858
-Conflict over wether Kansas should be a free or slave state
Crittenden Compromise
-Unsuccessful proposal by Kentucky Senator John J. Crittenden to resolve US succession crisis of 1860-1861by addresing concerns that led states in Deep South of US to contemplate secession from US
Fort Sumter
-A 3rd masory coastal fortification in Charleston harbor, South Carolina.
-Best known as site upon which shots initiated the American Civil War. Battle of fort Sumter
Jefferson Davis
-American statesman & leader of Confederacy during Civil War. Served as president for its history.
-West Point graduate.
-Fought in MEX.-AM. War as colonel of volunteer regiment & was US secretary of war under President Franklin Pierce.
Anaconda Plan
-Outline strategy for subduing states in Civivl War.
-Proposed by General-in-Chief Winfield Scott.
-Plan was to blockade southern ports & advance down Miss. R. to cut south in 2.
Robert E. Lee
-Carrer US Army officer/combat engineer.
-Became commanding general of Confederate Army in Civil War/postwar icon of South "lost cause.'
-Top grad. @ West Pnt.; distinguished himself as exceptional soldier in US Army for 32 yrs.
-Best known for commanding Army of Nothern Virginia in Civil War.
Ulysses S. Grant
-18th president of US & military commander during Civil War/post-war Reconstruction periods.
-Under him, Union beat Confederacy & ended in MEX.-AM. War.
-Began carrer as soldier after graduting from US Military Acedemy @ West Pnt. in 1843.
Iron Clads
-Steam-propelled warship used in 2nd 1/2 of 19th cent.
-Developed as result of vulnerability of wooden warships to explosives or incendary shells.
Battle of Antietam
-Fought Sep. 17, 1862 near Sharpburg, Maryland & Antietam Creek.
-Part of Maryland Campaign.
-1st major battle in Civil War to take place on Northern soil.
-Bloodiest single-day battle in American history w/ 23,000 casualties.
Emancipation Proclamation
-US executive order by Lincoln during Civil War under his war powers.
-Proclaimed freedom of 3.1 million of nation's 4 million slaves, & immediately freed 50,000 of them freed w/ the rest as Union advanced.
54th Regiment
-Infantrary regiment that saw service in Union Army during Civil War.
-1 of 1st official black units in US during Civil War.
Morril Tariff Act 1861
-American protective tariff law adopted on March 2, 1861 during Buchanan Administration & siged into law by President James Buchanan, Democrat.
Homestead Act 1862
-1 of 2 US federal laws that gave an applicant freehold title to up to 160 acres of undeveloped federal land west of Miss. R.
-Required 3 steps: file application, improve land, & file feed for deed of title.
Legal Tender Act 1862
-Medium of payment allowed by law or recognized by legal system to be valid for meeting financil obligation.
-Paper currency.
Pacific Railway Act 1862
-Act of congress that promoted the construction of transcontinental railroads in US through authorizing the issuance of gov. bonds & grants of land to railroad companies.
-The original act signed.
Some provisions were modified, expanded, or repealed by 4 additional Acts.
National Bank Act 1863
-1 of 2 US federal laws that established a system of national charters for US national banks.
-Encouraged development of national currency based on bank holdings of US Treasury securitues, so-called National Bank Notes.
-Imposed tax of 10% on the notes.
Battle of Vicksburg
-the final major military action in Vciksburg Campaign of Civil War.
-in series of manevours, Union major general Ulysses S. Grant & his Army of the Tennessee crossed Miss. R. & drove Confederate army into defensive lines surrounding the fortress city Vicksbug, Miss.
Battle of Gettysburg
-fought July 1-3 1863 in/around Gettysburg, Penn.
-Battle w/ largest # of casualties in Civil War.
-Often described as war's turning pnt.
-Union defeated attakcs by Confederates, ending Lee's invasion in North.
Copper Heads
-Vocal group of democrats in Northern US who opposed Civil War.
-Wanting immediate peace settlement w/Confederates
New York Draft Riots 1863
-Violent disturbances in New York City that were the culmination of discontent w/ new laws passed by Congress to draft men to fight in ongoing Civil War.
-Besides the war, riots were the largest insurrection in American history.
-April 9, remants of John Broun Gordon's corps & Fitzhug Lee's cavalry formed line of battle @ Appomattox Court House.
-Lee determined to make 1 last attempt to escaoe closing Union pincers & reach his supplies @ Lynchburg.
-union stipped advance & was surrounded on 3 sides.
-Lee surrendered to Grant; final engagement of the war in Virginia.
-Union victory.
Trent Affair
-International diplomatic incident that occured in Civil War.
-Nov. 8, 1861 USS San Jacinto intercepted British mail packet Trent & removed as contrband of war 2 confederate diplomats. James Mason & Joh Slidell.
-Envoys bound for Britain/France to press Confederacy's case for diplomatic recognition by Europe.