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52 Cards in this Set

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A ________________ disorder is the presence of a constellation of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that create significant distress, impair work, school, school, family relationships, or daily living (disability), and may lead to significant harm (danger).


A _____ is an impairment in the ability to perceive and comprehend events accurately and a gross disorganization of behavior


The ____________________Model is a way to understand the development of psychological disorders in which a predisposition to a given disorder (diathesis) and specific factors (stress) combine to trigger the onset of the disorder.


__________ bias is a diagnosis based on non-medical factors.


A ________ Disorder is a category of disorders marked by persistent or episodic disturbances in emotion that interfere with with normal functioning in at least one realm of life


______________ is a mood disorder characterized by at least two weeks of depressed mood or a loss of interest in nearly all activities along with sleeping or eating disturbances, loss of energy, and feelings of helplessness. It affects the ABCs: affect, behavior, and cognition.

Major Depression

________________ is a mood disorder marked by one or more epidsodes of either mania or hypomania. Episodes are followed or preceded by an episode of depression

Bipolar Disorder

An___________ Disorder is a category of disorders whose hallmark is intense, pervasive anxiety and fear and extreme attempts to avoid these feelings


_________ is a vague but persistent sense of foreboding or dread when not in the presence of a fear-invoking stimulus.


a _____________ is an episode of intense fear or discomfort accompanied by physical and psychological symptoms such as palpitations, breathing difficulties, chest pain, fear of impending doom or doing something uncontrollable, and a sense of unreality

Panic Attack

A ________ is a fear and avoidance of an object or situation extreme enough to interfere with everyday life.


A _________ phobia is a type of phobia involving fear of public humiliation or embarrassment and the avoidance of situations likely to arouse this fear


A __________ phobia is a type of phobia involving persistent and excessive, unreasonable fear triggered by a specific object or situation along with attempts to avoid the feared stimulus.


___________ Anxiety Disorder is a disorder whose hallmark is excessive anxiety and worry that is not consistently related to a specific object or situation


An _____________ is a recurring and persistent thought, impulse, or image that feels intrusive and inappropriate and is difficult to suppress or ignore


A ___________ is a repetitive behavior or mental act that an individual feels compelled to perform in response to an obsession


_____________ Disorder is a disorder marked by the presence of obsession and compulsion.


________________ Disorder is a disorder experienced by some people after a traumatic event whose symptoms include unwanted re-experiencing of the trauma, avoidance of anything associated with the trauma, and heightened arousal.

Post Traumatic Stress

_____________ is a psychiatric disorder in which the patient's affect, behavior, and thoughts are profoundly altered.


________ symptoms of schizophrenia involve an excess or distortion of normal functions such as hallucinations, delusions, disordered behavior, and disorganized speech


_________ symptoms of schizophrenia involve a lessening or loss of normal functions such as flat affect, alogia, and avolition


____________ Disorders is a category of disorders involving a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, or identity


________________ is an abrupt, unexpected departure from home or work combined with an inability to remember some or all of the past.

Dissociative Fugue

______________ is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by some attempt to prevent weight gain (purging).

Bulimia Nervosa

______________ is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by the refusal to maintain even a low, normal weight and an intense fear of gaining weight

Anorexia Nervosa

A ___________ Disorder is a category of disorders where relatively stable personality traits are inflexible and maladaptive causing distress or difficulty with daily functions


An ____________ Personality Disorder is a longstanding pattern of disregard for others to the point of violating other people's rights


_________ Therapy is a type of therapy based on well researched principles of learning that focuses on changing observable, measurable, behaviors


________________________ is a behavior therapy technique that teaches people to be relaxed in the presence of a feared object or situation.

Systematic Desensitization

__________________ is a category of therapeutic techniques for changing behavior based on operant conditioning techniques

Behavior Modification

In Rational-Emotive Therapy, _________ is being critical of oneself for performing poorly or being rejected.


In Rational-Emotive Therapy, low _________ tolerance is blaming everyone and everything for poor, disliked conditions.


_______________________ consist of irrational thoughts that arise from a systematic bias in the way a person thinks about reality.

Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive _____________ is the process of helping clients shift their thinking away from the focus of automatic, dysfunctional thoughts to more realistic thoughts


______________ is the process of educating clients about therapy and research findings pertaining to their disorder or problem


______________ Therapy is therapy that aims to remove distressing symptoms by leading people to understand their causes through deeply felt personal insights


____________ is an intensive form of therapy based on the idea that people's psychological difficulties are caused by conflicts among the Id, ego, and superego


______________ Therapy is a less intensive form of psychoanalysis with a decreased emphasis on sexual and aggressive drives.


______________ Therapy is a type of insight-oriented therapy that focuses on people's potential for growth and the importance of an empathetic therapist.


_______________ is the use of medication to treat psychological disorders and problems.


_______________________ is an irreversable movement disorder in which the person involuntarily smacks his/her lips, displays facial grimaces, and exhibits other symptoms.

Tardive Dyskinesia

____________ antipsychotics are a new group of antipsychotic drugs that affect dopamine and other neurotransmitters and have fewer side effects


__________ Inhibitors were the first antidepressant medications. The patient cannot eat foods containing tyramine while using these drugs.

Monoamine Oxidase

____________ is an herbal remedy for mild to moderate depression.

St. John's Wort

_______________ is the most common drug used for bipolar disorder


________________ are drugs that are used to treat anxiety and are not needed for more than a week.


_____________ Therapy is a controlled brain seizure used to treat people with certain psychological disorders or those for whom medication has not been effective or recommended.


________ Therapy is a therapy modality in which a number of clients with compatible needs meet together with one or two therapists.


_________ Therapy is a type of therapy that views a client's symptoms as occurring within a larger context or system. It is frequently used in family therapy


A _________ group is a group whose members focus on a specific disorder or event and do not usually have a clinically trained leader.


_____________________ is the use of techniques from different theoretical orientations with an overarching theory of how the integrated techniques will be used to achieve the goals of treatment

Psychotherapy Integration

_________________ is the use of specific techniques that may benefit a particular client without regard for an overarching theory.

Technical Eclecticism